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Balance Updates Need to Push For.....


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Ok, so Imagine that a game that prides itself on bringing forth new exciting and creative classes finds itself in a situation where they have to balance back and forth classes between a 10+ year year gap......it is madness. There is a trick that MMOs use to bring in more players and cause current players to make new characters, and thats the rebalancing of classes to make a certain class OP and some other classes nerf'd for a few months, and then make another couple of classes OP and then nerf the previous ones. This method helps games that DONT create new classes as one of its main selling points, its for games that remain relatively stable of the classes for a long period of time.


This brings me to the current issue; Anet Balance team needs to push for REAL balance, meaning keep the classes with its respective category (healing, dps, condi, etc) and make them useful and sustained within its specialization permanently. Managing to put old/new classes within an even playing field, meaning that there is no OP vs useless nerf class, will allow the balance team to keep their sanity, while allowing them to please the player base and allow for a more fair, balanced, and competitive game. Therefore, DROP the wheel method for class balance and adopt a stable even platform.



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The chances of pleasing the player base or the community judging good balance is zero. As soon as someone loses, the cry nerf. Very few consider the bigger picture and almost no player can claim to have metrics to decide what balances. Almost every call comes from a platform of bias towards their own class and play style.


Now I'm not trying to say things are balanced nor am I claiming nothing needs doing, but I'm not sure what use saying "please balance/nerf/buff better" is going to lead to any change whatsoever.


If you genuinely want balance, constructive, specific criticism in the relevant profession forums is perhaps a better way forward.

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