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Post the bad Mistlock instabilities combinations!

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Fractal: Not Applicable

Instability: Outflanked

Description: The extra 200% damage modifier seems to trigger on ground AOE attacks that do not originate from any enemy in the fractal. Examples would be Viirastra / Artsariiv multiple ground AOE during the clone CC phases, where none of the clones are within 300 range of the player and yet 1 single ground AOE can instant-down a full hp player. Others would probably include Aetherblade fractal cannon fire, Mai Trin Cannon Fire and the multiple Mist convergence ground AOEs.


Note: Would prefer to have confirmation from others regarding this as I only noticed this myself in a T4 Shattered observatory run yesterday.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > Slippery Slope + Social Awkwardness + Green Ring on CM100


> What Green Ring ?


it's speacial mech on Arkk(last boss) in CM, where you need to stack on tiny green circle to share damage or party might go down.

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+ Mai Trin

+ Oasis

+ Siren's Reef

+ Swampland

+ Molten Boss


Plus any (1, 2 or 3) of the following:


+ We Bleed fire

+ Slippery Slope

+ Outflanked

+ Adrenaline Rush

+ Last Laugh

+ No pain No gain

+ Toxic Trail

+ Boon Overload

+ Frailty

+ Birds

+ Vengeance



Slipppery Slope + whatever, wherever

Outflanked + whatever, wherever

Birds + whatever, wherever

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> + Mai Trin

> + Oasis

> + Siren's Reef

> + Swampland

> + Molten Boss


> Plus any (1, 2 or 3) of the following:


> + We Bleed fire

> + Slippery Slope

> + Outflanked

> + Adrenaline Rush

> + Last Laugh

> + No pain No gain

> + Toxic Trail

> + Boon Overload

> + Frailty

> + Birds

> + Vengeance



> Slipppery Slope + whatever, wherever

> Outflanked + whatever, wherever

> Birds + whatever, wherever


Most of it can be managed. Just requires a good support healer and decent dps from group.


Slippery Slope - Getting better or not sure if its the terrain, doesn't seem to slide very far now(still annoying or felt unrewarding).


We Bleed Fire - Can't think of a word than *instability*. It's random to the core, there are tells but close to impossible or have the time to bother predicting the next (Can't rely on projectile counter because of it). The damage seems to vary as well (most of the time negligible but there are occasions 5-6k)



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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > + Mai Trin

> > + Oasis

> > + Siren's Reef

> > + Swampland

> > + Molten Boss

> >

> > Plus any (1, 2 or 3) of the following:

> >

> > + We Bleed fire

> > + Slippery Slope

> > + Outflanked

> > + Adrenaline Rush

> > + Last Laugh

> > + No pain No gain

> > + Toxic Trail

> > + Boon Overload

> > + Frailty

> > + Birds

> > + Vengeance

> >

> >

> > Slipppery Slope + whatever, wherever

> > Outflanked + whatever, wherever

> > Birds + whatever, wherever


> Most of it can be managed. Just requires a good support healer and decent dps from group.


> Slippery Slope - Getting better or not sure if its the terrain, doesn't seem to slide very far now(still annoying or felt unrewarding).


> We Bleed Fire - Can't think of a word than *instability*. It's random to the core, there are tells but close to impossible or have the time to bother predicting the next (Can't rely on projectile counter because of it). The damage seems to vary as well (most of the time negligible but there are occasions 5-6k)




Sure it can be managed. Maybe you and me can, maybe not. And maybe many, many other ppl can't. That's not the point. The point is that all those fractals I said are overcrowded with trash mobs and ground circle mechanics, so many of the instabilities make them become a nightmare foryou, for me, and for everyone, even if they can be "manageable".

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Sad to say that's what mistook instabilities do :frown:. Stuff added in for "artificial" difficulty in fractal for players to overcome. At least its not giving the mobs and bosses more HP and damage, approach for "difficulty". Its manageable or within acceptable range (standard varies).


I would rather they remove this instabilities and bump bosses HP, attack speed.

So I would never again be locked in dumb combos of untested instabilities.

