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Instabilities that I would actually like in open world

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To begin with, I am **not** suggesting to do it. It's just a personnal thought that some of them might actually improve the sense of immersion in the game. Please don't be angry over this post :p


I feel like some instabilities actually make sense, and I wouldn't mind having them on all the time in open world and all.

* Social Akwardness (the new one). I think it's only normal not to be able to be inside one another. While this instability prevents that, it also does it in a way that doesn't allow people to completely block a path. It would also give a better immersion in crowded places, as right now you can have hundreds of players but if they are all in the exact same spot it won't look like the place is full. Obviously this would pause problems in large scale events. Perhaps make the push-back radius smaller depending on our auto attack's range, so that melee people still have plenty of room?

* Hamstrung. Actually I'd change that one a bit: Currently we get slowed down as soon as our health isn't full. I'd personnally make it start at 75% health. Each % of missing health below 75 would slow us down by 1%, up to a 75% slow at 0% health. This would make an interesting transition to the downed state, instead of being all good and healthy and just a second later being locked on the ground fighting for our life.

* Outflanked. I'd nerf its effects because they are very powerful right now, but I feel like it only makes sense that you have an easyer time defending yourself when you face the ennemy. I actually think it may be a good mechanic to put in place in PvE to have some sort of positioning gameplay.

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Given how much people hate instabilities I don't see it happening.


Also you need to take into account development hours. When suggesting content changes, it should entail : will it take ages to do , what is the ROI for Arenanet (mount skins are probably a real high ROI followed by gliders), will it benefit people?

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> * Hamstrung. Actually I'd change that one a bit: Currently we get slowed down as soon as our health isn't full. I'd personnally make it start at 75% health. Each % of missing health below 75 would slow us down by 1%, up to a 75% slow at 0% health. This would make an interesting transition to the downed state, instead of being all good and healthy and just a second later being locked on the ground fighting for our life.


Minor point - there is no slow down "when health isn't full". The slowdown is *in combat*. Taking damage is of course one of the most common reasons to be put in combat.

It's an interesting idea, but while it may make gameplay more immersive I don't think it would be more *enjoyable*.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Given how much people hate instabilities I don't see it happening.


> Also you need to take into account development hours. When suggesting content changes, it should entail : will it take ages to do , what is the ROI for Arenanet (mount skins are probably a real high ROI followed by gliders), will it benefit people?


May I suggest re-reading the very first sentence I wrote? :p


I know it's not exactly a good idea in the current state of the game. It was just a thought...

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