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[SPOILERS]Story Feedback

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> @"uropygid.3402" said:

> > @"MHaastrup.6978" said:

> >

> > The developers have previously stated that they sometimes can't get the voice actors to do voices for each episode/expansion. A notable example is the voice actor for Zojja, who apparently refused to voice that character any more.


> I understand this (although Felicia Day has said she would like to return for Zojja, actually, and [indicated she has not been contacted to reprise the role](

"indicated she has not been contacted to reprise the role"))... and I would understand simply recasting the actors for some characters if they've grown out of ANet's budget, if that is the case. it's that we keep getting new characters introduced, only for them to inevitably be killed off later - if ANet instead chose to introduce a new cast of characters (like, erm, Dragon's Watch) and keep them to voice actors with more open schedules, that'd be fine... I just ask that we know they won't be around to get attached to only to be cacked off later for drama. :'(


I see. I must have misunderstood this. Perhaps someone told me a lie about Felicia Day.

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I liked the overall story, though it felt rushed, loosing some of is impact.

Though I was still pretty amazed by the ending. Got some neat Mass Effect 3 Flashbacks here, fromt hat ending. I kinda expected it to be one of these hallucinations.


However there is one storybeat I personaly don't agree with. It's just one little thing of the whole:


>! Why did you have to make the whole *eating the world* a personal thing for Kralkatorik. I thought the EDs were supposed to have a greater purpose in the world. They were supposed to be there for some kind of balance. Why did you include the line of Kalkatorik being just petty and scared of a time, where he isn't needed anymore? A future which was just a possibility and even then would be able to control? Why would did you lay it so bare open, by having us Glint tell us what Kalkatorik wants? Or appearently fears? Why did you humanise him, while the most important question hasn't been answered? WHAT DO THE ELDER DRAGONS DO? We know they are there for some kind of balance. Nothing really more. I can't really take Kalkatorik seriously anymore now. He was this big ominous being. A force of nature, we can't really comprehend. Now he is just scared to loose his power and leashing out. That's mostly sad.

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