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Community New Pet Wishlist


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I wanted to start a thread so players can post ideas on NEW pets they would like to see introduced into the game... Keep this discussion limited to NEW pet ideas only, not complaints about current pets or pet mechanics. Just want to give the devs an idea of what the community is thinking or desires. TY



My idea from a different thread...


> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Bat Pets

> -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cave_Bat

> -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cliff_Bat

> -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frost_Bat

> -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampire_Bat


> Soulbeast Merged Skills…

> -F1 on all bats- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swoop_(soulbeast)


> -F2 on all bats- AoE Reveal… Like this skill… https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Detection_Pulse


> Let’s call this AoE reveal skill… “Echolocation” because it’s a perfect name!

> -Revealed 6 seconds

> -5 Targets

> -Radius 900


> -F3 skill on Cave Bat- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Worldly_Impact


> -F3 skill on Cliff Bat- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primal_Cry


> -F3 skill on Frost Bat- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prelude_Lash


> -F3 skill on Vampire Bat- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spiritual_Reprieve


> Vampire Beast Pets

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampire_Beast_Broodmother

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampire_Beast_Crawler

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampire_Beast_Mauler

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veteran_Vampire_Beast_Bloodsucker


> Soulbeast Merged Skills

> F1 on all Vampire Beasts- Teleport to target like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steal

> -Range 900

> -Applies Cripple


> F2 on all Vampire Beasts- AoE "Screech"

> -Daze 1 second

> -Confusion

> -Vampiric Infection... "Vampiric Infection - Drains health from a target, restores health"


> -F3 on Broodmother- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unflinching_Fortitude

> -F3 on Crawler- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primal_Cry

> -F3 on Mauler- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Worldly_Impact

> -F3 on Bloodsucker- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spiritual_Reprieve




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Smogscale would be enough to replace the smoke fields with poison, when combined worldy impact with Primal Cry


Hawkeye Griffon: Slash, Shred (knockback) and wordly impact


Basilisk: Bite, Petrifying Gaze and Prelude Lash


Vulture Raptor: I do not like moa xD


Young Karka: Slice, Spit - (Fires multiple crippling projectiles), and worldy impact




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ex: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charradis_Fly_Swarm


Make an e-spec that revolve around swarms of small insects that barely do damage but are a pain to deal with (only the e-spec can use them though). Obviously, that mean this e-spec lose the ability to summon the current pets but instead can choose to slot 2 out of 4 possible swarms. (_Acidic fly swarm_: vuln on hit instead of damage, _wasp swarm_: poison on hit instead of damage, _mosquito swarm_: drain life on hit instead of damage, _corpse fly swarm_: weakness on hit instead of damage). Give them a common skill that allow them to glue themself onto the target making them untargetable/_determined_ until this target dodge or die just like the little karka in southsun cove... etc.


And for the fun, we can also imagine utility skills being "insect minions" with an array of larger insects summoned (spider, wasp, beetle, scarab, scutter, beetle or whatever) that each have an active skill associated. We can even imagine the e-spec being called the "hivemaster".


Edit: E-spec idea:

**name:** Hivemaster


**Mechanism:** Swarm

_Swarms_ now replace the ranger's pet, you can choose 2 swarms amongst 4 to equip as pets.

- _Chak fly swarm_: inflict vuln on hit. F2: _Energized_: the swarm surround itself with a protective shield that reflect foes projectile. Last 2-3 seconds.

- _wasp swarm_: inflict poison on hit. F2: _Frenzy_: the swarm enter into a frenzy attacking twice faster. Last 2-3 seconds.

- _mosquito swarm_: drain life on hit. F2: _Blood aura_: the swarm suround itself in a bloody aura drain life from nearby foes. Last 2-3 seconds, tic every second.

- _corpse fly swarm_: weakness on hit. F2: _Decay_: the swarm surround itself in an aura of decay that poison nearby foes every seconds. Last 2-3 seconds.


**Utility Skills**: Minions/Insects

- Heal: _summon Bee_: Summon a bee worker at your side, gain life. Active skill: _Honey_: Your bee worker produce honey for you to consume restoring life.

- _Summon scarab_: Summon a scarab that bite ferociously your foe, inflicting bleed. Active skill: _Wing flury_: channel a damaging aoe.

- _Summon beetle_: Summon a beetle that attack your foe. Active skill: _lunge_: the beetle charge your foe, knocking it down.

- _Summon scuter_: Summon a scuter that attack your foes from range. Active skill: _Poison spray_: spray a cloud of poison that poison foes and deal small amount of damage.

- _Summon spider_: Summon a spider that attack from range, poisoning foes. Active skill: _flying net_: launch a net that pull foe.

- Elite: _Summon siege devourer_: Summon a siege devourer at your side that cleave foes in front of him. Active skill: _Siege mode_: The devourer ground itself and now launch aoe range attacks on your foe.


**Weapon:** Focus (Just for the sake of having a focus that look like a hive.)

- Skill#4: _Nectar:_ You gain might and swiftness, your swarm gain superspeed.

- Skill#5: _Royal jelly_: You gain protection and regeneration, your swarm gain quickness.



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