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[Elite Suggestion] Mechanist


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# Elite specialization concept by hugo.4705:

LAST UPDATE: 18/05/2019 "Revamped skills in a better way, so more understandable" No more abbreviations.






Name: Mechanist

Specialization theme: Enhancing weaponry: Have 10 weapons skills by default using 2(3 if pistol-p/s) weapons + Skills you have when using shortbow.


Weapon and special ability: Use of Shortbow fastly giving skills that replace the toolbelt, you have 5 shortbow skills.


Weapon is an enhanced tech bow.




## Main skills

2 modes: Passive and Overcharged.

Damages reminder: 1 Bleeding = 22/s, 1 Poison = 33.5/s, 1 Burning = 131/s, special case of confusion: normally 10/s, 49.5/s when using a skill.

Only utilities have 2 forms: First use and second uses, slightly different.


**Passive, use rapidly the bow before retaking your current weapon (rifle etc..)**



**Overcharged, use completely the bow, transform your weapon skills (1-2-3-4-5)**





## Other skills

**Healing skill, Utility skill (Only 3 permit those 4 can be chosen) and Elite skill**






## Specialization traits:

**A-Turn tool-belt into additional weapon skills F1-F5**

I-Glass shards: Many projectiles are now made of glass, Molotov, Cure 9000 and Improvised explosive now inflict bleeding on foes. Rifle skills inflict more bleeding.

II-Enhanced nets: Increase net capacities from 3 foes to 5. Immobilizing inflict 2 weakness.

III-Healing boost: Add healing power based on your power, 15% of power is added to healing power.


**B-Recharge diminution. Diminution of 20% on shortbow skills recharge time, also affect passive skills.**

IV-Advanced targeting: Increase the number of targets for some crossbow stance skills: 2 more targets for Charged bullet and Special trick.

V-Iron heart: Gain resistance in interval when using Watchwork golem. You now have 2 infinite might staying on you.

VI-Weakness exploitation: The skill Reality disruptor now inflict weakness. Pistols skills now give might.


**C-Increase of conditions duration. All conditions inflicted stay 20% longer.**

VII-Ammunition supplies: You have 2 more rockets for heat-seeking missiles skill.

VIII-Healthcare stocks: You now have 6 syringe instead of 3 to heal yourself, other heal skills now have an +1000 healing.

IX-Magnetic shield: Gain Aegis continuously when you stay within the Electro-Magnetic field. Shield skills now give resistance.



THE END, thanks for reading. Of course we can find some issues with damages/ conditions, that's why I'm asking for your opinions.


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A special ability should not involve a single specific weapon. What you do here is like having a berserker forced to take torch if he want to have the berserk stance or a DE forced to use riffle to gain access to the mark... etc. Come on, out of all traits, only 2 can be used freely with builds that don't use the shortbow and the e-spec utilities.


An e-spec should be constructed following these steps:

1- find a thematic flavor,

2- create a "neutral"/unrestricted special ability,

3- Roughly flesh out the traitlines into 3 "roles",

4- Add weapon and utility skills,

5- polish the traitlines to take into account weapon and utilities (1 trait for the weapon and 1 for the utilities, no more).


NB: I liked the art work, it reminded me of the game "might and magic" (which take me more than 20 years back... woah...)

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Thx for the feedback! Really apreciated. Happy to hear that you liked the artworks. :), I agree traits should be less dependant to the weapon/spec.


Wanted to do something special, not holographic weapons (holosmith) or a spec based on utilities (gyros of scrapper), here my theme for utilities is simply inventions. For the special ability it's just "using the bow for stronger attacks" but yeah it's not really stunning.


Edit: Changed some traits to affect CORE engie.

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Alchemy already exists as a core specialization, so it would be redundant to have two specializations that sound similar. Mechanist would be a better name in my opinion.


A shortbow wouldn't fit with the engineer's theme. Engineer is a profession that goes well with firearms and blunt weapons, so mace and even staff would be a better engineer weapon.


Also, I'm amazed at the amount of work you did for this thread post. Instead of plain boring text, you went out of your way to draw art for the specialization and weapon skills. I applaud your hard work.

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EDIT2- changed the name, definitely fit better my specialization. Thx a lot. I think shortbow can make his way through. I linked it with the energy/electric/inventions theme. Shortbow can sound weak and non-impressive, but I turned it into a blast weapon.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> I guess the one skill should be called Heat-Seeking Missiles instead of Head-Seeking Missiles. ^^

> And you are missing an utility skill, you just have 3 but each elite spec provides 4 new utility skills.


Changed the skill name thx :), btw, are you sure about the 4 utilities? I always thought 1 healing skill + 3 utilities + 1 elite. Maybe you took them as tool belt which have 4 skills (heal + utilities)?

Ref: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill_bar

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > I guess the one skill should be called Heat-Seeking Missiles instead of Head-Seeking Missiles. ^^

> > And you are missing an utility skill, you just have 3 but each elite spec provides 4 new utility skills.


