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This time, the story seems to stir people a lot more than usual. The amount of people who freely spoil the story content, even in the first week, is quite disturbing. I have not played more than the intro-mission, but I already know most details of the final chapter/mission.


The developers and story-wirters made a good job indeed, but sadly not the community.

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>! > @"Balsa.3951" said:

>! > Aurene is not dead and here is how she will come back to life....

>! > Remember she eat Yoko and i guess that will make her get his immortality power

>! > lets see how it goes so or so great episode

>! > GJ Anet


>! I predicted the same thing to my wife last night, if the ending is final it will be a sad day. I'm also predicting a very low population in the new map soon because it's just depressing to be there now. (Yoko was the wife of a great singer btw, not a evil undead self absorbed ruler, That was Joko)

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Yoko Joko? *ahem* Anyway. I feel as though..

>! I don't know, but for Aurene to die that quickly doesn't feel right to me. I can't help but wonder if she soul-hopped or something. Spirit escaped while the body heals. I mean, how much damage has Kralkatorrik taken? Morderemoth? Zhaitan? I think it's gonna take a lot more to kill the granddaughter of an Elder Dragon or so I'd imagine.

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