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Lore question: If Sylvari can be awakened...

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I guess you can be branded/awakened infinitely. But you can also become death-branded awakened. But surely also mordrem-death-branded awakened. Confirmed by the existance of Subject Alpha: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Subject_Alpha


It doesn't change anything: You're dead and any of those methods can bring you "back to live" but between us, I will choose awakened without doubts. So cool, you're a tar filled mummy, you remember what was your life and can enjoy an afterlife hooray!


Here the basic cycle (based on zhaithan/ necrobrand emulation lab in sandswept):

1~You're dead.

2~You're awakened.

3~You're corrupted by any dragon.

4~You're dead a second time/killed

5~You're re-awakened or re-corrupted.

5bis~ You're killed return to step 5.


My guess will be, dragon > lich so the corruption will pass over your free will. So again, better to be just awakened.


So awakened branded or branded awakened is the same, you're branded. You're screwed we must kill you.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Does that mean Branded can be awakened? And if so, how would you tell an Awakened Branded human apart from a Branded Awakened human? And could an Awakened Branded human be Branded?


To my knowledge the Awakened process is more of a ritual for a select few. IMO, I don't think the awakened would want to "Awaken" a dead Branded creature.

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