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recently i purchased some gems. The transaction went ok, i got my gems.

Then, yesterday, i find a spending under "Findmyorder.com Ireland". I never even knew this existed until i saw it in my spendings. I thought someone somehow got access to my credit card or something, until i remembered that the amount shown was the amount i paid for the gems.


Now, why, in the name of everything holy, would you let it be so misleading? Can't you at least make them say it's for ANET or something like that?


Can you please change the naming so that it correctly mentions ANET instead of some perfectly obsucre and unknown sub (findmyorder.com) of some other perfectly unknown company (Digital river)?



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All that said, it must cause DRI and/or their clients (e.g. ArenaNet) some grief from people who do knee-jerk charge-backs without finding out what the line in their bills means. The obvious thing to do would be bill it as "FindMyOrder.com - ArenaNet" or "FindMyOrder.com - Guild Wars 2" so that the billing line states the merchant as seen by VISA/MasterCard (FindMyOrder.com/DRI) and the ultimate merchant (DRI's client, ArenaNet).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I've never had it state 'FindMyOrder'. It's always DRI - Arena. (Or just DR - Ireland.)

> Never seen anyone post about 'FindMyOrder' before, either.

> Perhaps, it is new; perhaps, a fluke.

> Or, it might be the names each processor uses; different banks/paypal/country/etc.


Just checked on my online banking. It said "FINDMYORDER.COM IRELAND".

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