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'Slippery Slope' instabilty is terrible for cliffside [merged]

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > Nice words. Now just record a video showing us how to do that in swampland or Molten Boss.

> >

> > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > You can't properly position youself, fighting with enemy in front of you, while you have archers or granaders in unreachable place behind you, not to mention all around you. Plus, try to play with outflanked in Swamplands, the very fractal that is designed to outflank you and everyone in your party.

> >

> > Ever heard of AoE damage? Dunno, had 0 problems with those mobs running around. They didn't even reach us to land any attack at all.


> Well, we all know now that you are not affected by instabilities, whatever the combo and whatever the fractal. Congratulations.

> The rest of us will keep talking about them, if you don't mind.


It's just a matter of git gud, that's all. I mean, it's ok if non-meta groups with "not so skilled players" have problems. This was always present in fractals but since experience told us not everything is as hard as some people are trying to tell, especially not 2 days after a patch. Slippery Slope is a different thing because it definitely influences very good players from having a decent successful run. Outflanked can be ignored, dealt with or healed against if you know how to play this game.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > > Nice words. Now just record a video showing us how to do that in swampland or Molten Boss.

> > >

> > > > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > > > You can't properly position youself, fighting with enemy in front of you, while you have archers or granaders in unreachable place behind you, not to mention all around you. Plus, try to play with outflanked in Swamplands, the very fractal that is designed to outflank you and everyone in your party.

> > >

> > > Ever heard of AoE damage? Dunno, had 0 problems with those mobs running around. They didn't even reach us to land any attack at all.

> >

> > Well, we all know now that you are not affected by instabilities, whatever the combo and whatever the fractal. Congratulations.

> > The rest of us will keep talking about them, if you don't mind.


> It's just a matter of git gud, that's all. I mean, it's ok if non-meta groups with "not so skilled players" have problems. This was always present in fractals but since experience told us not everything is as hard as some people are trying to tell, especially not 2 days after a patch. Slippery Slope is a different thing because it definitely influences very good players from having a decent successful run. Outflanked can be ignored, dealt with or healed against if you know how to play this game.

By a small (very small) percentage of all fractal players, sure. For everyone else? Depending on specific fractal, there _will_ be problems, especially if coupled with some other instabilities.

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Okay, so Slippery Slope at 100CM actually went fine. Took a bit longer than usual, at about 17 minutes, but I have to say it's exceedingly annoying.

Even before the first boss, trying to stack at the Singularity the first 4 players slipped to their death.

After slowly maneuvering to the Singularity on the second try after GG'ing, I couldn't even precast skills like Empower without slipping off within the cast animation, etc., since the ground to stand on isn't even.


After that, aside from bouncing orbs being a bit of a hassle to come to a stand still in them, it wasn't much of a mechanical feature, aside from being a massive annoyance.


It's not fun, it's not particularly challenging, it's just incredibly annoying.

I'm not sure that was the design goal.


This is worse than old Social Awkwardness in terms of sucking out the fun of Fractals.


If you are completely set on not removing the Instability, absolutely make it so that it gets disabled by Stability, as you originally planned, or just make very specific areas of each Fractal "slippery" designed by hand, like downward slopes, so it's just a fun thing every now and then, instead of ruining the entire gameplay experience.



(Also, I fear the day we get Social Awkwardness, Slippery Slope, and maybe even Stick together in a fractal, especially CM's)

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>I'm sure some instability have restrictions. eg. S.A will not be paired with Stick Together etc. or it can be made possible.


I know you are just trying to make a point about how Dev side might have already thought of how certain instabilities would interact with each other and thus already mutually exclude them in a combination, but having personally browsed through the list of T4 fractals in game on day 1 of release and checking the combination of each fractal, I did find S.A. and Stick Together on the same fractal.


As stated previously by Ben, players commenting right now (myself included) are imagining a lot of different combinations or situations that may have already been excluded (and thus wasting our time discussing it).


But on the flip side, I think the initial introduction is bound to be not perfectly tuned (damage increment-wise, combination-wise) and there will be adjustments once they get some data, in-game or otherwise.

And to hasten that process, I would recommend posting a white/black list for all instabilities as was previously revealed when we were using the old instabilities so if a Dev is reading these threads they won't need to sieve through non-implemented instability combos comments that people are imagining up. (Also probably in a fresh thread for better visibility)

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> With insts like SLIPPERY SLOPE and OUTFLANKED, fractal experience has become very annoying for pro teams, and impossible for regular pugs.

> and that without considering many of the new possible combos, like slippery + social awk.


> Remove them, please.


> Fractals were great and fun until yesterday.


Actually for experienced players, outflanked is buff xd

But yea slippery is stupid and need rework/remove

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On old mistlocks, social was the biggest pain but could be played around: stay near each other but around the boss.

Slippery can't be played around, it's just annoying to play with - NOT challenging in any terms, just annoying.