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > + Mai Trin

> > > + Oasis

> > > + Siren's Reef

> > > + Swampland

> > > + Molten Boss

> > >

> > > Plus any (1, 2 or 3) of the following:

> > >

> > > + We Bleed fire

> > > + Slippery Slope

> > > + Outflanked

> > > + Adrenaline Rush

> > > + Last Laugh

> > > + No pain No gain

> > > + Toxic Trail

> > > + Boon Overload

> > > + Frailty

> > > + Birds

> > > + Vengeance

> > >

> > >

> > > Slipppery Slope + whatever, wherever

> > > Outflanked + whatever, wherever

> > > Birds + whatever, wherever

> >

> > Most of it can be managed. Just requires a good support healer and decent dps from group.

> >

> > Slippery Slope - Getting better or not sure if its the terrain, doesn't seem to slide very far now(still annoying or felt unrewarding).

> >

> > We Bleed Fire - Can't think of a word than *instability*. It's random to the core, there are tells but close to impossible or have the time to bother predicting the next (Can't rely on projectile counter because of it). The damage seems to vary as well (most of the time negligible but there are occasions 5-6k)

> >

> >


> Sure it can be managed. Maybe you and me can, maybe not. And maybe many, many other ppl can't. That's not the point. The point is that all those fractals I said are overcrowded with trash mobs and ground circle mechanics, so many of the instabilities make them become a nightmare foryou, for me, and for everyone, even if they can be "manageable".


First of all, I would like to say that is a very long list of incompatible instabilities. And as I have mentioned before, I do get why those are mentioned and I am not faulting you. I hate them too actually but that is beside the point.

They are probably manageable but will involve quite a few wipes or adjustments to either the party comp, or play styles. They are an annoyance, but nothing more.


Since the release of the patch, I have seen posts in other threads with 'This instability is annoying' or 'That instability is making my fractal take longer to complete'.

However, I have yet to see any aside from the Siren Reef posts that say they straight up gave up on completing it because the instabilities made it impossible which I attribute to the mechanics of the fractal itself not being properly tuned yet.


There have already been quite a few posts in the other thread (and also reddit) that specifically mentions stuff like outflanked and damage multipliers from trash mobs and I would think Devs are already aware people are unhappy about it.


Incidentally when Stick Together was on T4 Maitrin a few days ago, for the whole of 4 to 6 minutes until you beat the fractal, you could just cluster up, not move, and heal through the cannon fire, Horrik's attacks, trash mob's attack, Mai Trin's sword attacks and not lose anyone including squishy thieves and elementalists, relying on nothing but one druid healing. This was never possible before the instability change and it made the fractal faster and smoother but you don't see anyone posting about it.


I actually started this thread hoping to unearth stuff that is unintended or overlooked by Design team, stuff like we bleed fire proccing on solar blooms. It could be major or minor, but basically stuff that just makes no sense if you think about it. Just try to filter out the issue with certain instabilities empowering trash mobs and focus on the mechanics of the fractals that do not involve the clusters of trash mobs.


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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Aetherblade

> Social Awkwardness + Birds

> YOU CAN'T DODGE IN THIS FRACT WITHOUT DYING + makes the electric floors nearly impossible.


Aetherblade + Birds.

**Can't dodge** while doing trapped puzzle(risk getting electrocuted) and rooted while handling the terminals. On the second trapped puzzle. Players usually will be stationary at 4 different terminals, vulnerable to Birds(kept in combat after being hit by the traps). To make it worse, if a player gets into downed state, he/she will be teleported back to the start of the puzzle to go through the whole ordeal again; after being rallied to half HP by Kiel:anguished:. Gets worse when another player is sent back to the start while waiting for others to get into position. A vicious cycle :astonished:.






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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > Aetherblade

> > Social Awkwardness + Birds

> > YOU CAN'T DODGE IN THIS FRACT WITHOUT DYING + makes the electric floors nearly impossible.


> Aetherblade + Birds.

> **Can't dodge** while doing trapped puzzle(risk getting electrocuted) and rooted while handling the terminals. On the second trapped puzzle. Players usually will be stationary at 4 different terminals, vulnerable to Birds(kept in combat after being hit by the traps). To make it worse, if a player gets into downed state, he/she will be teleported back to the start of the puzzle to go through the whole ordeal again; after being rallied to half HP by Kiel:anguished:. Gets worse when another player is sent back to the start while waiting for others to get into position. A vicious cycle :astonished:.







