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Same rating and not getting same title


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So I left a ticket and they did exactly what I expected. They acted like they couldn't do anything and sent me here to not be heard again. I was rank 60 when I went to work on the last day of the season....now I know that's not enough to make top 100 in the next 12 hours. Alright fine, its bs that lil kids with no jobs or school get to take over the top 100 just by playing last however. Literally, I have the same rating as the 98th ranked guy, but no title for me because I got to that rating first???? In any ranking you must beat the previous set ranking to take someones spot, why are the players playing in the last 10 minutes rewarded and im screwed cuz I have to work. if we all have 1650, then we ALL have the same rank, and deserve the same title. if there are 5 players with 1650 rating, then the leaderboard bumps up 5 spots where there are 5 players at rank 98 then no one from 99 to 103 or w/e. its my fault for thinking rank 60 on the last day is good enough but come on theres no reason that those last 8 spots that moved after the time was up should be higher than me when we have the SAME EXACT RATING.

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OP I am the rank number 98 guy that you're talking about. It sucks that you got the same rating as me but placed outside the top 100. You can blame Trevor for taking your spot more than me though ;).


I actually stopped playing ranked games 48 hours before the season ended and at that time i was rank 60ish. By Sunday night i was ranked 78th.


I was really surprised to see how much the top 100 spots shifted in the last few hours as well considering it was a Monday. Maybe a lot of the top 100 players were on winter break from school or something.


You'll get it next season.

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