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Suggestion: Custom Emblem Upload

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I apologise if I've posted this incorrectly.


Those of you who have played Warframe extensively enough will have noticed that custom emblems can be submitted to Digital Extremes for consideration to be added in a future content update. The emblem will be applied to all dojo flags and will be available for clan members to use as personal regalia on the likes of frames and companions if it is approved. The emblem is usable only by the submitting clan. The submission costs 200 Platinum (Warframe's premium currency - last I checked this was worth about £10.00 without purchase bonuses). Only the clan founding warlord can do this, the equivalent of the founding guild member, I think, and they can do it by logging onto their account in a browser.


So my suggestion is basically that: a way for guilds to submit a personal, custom emblem for consideration in a future content update. I wouldn't mind paying a similar amount to be able to have our emblem customised even further. I won't pretend to know the ins and outs of how this process goes otherwise, or what kind of manpower it takes. I just know that another MMO has it implemented, and I think it's pretty neat and would love to see it in GW2. I think others would concur.


Thanks. :)

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I believe the Devs previously considered such an idea (and similar ideas, such as custom avatars), and felt they didn't have the man-hours to parse through submissions.

Though, one never knows when such a 'policy' will change.


(Though, we did have a promotion where some art was considered, and just recently added to Guild Emblem choices.)


Good luck.

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The obvious problem is that Anet will need to check each design isn't breaking the games rules and that takes time to do, even if it's just opening an email, opening the image, taking a quick look and hitting a button to send an automated reply (although it may take more than that - if it looks like an anime style sword for example is that because someone in the guild is really good at drawing in that style or have they cut it from a screenshot of an anime and Anet are risking getting accused of copyright violations if they accept it?). Even longer if you want an explanation for why your design was rejected.


One way to reduce that would be to reduce the number of submissions that can be made. Charging for it would certainly help, and maybe also say only guild leaders can submit custom designs and they're restricted to 1 submission per guild, per month (or however long Anet thinks is reasonable). They might also need to be an initial roll-out period so they don't have all the guilds submitting them at once...or just tell people it will take a long time at first and you'll hear back when they get to you.


But even then I can imagine they may feel the hassle of running it outweighs the benefits.


It would be nice if they did though. Depending on price I might even submit one for my private guild.

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I agree with the concerns over manpower. I'm not sure when DE implemented the service in Warframe - perhaps it was worked into their business model pretty early in the game's development, so adaptations to policies and manpower wouldn't need to go through (maybe) drastic changes.


I haven't actually read their terms on submitting iconography for consideration, nor do I know the full process. I just know that the site sends an automated email to them that they check in some way before getting back to you with, as you've suggested, an automated response to say that it was approved or whatnot. I do remember seeing something about surrendering copyright if you upload an image though, so in regards to that, they aren't really liable for copyright theft - users are. I think this is reinforced in that users pay to upload an image - they aren't purchasing the image, only the image space. I don't know what happens if a copyrighted image actually makes it into the game this way and is noticed by the copyright holder. It's a safe assumption that the image would be removed and perhaps offending user pointed out or something for the copyright holder to deal with.

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I got the pricing wrong if it concerned anyone. Without bonuses or discounts, it costs about £8.00 to upload a clan emblem to Warframe. And on that note I do think the cost helps to stop excessive uploads. Even then their initial terms say they can reject proposals at their discretion and they probably put off approval for virtually however long they want. Additionally, users are warned before submission that they may not submit copyrighted material.

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