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Collection Suggestion: Phantasm Weapons

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Heya o7


As a Mesmer main I'm a big fan of the unofficially named [Phantasm / Ectoplasm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasm_weapons "Phantasm / Ectoplasm") weapon skins.


And I was kind of hoping we could have a rare collections achievement for collecting all of them and get a cool appropriately themed back piece or helm or shoulder reward. Like the [spirit Smith](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit_Smith "Spirit Smith") achievement for account binding all of the guardian Spirit Weapon skins. Or like an Acolyte of Lyssa title to bind all of this stuff in addition to the Chaos of Lyssa back item similar to Acolyte of Dwayna.


In addition can there be a crafting recipe for the staff Phantasmal Warlocks get after the rework and have this as part of the collection?

![](https://i.imgur.com/pteg3Tm.jpg "")


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