Anet plz rework it or remove, cuz it's hell worst than old SA.

casual players may find it funny(it could be) but if ur going for fast daily kills, it's just making run much longer, without any counterplay.

BTW is it possible to get SA and slippery at the same moment?

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Downed on Solid Ocean last night because I got Social Awkwardness bumped out of range of a crystal shard by a fellow player. Feelsbad.


Haven't had Slippery Slope yet, but if it's as bad as everyone says, I'll either choose a lower/higher version of the fractal in the same tier (if possible) or I'll just skip it altogether for that night. If the instability creates more of a challenge to the player than boss mechanics in the fractal, you know something is off...





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While Social Awkwardness was changed in a positive and more fun(?) way or at least I liked it, I can't say the same for the Slippery Slope, its just annoying and no fun. Maybe in some fractals its ok (snow?), but for example today in 100 CM just makes things more annoying. Please remove it, I don't want to spent 10min+ that the average time each day just for that instability.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> Slippery slope cannot appear in solid ocean, uncategorized, thaumanova, or volcanic. In some fractals we have also added exclusion zones, such as the jumping bits in Chaos.


If you have to add so many exclusions for it to "work", maybe it shouldn't be in the game in the first place? Honestly I'd take old social awkwardness twice than this one. Sadly , we probably will be stuck with this awful instability forever.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:


> Through testing we determined that for some fractals it simply did not work so we disabled it for those. As I said before, Cliffside and Underground Facility were intended to be excluded, but were not due to a bug.


What exactly is the reason you left it in at all? Do you actually think it's fun? I'm sorry, but it really isn't.

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Can i go daily and do 100CM with this instability? Sure. Does it annoy me to a crazy degree yes. If Anet wants me to feel double my current age, sliperly slow is the way to do it. I can live with having to do insane precise and fast actions, or be clever about an instability. But here if you move wrong, you have to SPAM counter direction and then again counter direction in an infinite loop hoping you don't move. I did white balls today on ASTARIV. Yes i succeeded all, but man the stress. First one i over shoot. I spam like a lunatic backward to get in ball in time. Barely succes. Second ball i aim JUST before the ball, i'm NOT overshooting at all (wtf anet, consistancy?). I have to again spam keys to get in it in time (this one was closest to fail). Next time i aim 'just' in the white circle, i almost overshoot the whole circle sliding... Next ones all except one, overshooted a ton (one, i didnt move at all, like the earlier one). So i couldnt consistantly counter sliperly slope except with, spamming my keyboard like a mad man. Every wrong move, (some forced by game and not you, like at start of 100 cm mistlock, once you slide you almost can't stop it), needs at least 3 keystrokes to 'counter', sometimes as much as 10. But those keysstrokes, can overshoot once the problem was solved creating the hazard again, again and again. And all this 'thought process' has to go on in the middle of stuff like killing anomaly (as war), going to white circle, not facing skulls, etc. I tried to CC with a strong leap attack of RAMPAGE (warrior elite), i leap almost completely true astariv, sliding almost off the edge, then other skills, leap and keep you standing still. There is no counter to it, and it's super annoying (needs non stop keystrokes to counter). And trust me i know better then most ppl how to counter it, as i've done my share of SAB tribulation mode. All people i talked to hate it, and definitely won't play fractals on those days.


Anet i thought more instabilities would bring MORE variation. Wrong. 3 of 4 days in row Slipery Slope.


Will you stop me from doing CM Anet? No not really. Will i hate you every time i do it? Yes. Have to focus 1000x 'stress' on something. And it's not 'learn to play', i know how to play it (hey i did dredge before nerf, and now 3x cm on it, plus tribulation mode). It's more, i have never seen something drain me of my focus this fast, it's like i did a whoel day of gaming when doing 100 cm for 30 minutes. Yes sometimes 1 keystroke counters the slide effect, but it so often doesnt, meaning you insta wipe on some aoe, that you have to not rely on it, and... spam it, hoping you don't have to counter the opposite sliding overshoot. Even high end-pvp or raids don't drain me as much of energy.


I love the response system in guild wars. Even in hardcore content, it's usually almost certainly your fault you died, cause you didnt respond fast enough. But that response times, is totally thrown into chaos with slipery slope and there's no counter to it, even the much hated social awkwardness had counters. It's like somebody is sitting next to me with ghost hands, and presses the key i pressed, 3x as long even if i didnt want it. And that hidden press i have to counter all the time. What's also bad about this instability, is that it kills your feel for the game. Flux bomb? i move all the time to avoid it (know i have it). With this instability, you can't do that. On Chaos 98, anomaly boss, we had 3 ppl drop flux to close cause they didn't see in time with their careful 'slipery countering' movement. Also: once you start pressing like hell to counter slipery slope situations, it's very hard in the same fractal run to go to normal again and have the 'i can move very precise' feeling, even if the instability is gone, it's like a leftover ghost instability. Another reason i hate it. Other instabilities are no longer in my mind when i switch fractal.



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