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Don't remove or nerf Slippery Slope


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Phew, Im so glad Im not the only one. I started to feel like a total freak because most instabilities are either fun to me or just dont bother me. And slippery slope is great! I did the cliffside fractal with it, and had such a fun time trying to climb those ramps :lol:

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Instabilities are supposed to change up the way the same old content plays, right? This one hits it on the head lol

They are also supposed to be fun. Not only the first time, but also the second, third, etc. Or, at the very least, they shouldn't diminish the fun. And here this instability fails massively. It may be fun the first time (and even then only for some), but it becomes just an aggravating annoyance very, very fast.



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Yup, whenever I read that "it has now become annoying to do X" or "prestacking is a chore now" or "this thing is artificial difficulty and just makes the whole fractal annoying" I can only think of how much Anet succeeded in actually challenging players who won't change their builds or approach for anything in their lives. Definitely heading in the right direction (of making Fractals unique in relation to Raids) with the new instabilities, all of them.



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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > I have my doubts that players actually supporting this garbage play fractals frequently enough to have an educated opinion on how annoying this is but I get it, "get gud", eh?


> Same. But shut up about it, because it's so rude to asked for an informed opinion.


Hubris at its finest. You might want to understand why people like it instead of just throwing opinions in the bin because you disagree.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Yup, whenever I read that "it has now become annoying to do X" or "prestacking is a chore now" or "this thing is artificial difficulty and just makes the whole fractal annoying" I can only think of how much Anet succeeded in actually challenging players who won't change their builds or approach for anything in their lives. Definitely heading in the right direction (of making Fractals unique in relation to Raids) with the new instabilities, all of them.


Please tell me how I am supposed to adjust my build or my play style with an instability like this? I have always been someone looking left and not just blindly using meta builds but in this case nothing would help. It's just a bad implementation. Almost all of the others are very satisfying because playing good will be rewarded, for example "Outflanked". Slippery Slope just punishes and is annoying. There is no counter play to it and therefore fractals with this instability become more annoying than bringing in fun.



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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> I have my doubts that players actually supporting this garbage play fractals frequently enough to have an educated opinion on how annoying this is but I get it, "get gud", eh?


I do play fractals reasonably often when I need some daily gold. Ordinary T4 is/has been a snoozefest for a very long time. There's almost nothing that can be failed in regular T4. You can just facetank everything and ignore almost all mechanics and the only time you really need the other 4 people is for things like the panels in Underground. Sadly I don't do CMs as often as I'd like since the LFG usually isn't looking for condi scourges and I refuse to play my BS or Reaper for them. But even CMs is really boring in meta comps where you do quick phases.


Interesting fractal instabilities like this is a breath of fresh air. Anything that adds randomness and forces people out of their comfort zones is good. Players must be forced to adapt and react on the spot rather than just doing the same memorized pattern of movement and rotation until it's perfected into boring soulless smoothness.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> Ordinary T4 is/has been a snoozefest for a very long time.

> ****...condi scourges...**


I found the problem here!

Most experienced and skilled players don't want to play like this. That's why you won't see them in scourge/reaper heavy groups + additional healer which is when stacking those classes overkill as well.


> Interesting fractal instabilities like this is a breath of fresh air. Anything that adds randomness and forces people out of their comfort zones is good. Players must be forced to adapt and react on the spot rather than just doing the same memorized pattern of movement and rotation until it's perfected into boring soulless smoothness.


There is no interesting thing with that instability. The others are but this one is just garbage. You can not adapt or react just wait and see, try to reposition yourself and hope that anytime soon you'll be able to be part of the group synergy. A synergy that was and is never needed in your scourges/reapers groups.


I mean I understand your point from the completely casual point of view. Heck, I think if I would play in those groups even this instability is a snoozefest because you don't have to care at all. The only thing that'll happen is you need more time to kill the encounters resulting in a way longer stay in fractals. Since those are daily stuff there is no point in spending more time than one did before. If this is pleasure for you, fine. It isn't for me because my free time isn't infinite.


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > I have my doubts that players actually supporting this garbage play fractals frequently enough to have an educated opinion on how annoying this is but I get it, "get gud", eh?

> >

> > Same. But shut up about it, because it's so rude to asked for an informed opinion.


> Hubris at its finest. You might want to understand why people like it instead of just throwing opinions in the bin because you disagree.


Well I do understand it. But at that point the game just isn't for me, but for bad players who love inconsistent gameplay that takes ages and infuriates anyone who is even remotely trying to get good at this. The moment I get an official sentence by anet that they like it this way, I'm out.


Thing is: This game can be fun for casuals and for people trying to optimize. All other instabilities, especially the new SA show this. Only this one fails. Don't defend it to the bone. If I tell you it sucks for high level play, just admit it as someone who only plays t4s on a more casual, relaxed level. I don't mind you enjoying this. But imagine an instability that was so hard to play around that you couldn't do the fractal casually anymore, but would be no problem for experienced players. You'd be up in arms against it, right? That's the reversed situation.


