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I'd hope we get either something new, or first years halloween again. These reruns are getting old, but likelihood we'll get the same as the past 3-4 years /sigh.

Optimism died for me last year and the year before. So I won't be expecting much.

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> @"Legend of Rogue.5394" said:

> Any word on Halloween this year? Think we will get anything different from the last 4 years or will it be yet again the same thing 0 thought... I know the POF released but when HOT announced they added a bunch of new stuff. Kinda would like to see that again.

> Thoughts?


I expect nothing new, but I expect something new.


What I mean is that I would not be surprised if it was almost exactly the same but with... I don't know... three new skins, one of which is super-popular and uses a material that is also used for a fairly mundane guild hall decoration but pushes the price of the decoration waaaay off the chart so nobody ever gets it. Hello Mr [scarecrow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scarecrow "Scarecrow").

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I don't expect anything new due to the time and effort they put into the Living World and PoF. HOWEVER, I'd like to see old content come back that they removed. They've had a LOT of time to work on it (some were removed due to issues). If they put in the content they removed, or came up with something new, I'd be happy.

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I would love something new, but I wouldn't put any hope on it. Don't quote me, but I believe I read somewhere previously that they weren't intending on spending the resources to do new content for holiday patches other than possibly putting in new items. :/


Which is sad, as I would very much enjoy a Thorn vs Joko year at least once.

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The friend that I play with and I love doing Clock Tower every year, but the way it's set up is kind of clunky. I shouldn't have to wait for other players to finish or die in order to go again. It shouldn't even be a group thing, really. There's no advantage to being pvp or whatever. Just make it an instance like with story stuff, and you can do it with friends if you want or alone.

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