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My personal requests and suggestions

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I am a long time Guildwars player I played GW1 since I was around 9 years old I had a blast... I couldn't even type but ran around with my dad in Pre searing Ascalon killing charr they where the hardest thing to kill for me, then we moved out and saw Ascalon fall, I watched Prince Rurik die, I watched the rise and fall of the lich, the murssaat, shiro , and even the death of a god, I defeated FoW and even attempted UW and the game was amazing I could farm for hours and never get bored I could earn gold by myself, with a guild, with friends and even family, I've moved with you guys to GW2 even though all of my hard work and hours where left in another game. I've grinded and worked hard on here as well and its fun! I'm still playing with my dad, found new friends new guilds and its fun. But why have you done this to us?


P.S I have no intentions of leaving :) I love this game still even with the issues it has because I do know every MMO has issues :P




Dear Anet I have a couple questions


Why is it that the stuff you get from achievement chests are no where near as cool as what you can buy in the gem store? I know its good business for you guys but shouldn't you reward someone for playing the game? the weapons and armor you get is cool don't get me wrong but NO where near as neat as the new sword that came out etc. What about mount skins? The only way to get new skins for your mounts is to buy them off the gem store? The game just doesn't really seem to reward the individual player and rewards the person with the most willingness to spend a lot of money on a the game.


Also why is the PvP community neglected ? why is balancing an issue? you guys where doing well at the games launch then neglected it and since then its been dying, what about the number of game modes? GW1 has had enough game modes that you could almost never complain from Hero battles (removed) to Random arenas to Team battles to ACTUAL GUILD WARS and even alliance battles and things like FA and JQ what happened! the awards you could get from there where actually rewarding to it was ACTUALLY nice to go and earn some extra gold! but you cant do that anymore I don't get how you could go backwards!...


Guilds don't seem to be the same anymore either, you originally had a close group of people you would play with your guild was YOUR guild now you allow us to be into 5? I have 1 main guild that im apart of and that's mine, but even I don't really participate in the other guilds im in bring back alliances, only allow 1 guild ! bring back guild wars.


Here are a couple of my solutions...

Help pvp get back into a playable state.

give the players a an actual incentive to play the game rather then paying for the coolest of items

reward players for grinding out AP

bring back guild wars

bring back things like Heros Ascent

Bring back FoW and UW some how (in a living world story or as a dungeon, or even a explore able area

you guys do a great job with the story I cant even complain about that




I still love this game and always will I grew up on this game and still plan to play it even through gw3 gw4 gw5 however far you guys take it :)




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I need about ten more guild slots please. You can restrict yourself to one. There is no one forcing you to use all five slots but five is nowhere near enough for me.


Not sure if you mean tournaments for wvw but they will not bring those back and added skirmish chests instead.


I would like more in achievement chests; agree with you there.

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> Dear Anet I have a couple questions

> Why?

> Why is it that the stuff you get from achievement chests are no where near as cool as what you can buy in the gem store? I know its good business for you guys but shouldn't you reward someone for playing the game? the weapons and armor you get is cool don't get me wrong but NO where near as neat as the new sword that came out etc. What about mount skins? The only way to get new skins for your mounts is to buy them off the gem store? The game just doesn't really seem to reward the individual player and rewards the person with the most willingness to spend a lot of money on a the game.


Excluding mounts there are a lot of in-game skins to get. If anything the ratio of in-game and gem store items is pretty good currently. And the AP armor skins are quite unique. So it is a bit of matter of taste whether you like them or not. Also most skins that you get from Map meta achievements are really good imo.


> Also why is the PvP community neglected ? why is balancing an issue? you guys where doing well at the games launch then neglected it and since then its been dying, what about the number of game modes? GW1 has had enough game modes that you could almost never complain from Hero battles (removed) to Random arenas to Team battles to ACTUAL GUILD WARS and even alliance battles and things like FA and JQ what happened! the awards you could get from there where actually rewarding to it was ACTUALLY nice to go and earn some extra gold! but you cant do that anymore I don't get how you could go backwards!...



I cannot talk about PvP in gw2 but balance in gw1 was all over the place. It was fun because of the chaos of it but it was never really "balanced". From what i understand sPvP is a pretty good source of gold.


> Guilds don't seem to be the same anymore either, you originally had a close group of people you would play with your guild was YOUR guild now you allow us to be into 5? I have 1 main guild that im apart of and that's mine, but even I don't really participate in the other guilds im in bring back alliances, only allow 1 guild ! bring back guild wars.


I agree with that. Probably the part where gw2 is really lacking is guild activities. Hopefully when alliances (some day) and 15 vs 15 come in it might help a little. But they need to focus more on this.


