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PvP feedback from a noob (recently bought GW2)


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I've started playing game like half a year ago, and eventually dabbled into PvP. a bit I still consider myself a complete noob in he game mode. But my #1 issue with the game is matchmaking/ lack of players. If I with my 100 h of game time get thrown in a match with people with 1000h game time then L2P is not exactly the problem.

It's weird to see a game where you just got your deer finisher and then get owned by some dragon dude. Its hard to improve when you dont get consistent feedback loop - If you do good but still lose 100-500 and then do bad and win 500-50 next game.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > As some one whos heen playing for 6 years, the only thing stopping me from playing is that theres only one game mode 5v5 conquest. I am completely done with 5v5. Give me a 2v2 or a 3v3 system and this game will be my #1 for a long time to come. But for now i havnt touched it in at least a month and i proud of my self for that.

> > For a new player i dont see this being a problem. As for vetran players it our, well my biggest gripe about gw2.

> > I can over come the unbalanced nature of gw2, but doing the samw thing 7000+ game of the same game mode has bored me out to no end.


> Problem with that it is that split the playerbase. Other games struggle with this even with a huge population, their solution has been adding a "brawl" or "arcade" mode that rotates different modes, while having their "main" one as the standard for ranked. Think about it, imagine you queue for ranked and you dont know if you are going to get CTF, or KotH, or 2v2 or 3v3 arena, or the new mode (the one with the doors and the skritt trying to break thmem) they "recently" added whose name escapes me right now... Your build will be vaslty different for each, you will either need to change builds on the spot and get all traits, weapons, runes, sigils correct by memory, assuming you have a fast loading screen and you are very familiar with said different runes/sigils/traits/weapons that the build requires. Or have really fast loading screen and an alt with the build you wish to play, one per each mode.


> I currently have 3 builds for ele, I have 3 alts for that, each for different map and team composition (and mood) . Without build templates this is a nightmare, my alt spots are taken up by 2 alt eles, 2 alts guardians and 1 alt ranger on top of the "main" characters, thats a lot of character space ($$ and or gold) and hassle (imagine you had the alt parked in lions arch, where you first have to load LA with all the people and other stuff around you before the game automatically redirects you to the PvP map).


> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> There are logistic issues right now, which could be solved to some extent with build templates, but there are other problems which many other games have still not being able to tackle. I'm fine with KotH as our main mode, I think the stagnicity comes from lack of build diversity, due to *drum rolls* **LACK OF BALANCE**. Every game you fight the same 2-4 mirages, 1-3 soulbeasts, 1-3 holos, 1-4 spellbreakers/reapers/scourage with very little deviation from this, not even within the same elites you see diversity in utilities/weapons/gameplay because the degree of difference in power between these builds and other "subpar" builds is far too great to ignore if you care about having equal chances of fighting back.


> Look at other games, League of Legends, literally only one map, released in 2009, almost 10 years at this point, **LITERALLY ONLY ONE MAP** since day 1, one of the most popular games out there, why? Every game is different, there are literally million of combination of heroes you go agaisnt and play with (teammates and you), every game is different because even if playing the same heroes over and over again, there is a large variability in builds (what items you buy, what order you buy them, what skills you level first, etc) despite having fewer skills to press. Different genre too so somewhat unfair to compare them but you get my drift.

> __________________________________________________________________________________

> .|..............................................|..................................................|

> V.............................................V................................................V

> **TL:DR** the game feels stagnant because there is little build variability that is viable due to poor balance, not lack of game modes or maps. Other games like LoL only have 1 map and mode and are doing more than fine. Balance the game, more builds available, every game feels fresh(er) since you will not be playing agaisnt the same meta build over and over and over and over and over and over and ov.....


Actually LOL has plenty of maps that are in rotation. Iv stopped playing lol about a year ago, due to toxic environment, but when Iv launched it 2 weeks ago, they are really improving this game, lot of stuff is being added/changed

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > As some one whos heen playing for 6 years, the only thing stopping me from playing is that theres only one game mode 5v5 conquest. I am completely done with 5v5. Give me a 2v2 or a 3v3 system and this game will be my #1 for a long time to come. But for now i havnt touched it in at least a month and i proud of my self for that.

