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im looking to get into this game

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Is it worth the price? Absolutely! Is it worth your time? Maybe. That answer to that comes down to your expectations.


If you're the sort of player that tends to enjoy open world - just running about doing quests/events, exploring, farming - then GW2 might be the best MMO that's ever been. The combat system allows players to cooperate pretty seamlessly whether you join a group or not. Likewise, there is little to no competition for resources (no tagging mobs, resource nodes don't disappear just because another player beat you to them, etc.). One thing to note, however, is that most players who consider open world their reason for playing an MMO tend to struggle a bit with expansion content as the difficulty relative to the core game is quite high.


If you're into PvP, you'll probably love the GW2 combat system...but you'll almost certainly hate the poor class balance and most importantly the fact that GW2 has only one game mode for PvP (capture points). If you're a high level (as in ability, not character level) player then you'll likely find the thin competition at the top and subsequent poor matchmaking frustrating as well.


GW2 also has a large scale siege combat PvP game they call WvW. Three serves compete across several maps to control land and keeps. Not every MMO out there has this feature, so it's definitely worth checking out if you're into fighting against other players.


If instanced PvE is more your speed, you may have mixed results. GW2 is a bit odd in that it's specifically designed to avoid the traditional class roles of tank/healer/DPS. You get some support roles that focus on buffing and healing, but it doesn't really have the feel of a traditional healing role. Tanking as you know it from other MMOs simply doesn't exist at all here. As a player that enjoyed tanking and healing roles best of all, I find this system makes instanced PvE in GW2 less enjoyable, but you may have a different experience.


GW2 also has a storyline that they release new episodes for every few months. Much of this plays like a single-player game with a lot of instanced content featuring puzzles and bosses as the story unfolds. But some of the story plays out in open world as well, with new maps released for every episode starting from season 3 (season 4 is currently in progress). Note: Story content is free if you've purchased the game AND log in during the time it's live. So if you're just joining on now, you'll have to purchase previous episodes if you want to access them. However, the F2P core game still has a personal storyline with episodes unlocked for free every 10 levels.


Another oddity of GW2 you should probably know is that there is no "gear treadmill". Level 80 is as high the game is going to get and ascended/legendary gear has the highest stats you'll ever see. They will neither raise the level cap nor increase stats on gear as the game progresses, although different combinations of stats become available at times. This may be good or bad depending upon your perspective. If you like constantly upgrading your gear to overcome the next challenge, then you may feel like something's missing. Also, if your guild struggles with the content then you can't outgear it to get through it.


In my opinion, GW2 is a showcase of bold ideas, but not all of them are necessarily an improvement over what's come before. If you put a lot of time into your MMOs and tend toward the hardcore side, you'll probably run out of things to do sooner or later. If you're more casual, it might be just what you're looking for. In either case, I think it's hard to say that it isn't worth the price (what is it? $50 for both expansions?). The question is whether it's the game for you in the long run?

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"nemesismatrix.2753" said:

> > this sounds like what im looking for, what would be a good starting class, im thinking warrior any suggestions for a n00b?


> Play anything but elementalist


Elementalists are in a decent place right now. Both of their elite specs are meta-viable and have well-distinguished roles in support, condi-dps, and power-dps. Staff could use some attention and they could do more to make varied weapon sets viable, but there's really no reason to avoid the class if it interests you.

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> @"nemesismatrix.2753" said:

> ok cool i cant wait to play then. it said it comes with one free level boost as well.


There is multiple threads from New people on this forum, especially in the help new player section. Take a look at those.


That said: do not boost your first character. You will be overwhelmed and likely quit the game.

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If you're like me and did not read up on the 80 boost and how it effects new players to the game then here is what I suggest...

Instead of creating a new level 1, I just take my your new boosted character back to the starting area and start playing through the content.

I took my first boosted 80 and got the mounts first - it's easy-peasy. Now that I have finally played through several professions and decided on the 2 I love and the races, I have 2 of each (Guardian and Mesmer). I plan to take them all back through content now.

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ok cool thanks for all the positive feed back, i think i will do that download the game and if i like it i will get the expansions pack i know the new expansion is on sale and i can get the other expansion for $10 for buying the current expansion so ill give it a go, im looking for something else than just wow, wow dont seem like wow anymore feels like im playing something else and seems like the community gets worse and worse after each expansion so im looking for a new horrizon. ill talk to you guys later. thanks for the great feed back.

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If you are able to post on the forum you already have some full version of GW2 either core or with one or both expansions. That is the only way you would have forum posting privileges. So why not download it and log in, give it a try to see if you like it since you apparently already have some full version of the game? That would probably be the best way to tell if you like it or not. :)


As for the level 80 boosts those only come with the expansions. So if all you have is the full core game you would not get that. But as others have said, as a new player using the boost before at least leveling a character to 80 naturally is a bad idea anyway.


As for a decent starting profession I would say Guardian or Ranger just to learn the basics. Both are pretty easy early on and have a fair amount margin for error in the basic parts of the game. Also note that characters get [birthday presents](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Gift "birthday presents") every year based on the date they were created. So it might be worth hanging on to your first few characters even if you decide to play a different profession later.

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> @"nemesismatrix.2753" said:

> this sounds like what im looking for, what would be a good starting class, im thinking warrior any suggestions for a n00b?


Conventional wisdom goes something like this:


Easy - Warrior, Necromancer, Ranger


Medium - Guardian, Thief, Revenant


Hard - Elementalist, Engineer, Mesmer


The Easy classes have strong passive defenses (e.g. high health, high armor, pets to run distraction) paired with fairly straightforward mechanics.


The Medium classes have low health except for the revenant, which makes the list due to a somewhat more complex resource management scheme and utility skill setup.


The Hard classes have relatively complex mechanics which new players may find a bit overwhelming when just trying to learn the basics.


Keep in mind that the core game is significantly easier than expansion content. You'll probably want to be pretty comfortable with whichever class you choose by the time you reach level 80. The jungle (Heart of Thorns expansion) is not a very forgiving place if you're still learning the basics!

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