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Have a Diviner boon renegade seen any life?


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In theory with a full Diviner armor, trinkets and weapon/s you have ~78% boon duration. This is enough to have 2'75s of alicrity per tick, which makes you give "perma" alacrity (cos with the boon your cd refresh faster). In this case I think that Scholar runes and power infusions would be great

If you want 3s then I think you should use runes with some % boon duration and maybe concentration infusions until you have ~92% (?)

I preffer the first idea

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Comparing with a diviner amulet in pvp, which gives 1050 concentration and listed as a straight 70%, inc weapons, armor and trinkets, then a sigil of concentration could boost it to 80% yes? a full set of traveller runes could then boost it to 95%


I asume 92% is the cap for 3s?


I eyed traveller due to the speed bonus, which is something renegades lack. Too much of a dps loss i guess?

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In theory exactly for 3s you need 100%, but probably the game "rounded" the numbers and yes, like I seen with ~92% the skill gives you 3s (in the description)

I usually dont play pvp, so no idea in this game mode. Anyway that 25% movement speed is without swiftness (33%).

And maybe depends on your build you lost too much dps or not. Probably a little bit less than Herald, but shouldnt be too much

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So as has been said just running full diviner is technically enough for permanent alacrity, however it is extremely tight. I feel you definitely want a bit more boon duration to give some wiggle room if allies miss a pulse or you delay pressing the button immediately off CD for some reason. From there I am running soul pastry food for 100 more concentration, and a few concentration infusions. Still considering running either pack runes or concentration sigil for a tad more boon duration.


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My Static has been running 2 FB 1 Diviner Renegade 1 druid (I play the renegade). It's been working quite well for us with the Firebrands healing and the fact that we can't stop our druid from playing vipers every raid .... :)


But seriously I've been using full diviner gear with scholar runes. The difference is i use Soul Pastries for food to ensure the permanent alacrity in real environments.

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It viable, yes, but.....


Diviners Alacrity Renegade suffers from several problems that make it really not that attractive, especially for speedclear raids. No burst, long phases of autoattacking because of energy problems on kalla. F4 cooldown is so badly timed that theres no comfortable rotation. Way too few dmg modifiers. Sword skills hit like a wet noodle. Alacrity upkeep is difficult because of energy costs and the fact that even with 100% boon duration - which is a HUGE stats loss for dps, no matter diviners gear, because of above mentioned missing dmg modifiers - you only get 2 seconds overlap.


At current balance, you'd want to bring a chrono with SoI to make diviners renegade more attractive. But then you can also just run 2x chrono, 1x druid. The whole point of diviners renegade becomes moot if you have to add a chrono for reliable 100% alacrity uptime.


Its not bad, but for speedclears its not good enough.


For casual raiding however, you want to bring a harrier variant or even cleric/givers mix for tanking. The dps from quickbrands is just better than from diviners renegade.

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I think huge drawback is we sacrifice lot of DPS for only 1 boon permanent uptime. Because Core Rev is kinda boonless, all of them are for short period of time. So Is it worth? Only Pros I can see are: That boon is alacrity, Soulscleave Summit is kinda OP(and will be nerfed for sure), Staff have huge breakbardmg.

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> @"PeLi.5498" said:

> In theory with a full Diviner armor, trinkets and weapon/s you have ~78% boon duration. This is enough to have 2'75s of alicrity per tick, which makes you give "perma" alacrity (cos with the boon your cd refresh faster). In this case I think that Scholar runes and power infusions would be great

> If you want 3s then I think you should use runes with some % boon duration and maybe concentration infusions until you have ~92% (?)

> I preffer the first idea


Pretty sure you get more dps with Pack Runes/Sigil of Concentration and then more Zerker gear... Could be wrong though as I haven't tested it personally, but the stat weight of that "free" 25% boon duration is huge.


(Or even going 5 pack/1 scholar for the extra 25 power since you don't need the precision in fractals.)

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No, I tested this @"narcx.3570" . Its because rev doesnt bring many dmg modifiers and the stat difference between berserker and diviners is pretty small. Scholars brings highest dps in any combination I tried.


> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> I think huge drawback is we sacrifice lot of DPS for only 1 boon permanent uptime. Because Core Rev is kinda boonless, all of them are for short period of time. So Is it worth? Only Pros I can see are: That boon is alacrity, Soulscleave Summit is kinda OP(and will be nerfed for sure), Staff have huge breakbardmg.


Exactly, though to use all those three things effectively, you have to play harrier heal renegade :( Diviners just doesnt bring enough to the table to be considered meta. Im not saying its not viable, my static runs with a diviner renegade. But its a niche build, that isnt (yet, hopefully) quite enough to be considered in speedclear raids.


Fractals no-healer comps only run it because its the better of only 2 alternatives.

And if you want the more pug friendly alternative, then harrier renegade is more effective, since you get higher soul cleave uptime, cc without dps loss and power firebrand has burst dmg.

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still hope ppl will start using ReneBrand so you can choose. If one of those 3 things above will be touched negatively Diviner build will die. And only variant would be full support/healer. So finger crossed :) I was looking for Revenant playtime and its only 7-8% globaly so they could let us have some crazy stuff like soulscleave summit :))))

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Well one can hope for the balance update next week, they did say we shouldnt get too attached to stuff just yet.


> Are you sure it will be next week??


ah, i think i misread something, it was in regards to new stats comming with the boon changes. I just realized it was the diviner stats.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"PeLi.5498" said:

> > In theory with a full Diviner armor, trinkets and weapon/s you have ~78% boon duration. This is enough to have 2'75s of alicrity per tick, which makes you give "perma" alacrity (cos with the boon your cd refresh faster). In this case I think that Scholar runes and power infusions would be great

> > If you want 3s then I think you should use runes with some % boon duration and maybe concentration infusions until you have ~92% (?)

> > I preffer the first idea


> Pretty sure you get more dps with Pack Runes/Sigil of Concentration and then more Zerker gear... Could be wrong though as I haven't tested it personally, but the stat weight of that "free" 25% boon duration is huge.


> (Or even going 5 pack/1 scholar for the extra 25 power since you don't need the precision in fractals.)


Always I have a wvw mind, I dont do pve and just sometimes for the loot I do pvp. So probably in pve you are right, but in wvw like maybe you know not all is dps

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