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What *is* a chaos axe?


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It randomly occurred to me while doing the storm-and-hold-thunderhead keep meta; in GW1 they were originally found in the Fissure of Woe, Balthazar's domain on skeletal beserkers that would attack both eternals (Balthazar's lot) and the shadow army (his half-brother's troops) who was at war with Balthazar for control of the area).


How/why are they created? Most weapons, especially visually distinctive ones like this, have some kind of backstory or origin you're either told (Tormented weapons) or you can deduce (Jade sword).

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It's never been equipped by eternals in the fissure and the style is different. That would be an eternal axe then anyway. I just suddenly realised there is basically no info (afaik) on this weapon despite it being such a distinct (and for gw1 players like myself, arguably iconic) weapon.

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[There is no such thing as an Eternal Axe](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_Eternal_weapons).


And I wasn't referring solely to Eternals. [Primeval King Jahnus](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Primeval_King_Jahnus) used the Chaos Axe, as I _think_ all the PvP ghostly heroes do too. Doppleganger did too, and though it isn't a ghost, before Nightfall it also wielded an Eternal Bow when fighting at range (this changed to Tormented Spear with NF, curious they didn't use Tormented Axe for melee then, or even the fitting Shadow weapons)


But it was basically the "ghostly axe" skin of GW1, whereas eternal weapons were sword, shield, bow, and then there was the "ghostly staff". That's how I saw it, anyways, except that the chaos axe functions a little differently (could be dyed).

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That's my point though; there's no real explanation of what it is. Shadow weapons are pretty logical-weapons made by the shadow army for the shadow army. Eternal weapons are the same. Jade sword? Made from the jade sea, fair enough. So on. Chaos axe, despite being so unique is just... there.

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> That's my point though; there's no real explanation of what it is. Shadow weapons are pretty logical-weapons made by the shadow army for the shadow army. Eternal weapons are the same. Jade sword? Made from the jade sea, fair enough. So on. Chaos axe, despite being so unique is just... there.


Except that my point is that it is **not** unique. It's just the axe weapon of the ghostly weapons, most of which just happen to be named after a specific ghostly army.


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