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Which expansion do you prefer...?


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I only started playing around 6 months ago, so I don't know what HoT was like in its vanilla state. And as much as I dislike a number of things about HoT (mainly due to being a solo player), it very much has the content longevity.


PoF thus far has just been... too easy. That's partly why some have been losing interest so quickly.


Who knows what the coming months will bring to the maps though, and we do still have season 4. We'll just have to see what time will tell.

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Pof with Hot's meta events +adventures


Serpent ibre is ok ....mind you but really nothing like Dragon stand or any other meta in Hot


I get it....your main focus was mounts and you did a beautiful job at it but should not have axed the others this much

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I like PoF for the mounts, HoT for the metas, and the original game for everything else (although Trahearne was a big story mistake imo).


Going back to the core game with my new mounts on a new character is the most fun I've had in this game in a long time. PoF didn't successfully recreate the event chains, mob density and of course dungeons that made the original game so compelling imo. I will probably go back to the Hot maps when done with PoF.

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I did enjoy HoT to an extent. I liked the elites, though none of my mains had a decent open PVE build, or at least one I enjoyed. I had to pick up a complete new profession to stay relevant in WVW frontlines that sucked. I hated the mechanics of some mobs, hated the condition meta that came about. But most of all, I hated the map design with a passion. The layout confused the hell out of me, in all but AB and DS. Meta would pop up and suddenly you are trying to rush somewhere with no clue how to get there! Also, Meta on all maps made it unfocussed and felt like you were always on the metas timetable to play, not your own. How anyone can prefer HoT maps I don't know, I can only guess they came around to the game during this time. Over complex.


The new maps, love them. They go back to the original in my view. Hearts, events, exploration. Complexity and diversity without being over complex. The new maps invite you to play at your own pace, chose what you want to do and seek out others if needed. For example at 7am on a Saturday morning, I wrote in chat about an event linked to a griffon item, popped my mentor tag and 10+ players showed up and we took out the champ. Later on the same map, I jumped on an event, minutes later a handful of guys came and joined in. This is the magic of guild wars I missed and have discovered again. Not to mention I got holosmith and can really enjoy open PVE again. But WvW really REALLY needs a condition fix and ASAP.


One last thing, the story for HoT was good, but I felt the ending being on a meta event made it far less personal. This time around, the story >! apart from the awoken generals gripped me and the ending really felt like I did something.

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PoF actually entices me to explore and replay maps for *fun*. HoT maps I despise with a passion and only deal with them either to help friends or to hp grind. I still have no incentive to go out and complete all the HoT masteries because they're too time consuming, not fun enough and I hate everything about the balance of those maps, they were not balanced well in the slightest. PoF gives me a good challenge without it feeling like I can only succeed with an army of players. The best balancing for open world, story content and level design in the entire game, hands down.

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Both suck, but in a different ways!


HoT seems overcrowded with stuff and really messed up what concerns logistics. I haven't even bother to explore it after I meet a grind wall. =)))


PoF seems empty and grindy and artificially gated in content. Also childish with all those kawai mounts-rabbits and stuff. And really poorly designed in it's new PVE environment.


In general both are a really surprising to see as additin to original GW2. Smth like a poor attempt to show everyone how Anet can create challenging content for... near to zero reward after it. Also lack and a huge one of intuitive understanding of wtf should I do etc. etc. I really bought them as a shop item for gliding and mounts. There is a huge + for HoT for my fav spec - Daredevil and huge - for PoF for poorly made Deadeye. Seems like they spend more time discussing the naming of classes then class itself. =) And I rarely visit those locks (from time to time) and leave them fast - it really hurts to see for all ruined potentional and resources. =) IMHO

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Heart of Thorns by far.


I love the jungle (unlike deserts), I love the huge verticality and getting lost in it until you take the time to master and learn the jungle. I'm happy Desert Borderlands were added (hated core ones). Glider was 100% hit, along with it's related sections with updrafts, ley line gliding etc.

Outposts are great - pick your own way to do map meta and no major issues finding a group - ppl will naturally swarm to where the action is and you get your rewards as you run through it.

Also as someone stated - huge replay value.


Also huge bonus for creative, challenging mobs that force you to learn their weakness and play accordingly, or get destroyed. HoT actually introduced the concept of **defense** to open world pve play. No wonder so many babies went crying about how hard and unfair HoT is when their pure zerk builds got dumpstered by the jungle mobs that require something more then mashing "1".



With PoF i feel i'm doing core Tyria 2.0 with some very safe choices and very little innovation. Mounts are nice and extremely practical due to huge mobility boost, but they're not as innovative or daring as the glider was at the time of it's debut.

I don't know about longevity of this xpac, but the cutdown mastery system, no new Borderlands map (can't blame them here, Desert borderlands from hoT already covers the desert theme) and generally things that seem more QoL upgrades then new and innovative features it makes me think less of PoF then i think of HoT.

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