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Every day there are more and more Fractal groups looking for Chrono with no success...


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I assume it's because nowadays no one is migrating to the Mesmer class (Notably Chronomancer spec) because they know full well it's gonna keep getting nerfed.


After multiple nerfs, people are now afraid of using a character slot on a class that could one day be completely ruined by nerfs.


Or maybe people are just waiting for the Divine gear?



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With the last patch anet did this in their code

Chrono = Chrono-(op things that made sense to nerf + fun)


Basically less people want to play chrono simply because right now the rotation (mostly the opener) is clunky and you don't really have control over what you are doing during the fight


Obviously people are still defending this patch. The nerf was right. How they did it absolutely no. When you balance something you have to be sure that it is at least still fun to play. Basically a chrono is a support, which is already not that much appealing to a lot of players, that is also not fun to play.

Only masochistic players like to play it


I am one of those players that stopped playing chrono and is playing something else while waiting for a patch that a least gives fun back

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Could be due to multiple reasons:


- the amount of people who are willing to play support roles and take on extra responsibilities is smaller than the loss in chrono players

- people are unwilling to devote time to new classes until a new meta is established and maybe consistent for a while. It's no fun to change class, build, gear ever 2-3 months, and be the guy responsible for the most mechanics at the same time (this covers most support roles)

- many players are slow to adapt to new metas or unwilling to re-learn how to play. FB+Ren are very viable for fractals

- chrono as a class has become a lot less fun to play. Wells are not fun when many fight mechanics are designed to specifically prevent stacking

- chrono players are tired (I am for one) and have moved to easier roles or will only chrono for guild mates or static groups


Me personally, I chrono for friends or when I feel like it. Rarely in PUG fractals. Why? Because DH dps, BS warrior or Heal Scourge are a lot more fun and I can find a group fast enough.

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There is also the fact that after the most recent nerfs we were immediately told new gear that would change the meta would be released in 2 months. A lot of us just said, 'fuck it, I'm not regearing or playing for 2 months'. Pretty easy decision for people who want to go enjoy the holidays too.

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I can tell you my story I guess..


I am a returning player from release, so everything is new to me. I created a mes to play as a chrono, cause it seemed like it would land my in a fractal group pretty easily. I was pretty much told if you don't have some ascended gear don't apply... so w/e. I've been grinding winterberries and blood stone rubies along with crafting the base mats for crafting ascended gear daily for the better part of 40 days.


I'm in a position now where I could almost gear out two characters/roles, but the work it took... I want to gear out something I can play for more then a week or two until the next meta takes hold. No way I am committing to anything right now.. even though I have a mes and a guard which seem to possibly be meta, but I can't really tell.


Either way the open world grind has been a lot of fun, and my current impulse is just spend the mats for open world gear.. I mean why not??? Fractals and Raids sound like a cold and calculated meta equation.. and hardly any fun to me all anymore. Whereas open world I can gear as I want and try different builds.. make mistakes, have successes, see my improvements...


Even writing this right now I can see.. forget your meta only fractal/raid play; it hardly even sounds interesting anymore. I'll stay in the open world.


..wonder how my other returning or new players have come to the same conclusion.


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> @"Roci.4638" said:

> I can tell you my story I guess..


> I am a returning player from release, so everything is new to me. I created a mes to play as a chrono, cause it seemed like it would land my in a fractal group pretty easily. I was pretty much told if you don't have some ascended gear don't apply... so w/e. I've been grinding winterberries and blood stone rubies along with crafting the base mats for crafting ascended gear daily for the better part of 40 days.


> I'm in a position now where I could almost gear out two characters/roles, but the work it took... I want to gear out something I can play for more then a week or two until the next meta takes hold. No way I am committing to anything right now.. even though I have a mes and a guard which seem to possibly be meta, but I can't really tell.


> Either way the open world grind has been a lot of fun, and my current impulse is just spend the mats for open world gear.. I mean why not??? Fractals and Raids sound like a cold and calculated meta equation.. and hardly any fun to me all anymore. Whereas open world I can gear as I want and try different builds.. make mistakes, have successes, see my improvements...


> Even writing this right now I can see.. forget your meta only fractal/raid play; it hardly even sounds interesting anymore. I'll stay in the open world.


> ..wonder how my other returning or new players have come to the same conclusion.



Don't worry, you can play whatever build you want in fractals. Just make sure to join or create groups that do not really care about such things. You'll find plenty of them and if not, as I said, open your own lfg.