I think a big part of the problem with birds/mist convergence/flux bomb in this fractal is the **lasers put you in combat and make you stay in combat**. The 'in combat' range of the laser is quite far such that getting hit by 1 generally keeps you in combat for the whole laser area. This never used to be an issue before these specific --'summoned instabilities that appear when your character is put in combat mode'--were introduced.

But with the combination of these instabilities and the permanent 'in combat' status once you get clipped by 1 laser make it ridiculous when you try to do it the normal way

i.e. without

1. someone skipping ahead to solo the switches before lasers activate

2. using portal to bring everyone to the top floor before the lasers activate

3. abusing the /gg function so everyone spawns on the ramp and run in to the switches before the lasers activate


It is first and foremost a puzzle area, and by the fractal design since the lasers do not one shot I would infer it was designed so you could have some slip ups, get hit once, still reach the switches and have breathing time to wait for others to reach before deactivating the switches in tandem.

But the instabilities are making it way too punishing and unforgiving right now;

_to echo what Eramonster said_, getting a mossman or tentacle or birds on you at the laser puzzle basically guarantees a downstate and you will still be stuck in combat because of the lasers which hit you before, which means more flux bombs, mossman, tentacles and birds.


So at the end of it, the instabilities are forcing cheesy skips for the puzzle section, not by choice but due to necessity.

--The instability itself is interfering with the fractal design. --

If this is the kind of change in play-style instabilities are supposed to promote, to make players ignore intended solutions to fractal design, then that is a big step backwards.



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Fractal: Uncategorized Fractal

Instability: Mist Convergence

Description: The tentacles are back. Unless I remember incorrectly, the old mist convergence was specifically tuned not to spawn tentacles on harpy platforms. In a recent T4 Uncategorized Fractal this week, a tentacle spawned when my team was fighting the harpies, and proceeded to slap everyone, on the upper and lower levels, off the platforms. The vertical hitbox of the tentacle is undefined, and it being able to slap people off multiple platforms which are at different heights is ridiculous since you generally assume you will at least be safe if it spawns 2 platforms below you.

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So far Ive only had some trouble with the birds on aetherblade, they are really quite annoying there.


Everything else Im quite okay with. Maybe its because its new, but so far Ive not noticed anything else really annoying.


Ah yes, singularity in 100cm could be placed up to avoid having to use either portal to get it after pre-stacking or sliding juuuuuuuust right onto it.

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I want to be a Small Ice Queen in a hamster ball, running faster!


So basically Slippery Slope+Social Akwardness and Frailty.


Social Akwardness is my favourite instability EVER!!


EDIT: oh you meant bad combination... meh I want to share my favourite combination I hope I'll see. :)

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I liked the old Social Awkwardness we'd stow weapon and stand on each other, but the new one with push+slippery slope is a mess, as pugs kept pushing me away from enemies. You ever played with 11.6k health, and 1k heal?, because that's what happens when trolls push zerk guard away from bosses/enemies.

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* Slippery Slope in Molten Furnace. From the mistlock to the main final-boss theater, it is nearly impossible to cross.

* Last Laugh anywhere there are gobs of minions in a small area.

* Social Awkwardness with Slippery Slope in any fractal where stacking is important (like, Mai Trin, or any fractal with Stick Together active).

* Flux Bomb in Chaos. Can't tell which ones are going away quickly and which ones are going to last longer.

* Hamstrung anywhere you have to move a lot, like cliffside.

* Fractal Vindicators anywhere. They're just too hard to deal with, and should be eliminated or SERIOUSLY nerfed.

* Frailty is not the give-and-take it's cracked up to be. The movement speed is nearly useless, but 30% less health is huge. It's all give, no take.

* Birds spawn way too often.

* With birds, whenever the image density is high (like, when stacked or when there are lots of minions), it's almost impossible to tell if it's you who is afflicted with birds. Shut the birds up unless they are actively attacking ME. Or, put some kind of major interface element (like, when you're blinded).

* There seems to be no point to having both the white birds that you can't attack and red birds, which you can. The whole purpose of the ravens seems to be to make things harder on players, but without any story or reward value added. Get rid of them.

* Vengeance is not clear as to which foes can be affected. Thus, the tooltip needs work. (Elite, champs, bosses, etc.)

* We Bleed Fire makes some fractals with lots of enemies nearly impossible to work through (Deepstone comes to mind). I suggest making it only apply to up to five enemies at a time (no matter where they are located).

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