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Welcome to the January 2019 AFC!

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  • ArenaNet Staff



Welcome to our first AFC of the new year. We're happy to host this conversation, and look forward to hearing from you.


We're primarily focused in this AFC on the game updates of Tuesday, January 8, 2019, including Living World Season 4, Episode 5: _All or Nothing_. The update also included a new legendary, Pharus; the Dragonsblood Weapon Set; new Diviner Gear; and a passel of new Mistlock Instabilities!


Special note: As I open this AFC, many developers are participating in our [Guild Chat ](

"Guild Chat ")livestream. You may want to join them there, and even post questions here as they arise while you view. (Yay multi-tasking! :) )


With the devs involved with the livestream, and heading into a weekend, we probably will see most dev participation in this conversation starting on Monday, January 14. But don't worry, we'll leave this open to your posts -- comments, feedback, questions, input -- until the afternoon (Pacific time) of Friday, January 18. And as always, devs may pop in here to answer respond even after that date.


Some guidelines:


* Please consider "spoiler" tags, and avoid using spoilers in your thread title. The conversation here will be no holds barred, but it's still a courtesy to consider the spoiler tag and avoiding spoilers in a title is **always** a good idea!

* Please post no more than 3 questions in a single thread.

* Before posting, please check to see if there's already a thread in place on the topic you're considering because having a single thread on a specific topic will allow the devs to answer as efficiently as possible. In the end that efficiency means more information, so it's a definite win/win. Likewise, if you have follow-up comments or questions, please post them in the existing

* If you want to share feedback, please try to provide a summary of your thoughts, rather than fine-grained feedback. With fewer walls o' text, the devs will be able to engage with more members, supply more answers, and generally ensure that everyone has a great experience.

* Please maintain a positive and constructive tone. This does not mean that you may not share negative opinions! Opinions of all kinds are entirely acceptable as long as they are expressed in a constructive and respectful manner towards the developers and forum members alike.

* Please use a meaningful title. Not: "I've been wondering" but "About [this story content] [this part of the gameplay] [this bug]"

* This subforum is now open, in advance of the time we anticipate the devs will be joining us. It will remain open through the afternoon of Friday, January 18 (Pacific Time). You may add your questions, comments, and feedback now or at any time.

* thread, rather than creating a new one.


Let's hear what you have to share!

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