When gearing your chars I still recommend having proper stats and not every armor piece being a different one with 6 different runes. Runes have a bonus which stacks to 6 so it's almost everytime to slot 6 of the same. For weapons it's a little bit easier and less important for casual game play.

Almost all fractal groups with no requirements are very friendly and don't force you to do special things or behave in a certain way. Be there, help the team, rez downed players, stay next to the team and don't do things that would be counter-productive against the team goal.

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> @"Roci.4638" said:

> I can tell you my story I guess..


> I am a returning player from release, so everything is new to me. I created a mes to play as a chrono, cause it seemed like it would land my in a fractal group pretty easily. I was pretty much told if you don't have some ascended gear don't apply... so w/e. I've been grinding winterberries and blood stone rubies along with crafting the base mats for crafting ascended gear daily for the better part of 40 days.


> I'm in a position now where I could almost gear out two characters/roles, but the work it took... I want to gear out something I can play for more then a week or two until the next meta takes hold. No way I am committing to anything right now.. even though I have a mes and a guard which seem to possibly be meta, but I can't really tell.


> Either way the open world grind has been a lot of fun, and my current impulse is just spend the mats for open world gear.. I mean why not??? Fractals and Raids sound like a cold and calculated meta equation.. and hardly any fun to me all anymore. Whereas open world I can gear as I want and try different builds.. make mistakes, have successes, see my improvements...


> Even writing this right now I can see.. forget your meta only fractal/raid play; it hardly even sounds interesting anymore. I'll stay in the open world.


> ..wonder how my other returning or new players have come to the same conclusion.


Rocci, I've been PUGing a lot of T4 fractals lately and most groups are just like this. Find a build you enjoy playing, know how to play it well, gear it sensibly, and don't join groups that are specifically asking for something that you are not and you'll be fine. Most PUGs are just looking for relatively smooth runs that allow completion of the dailies and recommended fractals without too much hassle so they can get on with the rest of the stuff in the game they want to do.


> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Don't worry, you can play whatever build you want in fractals. Just make sure to join or create groups that do not really care about such things. You'll find plenty of them and if not, as I said, open your own lfg.

> When gearing your chars I still recommend having proper stats and not every armor piece being a different one with 6 different runes. Runes have a bonus which stacks to 6 so it's almost everytime to slot 6 of the same. For weapons it's a little bit easier and less important for casual game play.

> Almost all fractal groups with no requirements are very friendly and don't force you to do special things or behave in a certain way. Be there, help the team, rez downed players, stay next to the team and don't do things that would be counter-productive against the team goal.




> @"phs.6089" said:

> No there isn't, pug hardly care of crono before as well, as far as they get a babysitting profession and 4 dps they are good to go


And this as well.


The question I would ask you to think about is do you like playing mesmer, or were you only making one because you thought it would be easier to get into fractals with one. If you like the mechanics of the profession, then I suggest sticking with it. I've been playing this game for a long time and seen many nerf, buffs, meta changes, and what not. It's much easier to roll with all of this if you enjoy the class mechanics of your profession.

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I'm honestly fine with a straight DPS Chrono, even if that means shorter boon uptime.


I like Chrono in my groups for exactly 4 reasons:

- Quickness

- Alacrity

- Focus pull

- Portals


I can get Quickness and Alacrity from other professions, but only Chrono gives all the 4 above. Are they needed to complete a fractal? Of course not. But they sure do make it easier.


So ill keep LFG'ing for a Chrono, and if ever there comes a time when after 15-20mins rolls and one doesn't show, I'll take whatever.

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I'm one of the people who thought it needed a massive nerf and played mirage because I didn't want to be shoehorned into a boon factory.


Honestly, the destruction of the chrono meta made me start playing it again. I'm now a power/CC build that happens to dish out a lot of alacrity and quickness. I can keep a lot of boons up on myself as a side effect, which is fairly decent as an impure DPS role. It's still a solid all-rounder.


Focus pull is life. Gravity Well eats trash mobs and breakbars. Chrono 4 eva.


However, I tend to start my own groups in the LFG explicitly asking for relaxed, friendly people because I'm a filthy casual. This works and we actually discuss strategy and chat as we play, plan ahead, actually work as a team. It's like a cheat code to bypass T3 PUG toxicity and "no just dps" suicide squads that wouldn't know a mechanic if it shook its enormous red AOE at them. When I get to T4, I look forward to the unending glory that chronos are showered with, free from toxicity and ragequits.

