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Among the new (horrifying and catastrophic) instabilities, which one do you hate the most?

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Based on the history of instabilities, the new ones aren't really the exception to the norm.

I would invite anyone to read up on the old instabilities from 2015 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Mistlock_Instabilities


I was personally taking a hiatus from the game during that dark age of 2013- 2015 but reading stuff like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Instability:_Antielitism [This does not down you, it instantly defeats you upon your activation of any elite skill.]

makes me think whoever started implementing instabilities always thought of it as a joke and this feature was unfortunately retained till now.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > In other words: give it time.


> Oh yes, I'm giving it time by not doing fractals everytime Slipery Slope is there...


That's an ... interesting choice.

You could instead try hopping and dodging, which mitigates most of the navigation issues. (And during fights, it doesn't seem to matter much.)

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The wiki tells us nothing or severely lacks info. Didn't expect spawned minnions(eg. Birds etc) will trigger "**We Bleed Fire**". Imagine WBF + Mist Convergence; Abomination's weapon minnions cluster spawn :lol:.


- Is there a damage difference between the AoE triggered? Since the projectile size varied from Veteran, Elite and Boss (legendary).


- 20% reduction to all condi dmg Sounds extreme to all condi class and with no counterplay(boon strip).

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> The wiki tells us nothing or severely lacks info. Didn't expect spawned minnions(eg. Birds etc) will trigger "**We Bleed Fire**". Imagine WBF + Mist Convergence; Abomination's weapon minnions cluster spawn :lol:.


> - Is there a damage difference between the AoE triggered? Since the projectile size varied from Veteran, Elite and Boss (legendary).


> - 20% reduction to all condi dmg Sounds extreme to all condi class and with no counterplay(boon strip).


Isn't the reduction of condi damage only for incoming damage to the player?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> That's an ... interesting choice.

> You could instead try hopping and dodging, which mitigates most of the navigation issues. (And during fights, it doesn't seem to matter much.)


I enjoy SAB a lot. I absolutely hate Slippery Slope (and instabilities as a whole). I played W2-3 tribulation mode enough to know how to work with "ice physics" yet I despise the mechanic in regular PvE. It is not fun for me so I will look elsewhere for fun. If it is another game then that it shall be.


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Since i'm a necro main, i guess birds would be most dangerous for me....though i could still work around that (hello vigor from well of power + blood is power).


Tbh at current moment the most hated instability is the good old hamstring. I can get over it with blood build, leeching so much health Drakula would be proud, but still off all i've experienced this one is most dangerous one for me.

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while I agree with @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" that we haven't had enough time to properly formulate an opinion, my initial thoughts are as follows:


- Stick Together: I think this is fantastic. At last an instability that actually ENCOURAGES players to adopt the correct gameplay strategy for how GW2's mechanics work. This is the very opposite of the old (and hated) Social Awkwardness.


Sadly that's the only one I 'like'.


- Vengeance: just like Last Laugh, this is fine, and the kind of instability one would expect to find for this game mode. Nice that that using boon strip can turn this into a DPS increase, though it would be nice if more professions had access to that mechanic.

- We Bleed Fire: like Vengeance, I'm ok with this. It seems like the damage is unavoidable but I know players will adapt. Will be a challenge for players new to T3/T4

- Suger Rush: I don't even understand the logic here. You run faster and attack faster, but the enemy mobs can run and attack even faster than you? It just means that in a bad situation where you get swarmed, instead of being able to dodge out with low health you get insta mistlocked or downed. Volcanic and Molten Boss trash stands out as obvious problems for this one.

- Frailty: this one makes even less sense than Sugar Rush. OK, so we are smaller (relevance?) and have 30% health, but to compensate...we move 25% faster? Does ANET think we are running away from damage? 25% faster endurance regeneration for more dodges would have made much more sense here.

- Outflanked: just like Sugar Rush, this opens up the chance of getting insta downed. I remember a few days back I got careless and got clipped by Ensolysis' charge. Normally it just knocks you on your behind, but as I was turned away from him, the hit dropped me to like 10% health. In fights with lots of adds, like Volcanic, Molten, Siren's, this can lead to easy wipes.

- Birds: First exposure to this lead to lots of deaths. Not really that fun a mechanic to deal with, especially as it can hit you at times when you wouldn't normally have to deal damage; Nightmare agony bullet circles comes to mind.

- Boon Overload: stupid design. The obvious way to counter this would be to reduce the amount of boons. Not only does that mean you will do less damage and have less protection overall, but most of the boons we receive are added PASSIVELY from our skills, meaning we have no control over them and can't just turn them off. Good thing they nerfed Chrono's SOI because that would have led to mass party wipes with this instability.

- Social Awkwardness: I don't know why ANET just doesn't get it. The original was terrible because your party took extra agony damage from doing what you are supposed to do, which is stack. They changed the instability so that there is no damage, only now you are bumping people way; or in other words, you are physically prevented from stacking. The developers design a combat system and then try to actively prevent players from using that combat system in the optimal fashion. SMH.

- Slippery Slope: Take it or leave it. It doesn't make the fractal more fun but it also doesn't make the fractal impossible to complete. But with no real means to counter it, players, regardless of skill, are just forced to deal with this silliness, which to me is an overall negative impact. As I've said earlier, if they think whimsical things like this are wanted by the players, then design it so players can enable this instability through a challenge mote or similar system, so those who want to play Fractals on Ice can do so, and leave the rest of us to just play the content.


The devs said they wanted the instabilities to contribute to an overall more positive gaming experience. I say instabilities should also add challenge and perhaps also prompt a change in strategy to keep things new and interesting. Of the 10 instabilities I listed above, only Stick Together really meets that description, and 1/10 is a pretty pitiful score.

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