Ben, please. I know you're reading this, I know (why) you can't respond. I know you play CMs and t4s a bit. Put yourself in the shoes of those people who do this daily. Or who stop playing, I bet you have the data on Chronos and general fractal population. Do the right thing.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

>You can not adapt or react

Come on man you know this ain't true. It's just movement. With enough practice you'll learn to deal with and manipulate the slipping to nullify most of it.


>There is no interesting thing with that instability. The others are but this one is just garbage.

Most of the others don't do a whole lot to change the way you play. We need more like this tbh.


Like an instability that inverses movement keys so backwards is forwards, left is right and vice versa while having the drunken effect on screen.

An instability that instantly downs a random player and teleports him away from the group, an instability that turns all friendly characters hostile for say 10-15 seconds so friendly fire is enabled with a short notice before it of course.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Phew, Im so glad Im not the only one. I started to feel like a total freak because most instabilities are either fun to me or just dont bother me. And slippery slope is great! I did the cliffside fractal with it, and had such a fun time trying to climb those ramps :lol:


Oh the joy... I didn't even finish Cliffside that day.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> Come on man you know this ain't true. It's just movement. With enough practice you'll learn to deal with and manipulate the slipping to nullify most of it.


I call heavy bs here. In times where classes and builds are implemented and made for 100% boon uptime randomly sliding out of buff range make things unfun to play. As I said I can go condi scourge, play sloppy, ignore a lot of the boss mechanics and don't care but that is not the fun I have and had in the game.



> Most of the others don't do a whole lot to change the way you play. We need more like this tbh.

> Like an instability that inverses movement keys so backwards is forwards, left is right and vice versa while having the drunken effect on screen.

> An instability that instantly downs a random player and teleports him away from the group, an instability that turns all friendly characters hostile for say 10-15 seconds so friendly fire is enabled with a short notice before it of course.


Why do we need those? Where is the sense of inverse movement, that is no fun at all and would be a disaster for casual T4 groups. Even CM groups would struggle and skip it for the day. And why instantly down a player? What on earth is fun or challenging in that. And teleport a player away means additional time wasted due to running there and back to the encounter. Where is the additional value? As I said I don't want to spend more time than needed in a fractal and I don't accept a fractal to take significantly longer because we have a new trashy instability. If you want to torture yourself play a different game. It's unacceptable for me to go the casual style and waste 2 hours of my free time in one fractal. The result will be me demanding more kps etc. so ensure I don't get unskilled players nor will I be ever willing to carry those in the future.


I'd rather see new fractals more often with reasonable boss mechanics. Instabilities were and still are a bad addition for fractals.


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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

>I can go condi scourge, play sloppy, ignore a lot of the boss mechanics and don't care but that is not the fun I have and had in the game.

The only fun I have in the game is playing Necro and the only time content like fractals gets challenging is if I intentionally gimp myself by playing a build that doesn't really do more dps but has a lot worse survivability. Why ain't I allowed to feel challenged playing my main class?


> Why do we need those? Where is the sense of inverse movement, that is no fun at all and would be a disaster for casual T4 groups. Even CM groups would struggle and skip it for the day.

Just to be clear, the inverted movement would be like a momentary effect. Not permanent throughout the fractal. That would be a bit much. But imagine getting your controls inverted for like 8 seconds while doing bullet hell on Enso. It would be rad as hell.


>And why instantly down a player? What on earth is fun or challenging in that. And teleport a player away means additional time wasted due to running there and back to the encounter. Where is the additional value?

To get people to do something other than stack and rotate. When I talk about instabilities that change the way you play I don't mean some rubbish that makes one guy slot a different utility to deal with it quickly or negate it completely so the group can keep playing smoothly as if the instability didn't even exist. That's absolute trash design. It's gotta have real impact for it to be fun.


>As I said I don't want to spend more time than needed in a fractal and I don't accept a fractal to take significantly longer because we have a new trashy instability.

But what if the rewards were increased at a variable scale to be on par with the level of difficulty the different instabilities in mind?


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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> The only fun I have in the game is playing Necro and the only time content like fractals gets challenging is if I intentionally kitten myself by playing a build that doesn't really do more dps but has a lot worse survivability. Why ain't I allowed to feel challenged playing my main class?


You are but the game in end/challenging content has to be balanced around the maximum not some effortless game play via scourge. You should then ask for a revamp of your class


> Just to be clear, the inverted movement would be like a momentary effect. Not permanent throughout the fractal. That would be a bit much. But imagine getting your controls inverted for like 8 seconds while doing bullet hell on Enso. It would be rad as hell.


That would be cancer as well and one of the dumbest ideas I can think of.


> To get people to do something other than stack and rotate. When I talk about instabilities that change the way you play I don't mean some rubbish that makes one guy slot a different utility to deal with it quickly or negate it completely so the group can keep playing smoothly as if the instability didn't even exist. That's absolute trash design. It's gotta have real impact for it to be fun.


No, that's not funny. It would negate skilled game play in terms of using buffs and boon uptime to a perfect level and to make it clear it won't work at Arkk for example because Search & Rescue etc. etc.


> But what if the rewards were increased at a variable scale to be on par with the level of difficulty the different instabilities in mind?


