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Story Instance needs a reset


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> @"Sithis.3564" said:

> How am I suppose to do those achievemnts? If I fail, I have to reset the WHOLE episode every, single time?


Yes, although lately they’ve been better at making pitstops.

But you have to do a complete run, first.

E.g., the last chapter had three trials, each with a pitstop, and the final fight had 4, but i don’t understand why because all achievements require you to start from the first pitstop in that fight.

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If we are talking about the latest episode, If you finished the story on a character to the end when you re-enter instances with the same character you will be asked if you want go to a certain point for an achievement (well for those ones that make sense at least).

So basically finish it first...Then go for the achievements.


For older ones check-pointing was not always that good so you have to bear with it.

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> @"Sithis.3564" said:

> So I need to finish the instance but I will be able to enter the room anyway? Even if the story chapter is finished?


You can replay any story chapter you have finished expect the personal story of the vanilla game. When you are done with the episode just go to your journal and reactivate it.

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> @"Sithis.3564" said:

> No, that I already know. I tought that You said, they implemented a feature that allows to reply a story instance but not the whole episode.

Yes, they did. Once you restart the episode, all the story instance entry points for that episode will get a marker (violet, not green like for natural story progression) letting you rerun that specific instance. In this case you will get two markers next to each other - for the last step you need to use the one closer to the doors, and the top option or first suboption (top option starts the whole instance, first suboption skips all the talking before the fight).

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