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Teams [suggestion]


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Give enhancements, rewards, improved loot for teamed battles to encourage more team gameplay and team usage. Give bonus or recognition for good teamwork; like high healing, high damage outputing, damage mitigation or team enhancing, healing/cc denial, CC usage etc. This would help open world, story mode instances and other parts of the game have more teamed gameplay to overall hopefully improve the gaming experience - be it a pug or not.

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I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting as these bonuses you suggest are already provided when playing with other players. You receive boons they give, heals, and the bonus of a person to revive you if you get knocked down. Fields they put down you can combo off of for more damage, heals, and other effects. Often teaming up with others is a great way to supplement boons you don't have access to on your build.


Some world events require this kind of team work in order to succeed, such as the event Triple Trouble which has rewards exclusive to that event.

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