Since I know they'll never do that we can finish this stupid and senseless conversation here. Sorry, but T4s and CMs are content for higher skilled players with a certain goal in mind. Your approaches would destroy that and that's why I'm against it. There's enough casual stuff around - open world + T1-3 fractals + dungeons. No ty.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

>the game in end/challenging content has to be balanced around the maximum

Balancing the game around the players and existing/predominant playstyle is a terrible philosophy. Force the players to balance themselves around the content.


> That would be cancer as well and one of the dumbest ideas I can think of.

Man, you aren't the least bit adventurous.


> No, that's not funny. It would negate skilled game play in terms of using buffs and boon uptime to a perfect level and to make it clear it won't work at Arkk for example because Search & Rescue etc. etc.

If you scroll up a bit you'll notice that I did say I wanted players to be forced out of their comfort zones. Those examples are ways to do that. Challenging content should be disruptive and chaotic rather than just an advanced form of Simon Says. And though unrelated, I am going to point out that Anet never wanted us to have perfect boon uptime the way we do. They originally didn't even want Alacrity added to the game because of what it would do the to the game. Now look at it.


> Since I know they'll never do that we can finish this stupid and senseless conversation here. Sorry, but T4s and CMs are content for higher skilled players with a certain goal in mind. Your approaches would destroy that and that's why I'm against it. There's enough casual stuff around - open world + T1-3 fractals + dungeons. No ty.

You're really close minded and reluctant to suffer a little for the long term enjoyment that comes from mastering something difficult that you used to struggle with.


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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> >You can not adapt or react

> Come on man you know this ain't true. It's just movement. With enough practice you'll learn to deal with and manipulate the slipping to nullify most of it.


> >There is no interesting thing with that instability. The others are but this one is just garbage.

> Most of the others don't do a whole lot to change the way you play. We need more like this tbh.


> Like an instability that inverses movement keys so backwards is forwards, left is right and vice versa while having the drunken effect on screen.

> An instability that instantly downs a random player and teleports him away from the group, an instability that turns all friendly characters hostile for say 10-15 seconds so friendly fire is enabled with a short notice before it of course.


So basically dumb gimicks. That is the very definition of artificial difficulty, now I dont find slipper slope terribly hard, but oh does it make fractals annoying and boring, yes. The only thing I hear from the people I play with when we notice a fractal has slippery slope is groans, we laughed for maybe 5 sec or so first time we saw it. Random control changes would be even worse, it wouldn't even be harder, I'd just have a button to change my keyboard profile for it lol, but it sure would for some really boring gameplay. I bet your favorite fractal is deepstone.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> You're really close minded and reluctant to suffer a little for the long term enjoyment that comes from mastering something difficult that you used to struggle with.


Sorry, not buying your shít. Long term enjoyment is **NOT** sliding around. I spare my time now because it's worthless to discuss about such things with somebody not having any idea of interesting challenging content.


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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > > I have my doubts that players actually supporting this garbage play fractals frequently enough to have an educated opinion on how annoying this is but I get it, "get gud", eh?

> > >

> > > Same. But shut up about it, because it's so rude to asked for an informed opinion.

> >

> > Hubris at its finest. You might want to understand why people like it instead of just throwing opinions in the bin because you disagree.


> Well I do understand it. But at that point the game just isn't for me, but for bad players who love inconsistent gameplay that takes ages and infuriates anyone who is even remotely trying to get good at this. The moment I get an official sentence by anet that they like it this way, I'm out.


> Thing is: This game can be fun for casuals and for people trying to optimize. All other instabilities, especially the new SA show this. Only this one fails. Don't defend it to the bone. If I tell you it sucks for high level play, just admit it as someone who only plays t4s on a more casual, relaxed level. I don't mind you enjoying this. But imagine an instability that was so hard to play around that you couldn't do the fractal casually anymore, but would be no problem for experienced players. You'd be up in arms against it, right? That's the reversed situation.


> Ben, please. I know you're reading this, I know (why) you can't respond. I know you play CMs and t4s a bit. Put yourself in the shoes of those people who do this daily. Or who stop playing, I bet you have the data on Chronos and general fractal population. Do the right thing.


I don't think you got what I'm saying at all. I'm not picking a side here. I'm just stating that just because you think something is bad doesn't make it so.


You're basically throwing an entire set of opinions in the trashcan because they disagree. And justify this by claiming they don’t play on you're level without prove.



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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> Sorry, not buying your kitten. Long term enjoyment is **NOT** sliding around. I spare my time now because it's worthless to discuss about such things with somebody not having any idea of interesting challenging content.

Can you give me an example of something in the game you consider to be really well designed challenging content then?



> @"lodjur.1284" said:

>I bet your favorite fractal is deepstone.

Nah it's Urban Battlegrounds or Molten Boss with Toxic Trails/Afflicted/Last Laugh. Thematically I like Twilight Oasis and Snowblind the most. Deepstone is cool but it drags on a bit. Add a bunch more of those Shadow monsters so you're constantly under attack from continuously spawning mobs and it would be great. The last boss also need to do a lot more damage and attacks and stuff.

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