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Gw1 had the market right !

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Need to disagree with the OP on this one. The TP is a great feature in GW2 that I wish could have been in GW1 back when I played it. Back when I played GW1 I got frustrated sitting in Kamadan trying to buy or sell something, usually because it took so long to find a buyer or seller. Also I never knew if things were going for market value, and it was so tedious when people said "make offer".

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Screw this silly idea!

TP is one of the best things of GW2!

GW1 had many beautiful things but I still remember with horror the spams in Kamadan and lfg window filled with "WTB/WTS" posts, it was a nightmare, you risked to be scammed and you had to wait for a buyer/seller of your interested item. Now prices are fair, no risk of being scammed and you have choice to wait (place your offer) or straight buy/sell the item of your desire.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> GW1 has the by far worst trade system I've ever seen in an online game. First, it doesn't allow posting of items for later, you have to be there, spamming chat, in order to sell/buy. As if players don't have anything better to do with their time in-game. In other games with direct trading that I've played, they have global trade chat, something else missing from GW1. You need to be online, waste your time, stay on the same map, in order to sell/buy. The worst system I've ever seen.


Nah there are games like the upcoming Anthem that have no trade at all. That's worse. GW1 is from 2005 and it was really just not expected to be as big of a hit as it was. So there was no auction house and no crafting in it. I wouldn't call it a bad system as much as it didn't really have a system but you could trade from player to player which you can't in GW2. It would've been nice to have had some sort of tp in GW1 as well but people managed. Don't get me wrong though, I definitely don't think that getting rid of the TP here because of some nostalgic misconceptions is a good idea.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> The people on here who didn't like gw1s system dont enjoy playing as a merchant.

The majority of players aren't really interested in trading system as something they can play. It's just a tool to buy and sell stuff. And for that, gw2 is far more convenient.


I'm not surprised some merchants might like the gw1 system more - after all, it was the system that favoured the experienced merchants and allowed them to exploit the more casual customers. You shouldn't however be surprised that those casual customers like gw2 system far more, and in part for exactly the same reason.



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The TP is one of the largest gold sinks in the game , and MMOs must have gold sinks otherwise hyperinflation happens thanks to the infinite gold supply.

If the TP is removed or changed , the gold sink has to stay, and I cant see many other options that will remove a similar quantity of gold on a daily basis.

Player to player trading would be OK provided the trade still incurred a 15% fee on the sale.

But no one will want this.

I would like to see however some competition between merchants who buy and sell stuff, because as it is , the entire Black Lion trading company resembles a cartel where all the prices are fixed.

In RL, such an organization would be shut down on the spot for price fixing.


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The trading post is a fine system for the item system they have in the game (flat, commodity gear progression), but it would not work well for a more vertical, differentiated gear game (like Diablo).


The point about high market liquidity is spot on, it is super corrosive to drop-driven gear progression games by devaluing most drops and turning most everything into junk instead of potential upgrades. Whether that model, with less liquid markets, or crafting based economies with high liquidity are a superior design is more a matter of taste than anything.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> They essentially changed a medieval merchant type trading system for a modern stock market exchange. I feel like the old method was more fun. The TP is more convenient but its hollow and empty.


I think this is a fair statement: the old system involved meeting other players; the new system has no personality.

But that's exactly why it's better for the community: it treats everyone equally, whereas the GW1 was of huge benefit to those with more time to study markets, more time to leave toons parked in trading centers, & it especially benefited cheaters & scammers.


> The people on here who didn't like gw1s system dont enjoy playing as a merchant. I guess they like being day traders... fun.

Not everyone likes trading, if that's what you mean. I think there are a dozen reasons why some people would dislike GW1's system and prefer GW2's... as well as vice versa.


In the end, though, what's important is to set up a system that is fair to the vast majority of players. The GW1 system was unfair to the vast majority; the GW2 system is fair for nearly everyone (with some interesting & frustrating edge cases, right before|after market disruptions due to game changes, but that was worse in GW1, not better).

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