> Bring back FoW and UW some how (in a living world story or as a dungeon, or even a explore able area

> you guys do a great job with the story I cant even complain about that


Raid Wing 5 is in the Underworld.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I need about ten more guild slots please. You can restrict yourself to one. There is no one forcing you to use all five slots but five is nowhere near enough for me.


> Not sure if you mean tournaments for wvw but they will not bring those back and added skirmish chests instead.


> I would like more in achievement chests; agree with you there.


I personally think that it just keeps you more involved in a community to be in 1 :) but yea that ones just preference for sure :)


and by GvG they used to have an entire game mode For Guilds to fight it was really something to watch, the whole point was to kill the opponents Guild lord but there where things that had to be completed in the process before reaching the guild lord :) it was neat.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> > Dear Anet I have a couple questions

> > Why?

> > Why is it that the stuff you get from achievement chests are no where near as cool as what you can buy in the gem store? I know its good business for you guys but shouldn't you reward someone for playing the game? the weapons and armor you get is cool don't get me wrong but NO where near as neat as the new sword that came out etc. What about mount skins? The only way to get new skins for your mounts is to buy them off the gem store? The game just doesn't really seem to reward the individual player and rewards the person with the most willingness to spend a lot of money on a the game.

> >

> Excluding mounts there are a lot of in-game skins to get. If anything the ratio of in-game and gem store items is pretty good currently. And the AP armor skins are quite unique. So it is a bit of matter of taste whether you like them or not. Also most skins that you get from Map meta achievements are really good imo.

> Yea i think the Armor skins themselves are the only thing that are worth getting out of the achievement chests besides the extra gold/ karma etc


> > Guilds don't seem to be the same anymore either, you originally had a close group of people you would play with your guild was YOUR guild now you allow us to be into 5? I have 1 main guild that im apart of and that's mine, but even I don't really participate in the other guilds im in bring back alliances, only allow 1 guild ! bring back guild wars.


> I agree with that. Probably the part where gw2 is really lacking is guild activities. Hopefully when alliances (some day) and 15 vs 15 come in it might help a little. But they need to focus more on this.

> I did hear about an Alliance thing I am excited to see what they do with that ESPECIALLY because Alliances where introduced with Cantha :) maybe we will go to cantha! :)

> > Bring back FoW and UW some how (in a living world story or as a dungeon, or even a explore able area

> > you guys do a great job with the story I cant even complain about that


> Raid Wing 5 is in the Underworld.

> What about FoW? this was personally my favorite place :) also Heros Ascent was another way into the mists and it brought you to a golden city where you fight the other top teams "pvp based"



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hehe....Just give some space between the quotes and your replies.


> @"sinsrock.1702" said:


> I did hear about an Alliance thing I am excited to see what they do with that ESPECIALLY because Alliances where introduced with Cantha :) maybe we will go to cantha! :)

The way the are going with alliance development it is quite possible that it will only be ready with the next expansion that could be cantha. So you never know...


> What about FoW? this was personally my favorite place :) also Heros Ascent was another way into the mists and it brought you to a golden city where you fight the other top teams "pvp based"


No FoW but people are theorizing that it might be added as a raid or some other way eventually.


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Which skins are better is all down to personal taste. Apart from mount skins where the only option is the gem store there are always alternatives to choose from. For example I love the new Caithe sword which was just released in the gem store, but then I realised I'd have to stop using my new Scion's Claw, and I decided I actually like that one better so I'm sticking with it and not buying the new gem store one.


(I might get it one day, if I have another character it would look good on, but not now.)

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One thing you sort of touched on but concentrated on the wrong part is guilds. Why are guild so neglected in a game called Guild Wars? Like they havent even touched Guild Missions in years, there are only 3 guild halls (You didnt need to make them so big), there is no officer chat, no way to mass mail the whole guild for something important, the perms are messed up and they are just generally lacking in features.

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Never thought I'd see someone complain about having multiple guild slots. I thought it was one of the more innovative features in GW2.


In other MMOs, like WoW, changing guilds was a big deal. Sometimes you would have characters in different guilds, and so you would be cutoff from at least some of your friends some of the time.


Compare that to GW2 where you can be in a PvE guild, a WvW guild, a RP guild, a guild with people you like to hang out with, and that even leaves you with 1 free slot! That you can also guild chat in any of the guilds you belong to, without having to change your tag, is even more awesome.


I agree there should be more content aimed at Guilds: new missions, updated rewards, new halls, etc. It is so easy to get into a guild in GW2 because it doesn't mean you are committing yourself exclusively to a single group, that nobody can complain about not finding a guild if they are actively looking.

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