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No change then. from the day1 (for me)when i hit T4 ,all lfgs are with 3dps looking for "chrono+druid". And it will be the same until some speedrun guilds dont upload their sites with diferent comp. I hope the will make a joke on 1.April and make huge thread with fake builds and i guarantee you LFG will be full of those jokes :D

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> Amusingly, nothing has changed since pretty much day one. Good old CoF1 "4x Warrior, 1x Mesmer" groups were always looking for that one mesmer back in ancient 2012.


Yup, as glorified Time Warp bot. Until people figured out that bringing 5 warriors does the trick as well since the dps loss with bringing a Mesmer was quite a hit.


So you are essentially saying, nothing has changed that mesmer/chrono remains a glorified boon support for over 6 years, gotcha.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > Amusingly, nothing has changed since pretty much day one. Good old CoF1 "4x Warrior, 1x Mesmer" groups were always looking for that one mesmer back in ancient 2012.


> Yup, as glorified Time Warp bot. Until people figured out that bringing 5 warriors does the trick as well since the dps loss with bringing a Mesmer was quite a hit.


> So you are essentially saying, nothing has changed that mesmer/chrono remains a glorified boon support for over 6 years, gotcha.


It was a joke. Sorry, thought that was more clear. I know they haven't really been a thing during the dungeon days after CoF and pretty much until HoT with it's must-have position for Chronomancers. It is just funny to see all of the complaining as people still can't seem to decide whether they hate needing Chronomancers more than they hate not having one even with the alternatives avaible. So I couldn't help myself there.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > Amusingly, nothing has changed since pretty much day one. Good old CoF1 "4x Warrior, 1x Mesmer" groups were always looking for that one mesmer back in ancient 2012.

> >

> > Yup, as glorified Time Warp bot. Until people figured out that bringing 5 warriors does the trick as well since the dps loss with bringing a Mesmer was quite a hit.

> >

> > So you are essentially saying, nothing has changed that mesmer/chrono remains a glorified boon support for over 6 years, gotcha.


> It was a joke. Sorry, thought that was more clear. I know they haven't really been a thing during the dungeon days after CoF and pretty much until HoT with it's must-have position for Chronomancers. It is just funny to see all of the complaining as people still can't seem to decide whether they hate needing Chronomancers more than they hate not having one even with the alternatives avaible. So I couldn't help myself there.


True that, I got the joke part. Guess my response was a bit to direct. My bad. :)

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > Amusingly, nothing has changed since pretty much day one. Good old CoF1 "4x Warrior, 1x Mesmer" groups were always looking for that one mesmer back in ancient 2012.

> >

> > Yup, as glorified Time Warp bot. Until people figured out that bringing 5 warriors does the trick as well since the dps loss with bringing a Mesmer was quite a hit.

> >

> > So you are essentially saying, nothing has changed that mesmer/chrono remains a glorified boon support for over 6 years, gotcha.


> It was a joke. Sorry, thought that was more clear. I know they haven't really been a thing during the dungeon days after CoF and pretty much until HoT with it's must-have position for Chronomancers. It is just funny to see all of the complaining as people still can't seem to decide whether they hate needing Chronomancers more than they hate not having one even with the alternatives avaible. So I couldn't help myself there.


Mesmer was meta for the full dungeon meta times just because they were the only profession with a portal. Ele was way stronger than Warr aswell back then but took forever until people realized that.


Chrono is just really clunky to play now. Your allies need to stay in your well 3sec after it was casted or they wont have boons for 20sec+. FB and Rene are just so forgiving on the boons. Just hit the button off cooldown and be close to teammates and they will have perma boons. Downtime on miss is rather small aswell.

10 target SOI made it just up in 5 player teams. It doesn't even scale with boon duration.

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i have chrono, i just no longer wanna play it. up until now, chrono have some fun in rotating boons, now it's braindead, boring, risky (if ppl move out), very unrewarding, and bad for the meta overall (even if still sort of best quickness/alacrity slot). Disaster decision by anet; I told them before, i told them during it, and after it, that it would kill the amount of chrono's played, break up lfg's in long uptimes, wich more and more ppl quitting. Either stop the train anet (this shit state) or have it coming: lot of ppl perma leaving, to not come back.

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