> Changed the skill name thx :), btw, are you sure about the 4 utilities? I always thought 1 healing skill + 3 utilities + 1 elite. Maybe you took them as tool belt which have 4 skills (heal + utilities)?

> Ref: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill_bar


You can just pick 3 utility skills for your skill bar, but the elite spec comes with 4 utility skills to chose from.

Take the scrapper, for example.



He comes with the healing skill: Medic Gyro

4 Utility skills: Shredder Gyro, Blast Gyro, Purge Gyro, Bulwark Gyro

and the elite skill: Stealth Gyro.


But you can just fit 3 of these utilities in your bar, you have to chose from these 4. ^^

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To be honest, I don't like the presentation of the information. All the abbreviations and shorthand clutter up all the information and makes comparing what you suggest to similar mechanics in the game take more time than it should. I would really work on studying how information about professions in this game get presented, i.e. I would use the same basic layout and framework that other users do or that the wiki does. For instance, you say "VIII-Healthcare stocks: You now have 6 syringe instead of 3 to heal yourself, you can now use other heal skills two times instead of one." when what really should be said "VIII- Healthcare Stock: Double the number of syringes from 3 to 6. Synthetic Blood becomes an ammo skill (turning all heal skills into ammo skills is just a balance nightmare)." This makes it easier to read the Elite and compare what you are doing with other mechanics in the game swiftly. Honestly, if you presented the information as a profession would normally be presented you wouldn't need abbreviations and thus a legend.



> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Alchemy already exists as a core specialization, so it would be redundant to have two specializations that sound similar. Mechanist would be a better name in my opinion.


> A shortbow wouldn't fit with the engineer's theme. Engineer is a profession that goes well with firearms and blunt weapons, so mace and even staff would be a better engineer weapon.


> Also, I'm amazed at the amount of work you did for this thread post. Instead of plain boring text, you went out of your way to draw art for the specialization and weapon skills. I applaud your hard work.


A bow could work if it were a tech bow, kinda like how Hawkeye and Green Arrow fire a variety of tech-based arrows.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > Alchemy already exists as a core specialization, so it would be redundant to have two specializations that sound similar. Mechanist would be a better name in my opinion.

> >

> > A shortbow wouldn't fit with the engineer's theme. Engineer is a profession that goes well with firearms and blunt weapons, so mace and even staff would be a better engineer weapon.

> >

> > Also, I'm amazed at the amount of work you did for this thread post. Instead of plain boring text, you went out of your way to draw art for the specialization and weapon skills. I applaud your hard work.


> A bow could work if it were a tech bow, kinda like how Hawkeye and Green Arrow fire a variety of tech-based arrows.


If a shortbow is going to be engineer's new weapon in the next expansion, it would be great if it's a weapon that applies some damaging conditions per skill, but those skills also cause blast finishers. So it's not a weapon that would be used for damage, but rather for utility purposes. Similar to how thief uses the shortbow for mobility, engineer's shortbow would be a fantastic weapon for support scrapper.


The only weapon engineer has that causes blast finishers is the shield, but the cooldown is too long and it only has one blast finisher, so making a weapon that allows the engineer to cause blast finishers more frequently and reliably would improve support scrapper greatly.

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Yup I agree @"Dace.8173" , but I'm against formatting like everywhere else. I used abreviation (d, P, t..) if you mean that, to make the info clearer, what I should have done instead is simply like in game a skill square with under it, rectangular pannel for details: recharge time, damages, combos and so on. Will redo the presentation better, I can understand that comparing is very hard in the actual case. I done as simple as I can, because using the regular skill/trait description would have been confusing to me and maybe some other players.


Ps. Currently a tech bow, will add a note. Edit healing, both are self-use.


Thanks for your helpful feedback trough.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > Alchemy already exists as a core specialization, so it would be redundant to have two specializations that sound similar. Mechanist would be a better name in my opinion.

> > >

> > > A shortbow wouldn't fit with the engineer's theme. Engineer is a profession that goes well with firearms and blunt weapons, so mace and even staff would be a better engineer weapon.

> > >

> > > Also, I'm amazed at the amount of work you did for this thread post. Instead of plain boring text, you went out of your way to draw art for the specialization and weapon skills. I applaud your hard work.

> >

> > A bow could work if it were a tech bow, kinda like how Hawkeye and Green Arrow fire a variety of tech-based arrows.


> If a shortbow is going to be engineer's new weapon in the next expansion, it would be great if it's a weapon that applies some damaging conditions per skill, but those skills also cause blast finishers. So it's not a weapon that would be used for damage, but rather for utility purposes. Similar to how thief uses the shortbow for mobility, engineer's shortbow would be a fantastic weapon for support scrapper.


> The only weapon engineer has that causes blast finishers is the shield, but the cooldown is too long and it only has one blast finisher, so making a weapon that allows the engineer to cause blast finishers more frequently and reliably would improve support scrapper greatly.


If they introduce the short bow as a new weapon for an elite spec, then this doesn't help support scrapper at all. Don't forget that elite specs don't have access to each others weapons, scrapper can't use sword, just like holosmith can't use hammer currently.

