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Music - Zone Changing


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Dear ANet,

This is something that has always bothered me in GW2, since the early days.

I can go to Divinity's Reach and the town's theme is going to play. I will then go to Hoelbrak or Iron Citadel and Divinity's Reach theme will still play until the track finishes, then the actual theme for proper towns starts.

Same with the areas. I can be in Queensdale or Ascalonian zones where happy music will play, then I will go to Orr and the happy music will continue playing which is soooooooo frustrating! x_x

Not only does it kill the immersion, but it absolutely gets annoying having to listen to some of the themes that just don't fit the zone.

Same goes with many of the tracks that sometimes don't fit the zone's theme.

**Example being The Desolation. Worst thing is when Vabbi theme kicks in and starts playing, being all happy and cheerful and I'm in middle of sulfuric zone with Awakened and Bone Palace showing on the horizon. **


Is there a way to somehow make the music stop playing when we change zones where appropriate themes for the said zones will play instead?

A system similar to what Vistas do. Vista music causes the zone music to stop playing until it's done with its tune, then it switches back to a brand new track from the zone the vista is in.


Music is a huge deal for me, the GW1/GW2 soundtrack is beautiful and of course I enjoy being in right zones and wanting to hear the themes from these zones. Immersion is super important for me too and music absolutely adds to it.


Thanks so much and I really hope something gets done about it. I know it's not a number 1 priority thing, but it's really these tiny little things that mean a lot to people.

Thanks again!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you played with the 'Music Interval' option in Options? Might do something to help your issue.


> Good luck.


I'm not in game atm to check it out, but doesn't that just make it so that music plays track after track faster or slower? I don't think that solves the fact that music will just carry over to a whole new zone when I teleport :(


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Just bumping this in hope it gets noticed >>

As I mentioned music is a huge deal to me as it adds to in-game immersion and helps me actually feel the zone.

I really wish GW2 had the same music system as GW1, where each area has unique music to it. I don't feel that in GW2 unfortunately...and I really really wish that we had more distinct music per zone.

I am just going to take The Desolation as an example for that. We have the same tunes for each Elonian map it seems, minus Desert Highlands that actually has two very unique and amazing tracks to it! (Veins of the Dragon and Tomb of the Primeval Kings) , as well as Elon Riverlands with a unique tune.

When it comes to Desolation, we have a couple of perfectly fitting tracks that fit the gloomy theme of it. Yet...suddenly the Vabbi theme will start playing in middle of Desolation which absolutely kills the whole feel of the zone.

Has anyone else noticed this?


That being said, as I mentioned in the post above, please let music stop playing when we change zones and let music switch instantly to the appropriate theme of the zones. I really hate it when, for example, Divinity's Reach theme keeps playing even when I switch areas.

This really wasn't the case in GW1...for every time one would change zones the music would stop and change to the appropriate theme of the zone.

I really, really hope something gets done about this, or even a little option to check/uncheck whether we want music to instantly switch when we change zones etc.

I absolutely love the soundtrack and I wish we could hear more of unique themes in the zones rather than repeatable ones over and over again.



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that's not the only problem, if by chance you like to add your own music with the playlist system you can't add music per region.

what you described is my annoyance too tho, i love the original soundtrack and to listen to it while playing is a huge plus.

however, if the music is handled like a normal playlist instead of a sound track fitting the environment then they really need to look closely to why they add music, a soundtrack is there to add mood to an environment.


IMO the OST of GW2 is more fitting a movie than a game, GW1 has a better OST overall, fitting an environment really well and setting a mood perfect for the environment.

but then again, that might be just the nostalgia talking, remembering the first time i got in old ascalon with a music that made the environment feel desolated not just with how it looks but also the music that plays.


in all, they need to handle the music better, organize it per region and making it more strict on what plays where.

also, the playlist system should be expanded so we can assign proper music the way we want, eliminating the problem where a playlist is just a playlist.


PS. please do something about the random part, it is annoying when the first track is always prioritized and only then it starts to go random.

make it random from the start, even one of the oldest media player has this feature....

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> that's not the only problem, if by chance you like to add your own music with the playlist system you can't add music per region.

> what you described is my annoyance too tho, i love the original soundtrack and to listen to it while playing is a huge plus.

> however, if the music is handled like a normal playlist instead of a sound track fitting the environment then they really need to look closely to why they add music, a soundtrack is there to add mood to an environment.


> IMO the OST of GW2 is more fitting a movie than a game, GW1 has a better OST overall, fitting an environment really well and setting a mood perfect for the environment.

> but then again, that might be just the nostalgia talking, remembering the first time i got in old ascalon with a music that made the environment feel desolated not just with how it looks but also the music that plays.


> in all, they need to handle the music better, organize it per region and making it more strict on what plays where.

> also, the playlist system should be expanded so we can assign proper music the way we want, eliminating the problem where a playlist is just a playlist.


> PS. please do something about the random part, it is annoying when the first track is always prioritized and only then it starts to go random.

> make it random from the start, even one of the oldest media player has this feature....


I totally agree with everything you said. I really, really hope ANet does something about this and looks into how the music is handled in game. It's a huge deal to some of us and it's what makes the game unique and immersive.

I also agree about the GW1 OST. I have to say GW2 OST got better with the new artists, but GW1 really knew how to describe the mood of specific areas and stay true to the zones too.

It's not even nostalgia here. I have reinstalled GW1 just about two days ago and the thing that instantly struck me was the atmosphere and music. It's something that I'm missing in GW2 because music is literally so randomized and all over the place. >>

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