> > > For a new player i dont see this being a problem. As for vetran players it our, well my biggest gripe about gw2.

> > > I can over come the unbalanced nature of gw2, but doing the samw thing 7000+ game of the same game mode has bored me out to no end.

> >

> > Problem with that it is that split the playerbase. Other games struggle with this even with a huge population, their solution has been adding a "brawl" or "arcade" mode that rotates different modes, while having their "main" one as the standard for ranked. Think about it, imagine you queue for ranked and you dont know if you are going to get CTF, or KotH, or 2v2 or 3v3 arena, or the new mode (the one with the doors and the skritt trying to break thmem) they "recently" added whose name escapes me right now... Your build will be vaslty different for each, you will either need to change builds on the spot and get all traits, weapons, runes, sigils correct by memory, assuming you have a fast loading screen and you are very familiar with said different runes/sigils/traits/weapons that the build requires. Or have really fast loading screen and an alt with the build you wish to play, one per each mode.

> >

> > I currently have 3 builds for ele, I have 3 alts for that, each for different map and team composition (and mood) . Without build templates this is a nightmare, my alt spots are taken up by 2 alt eles, 2 alts guardians and 1 alt ranger on top of the "main" characters, thats a lot of character space ($$ and or gold) and hassle (imagine you had the alt parked in lions arch, where you first have to load LA with all the people and other stuff around you before the game automatically redirects you to the PvP map).

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> >

> > There are logistic issues right now, which could be solved to some extent with build templates, but there are other problems which many other games have still not being able to tackle. I'm fine with KotH as our main mode, I think the stagnicity comes from lack of build diversity, due to *drum rolls* **LACK OF BALANCE**. Every game you fight the same 2-4 mirages, 1-3 soulbeasts, 1-3 holos, 1-4 spellbreakers/reapers/scourage with very little deviation from this, not even within the same elites you see diversity in utilities/weapons/gameplay because the degree of difference in power between these builds and other "subpar" builds is far too great to ignore if you care about having equal chances of fighting back.

> >

> > Look at other games, League of Legends, literally only one map, released in 2009, almost 10 years at this point, **LITERALLY ONLY ONE MAP** since day 1, one of the most popular games out there, why? Every game is different, there are literally million of combination of heroes you go agaisnt and play with (teammates and you), every game is different because even if playing the same heroes over and over again, there is a large variability in builds (what items you buy, what order you buy them, what skills you level first, etc) despite having fewer skills to press. Different genre too so somewhat unfair to compare them but you get my drift.

> > __________________________________________________________________________________

> > .|..............................................|..................................................|

> > V.............................................V................................................V

> > **TL:DR** the game feels stagnant because there is little build variability that is viable due to poor balance, not lack of game modes or maps. Other games like LoL only have 1 map and mode and are doing more than fine. Balance the game, more builds available, every game feels fresh(er) since you will not be playing agaisnt the same meta build over and over and over and over and over and over and ov.....


> Actually LOL has plenty of maps that are in rotation. Iv stopped playing lol about a year ago, due to toxic environment, but when Iv launched it 2 weeks ago, they are really improving this game, lot of stuff is being added/changed


I'm talking about ranked. The rest can be thought of as arcade, sure they are fun, but when talking about balance, only Summoner's Rift is taken into account. Likewise, the only mode taken in consideration when balancing in PvP in GW2 is King of the Hill (or whats called here conquest).

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If you want to have fun in a pvp environment maybe you'l dig WvW.Not solo though,but to roam around with some of your buddies.Theres more to do in general just have to get careful of being ganked,and avoid ze blobs and you can have a good time.Pvp in itself is just stale and boring imo,ive played it serious mode for years but i cant see how people still enjoy this same old same old after all this time,class balance aside i'd play it serious again if they added some different types of game modes mainly death match.The issues you have with mesmer,dont worry about it theyre borked and everyone knows it.Not unbeatable though,so i'd suggest to either find a good mesmer and duel him for the sake of learning how to counter them or join the dark side yourself.

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