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You describe the passive/active Shortbow skills as being condi/support and power focused respectively, but both of them look like condi/support skillsets to me with the profession mechanic functioning as an unrestricted weapon swap.


Also, the toolbelt replacements look like they came from a chemist based elite spec that's based around throwing chemicals at your feet (for reference, Photon forge's auto attacks are 240 range compared to your thrown/shot molotov with a 250 range.)






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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > Alchemy already exists as a core specialization, so it would be redundant to have two specializations that sound similar. Mechanist would be a better name in my opinion.

> > >

> > > A shortbow wouldn't fit with the engineer's theme. Engineer is a profession that goes well with firearms and blunt weapons, so mace and even staff would be a better engineer weapon.

> > >

> > > Also, I'm amazed at the amount of work you did for this thread post. Instead of plain boring text, you went out of your way to draw art for the specialization and weapon skills. I applaud your hard work.

> >

> > A bow could work if it were a tech bow, kinda like how Hawkeye and Green Arrow fire a variety of tech-based arrows.


> If a shortbow is going to be engineer's new weapon in the next expansion, it would be great if it's a weapon that applies some damaging conditions per skill, but those skills also cause blast finishers. So it's not a weapon that would be used for damage, but rather for utility purposes. Similar to how thief uses the shortbow for mobility, engineer's shortbow would be a fantastic weapon for support scrapper.


> The only weapon engineer has that causes blast finishers is the shield, but the cooldown is too long and it only has one blast finisher, so making a weapon that allows the engineer to cause blast finishers more frequently and reliably would improve support scrapper greatly.


That's a viable idea and having an additional weapon that produces blast finishers would be nice. Though to be clear, my comment wasn't meant to mean that it had to be a specific thing, just that you could make a bow fit the Engineer theme. I think a short bow that had the skin of a crossbow that fired tech arrows would be awesome. In regards to your idea though, I think if they implemented that then the Elite in question would need a Photon Forge like mechanic to help cover for the fact that the short bow is a support weapon and not a damage dealer. Not an inherently bad thing, mind you. Just something I think should be mentioned and taken into consideration.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Yup I agree @"Dace.8173" , but I'm against formatting like everywhere else. I used abreviation (d, P, t..) if you mean that, to make the info clearer, what I should have done instead is simply like in game a skill square with under it, rectangular pannel for details: recharge time, damages, combos and so on. Will redo the presentation better, I can understand that comparing is very hard in the actual case. I done as simple as I can, because using the regular skill/trait description would have been confusing to me and maybe some other players.


> Ps. Currently a tech bow, will add a note. Edit healing, both are self-use.


> Thanks for your helpful feedback trough.


You don't need to create a rectangular panel or anything like that. It's all about the wording. Check out some of the other threads that discuss new Elites and you'll see what I mean. They write using the same language that is found in game, such as the example I gave you of changing the wording to read ammo skill so that it is apparent right away the type of mechanics you are suggesting.


The current presentation just reads as cluttered and it could easily be streamlined to not read that way.



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  • 3 months later...

I'm not feeling the theme. I guess when I hear Mechanist, I don't think of this.


This concept seems jumbled and forced. I'm not sure what you are going for. I there any fictional character that would be a close example.


Just think, core engineer is a gadgeteer/alchemist that uses an of kits and has disposable turrets. Scrapper is up in your face with an electrically charged hammer with tinkered, automated, gyro that provide aid at player's command. Holosmith is a creator and manipulator of hard light, and knows how to use their holograms as a weapon along with their sword.


Mechanist, a bow welding, light projecting, head seeking missile firing, combatant. Doesn't work for me. Maybe if I saw the animations... just maybe.


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  • 1 month later...

> @"derd.6413" said:

> so the shortbow is also it's class mechanic?


Sorry for late answer. (I took some time to redo the skills presentation, thinking about the spec)

Yup, like photon forge for holosmith, that new toolbelt would be a shortbow/crossbow you take from your back, just like scrapper gyro, it would appear as an artifact on your back: You equip it transitionally before retaking your main weapon (so rifle etc OR shortbow if you equipped it). I wonder if it's possible, technically yeah it would simply work like regular toolbelt keys/ special action keys.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > so the shortbow is also it's class mechanic?


> Sorry for late answer. (I took some time to redo the skills presentation, thinking about the spec)

> Yup, like photon forge for holosmith, that new toolbelt would be a shortbow/crossbow you take from your back, just like scrapper gyro, it would appear as an artifact on your back: You equip it transitionally before retaking your main weapon (so rifle etc OR shortbow if you equipped it). I wonder if it's possible, technically yeah it would simply work like regular toolbelt keys/ special action keys.


not gonna lie, that's kinda dull

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That B minor trait seems a bit trivial to have a 20% cooldown reduction on Shortbow skills when you could just shorten the cooldowns of the weapon skills. Frees up a non-optional trait for something better.


Wasn't much of a fan of Ranger Shortbow, and was disappointed with Renegade Shortbow so it's hard to like it. Thief Shortbow is probably the only decent template imo.

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