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Dragon Hunter Help


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Hello Friends im sure you have seen my name more and more lately but its mainly because im trying out a lot of different classes and really just trying to grasp the long gap of NOT playing the game


However I mained Ranger for the longest time its fun but something about it makes it kinda boring maybe its the fact it can be pretty much unkillable and to strong with sic em etc

ANYWAYS I picked up Dragon hunter and I think its the most fun ive had playing the game in a long while but now im at a spot where I kinda hit my skill cap with it so far, its more because I don't quite understand the class's burst I think? my Gear is Full Marauders armor with zerk rings, ammy, trink



im basically running the Meditrapper build off of meta battle I didn't know really where to start so I started there

also im using firework runes because im SO slow


So from my understanding im supposed to use Spear of justice, Pull, Trap, Deflecting shot Trueshot? but I never really do enough dmg they always heal up to quickly OR I don't even get a pull due to stability any tips ? ANY AND ALL ACCEPTED thank you in advance :)

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hm I just skimmed through the entire thread looking for something to kind of help figure out exactly what to do it really only seems like people complaining about why it doesn't work instead of actually talking about how it CAN work

I definitely know that LB is weak atm or Weaker then other things but I still want to use it, LB is actually even Weaker on ranger then say an axe/axe unless you use unblockable sick em but I still use it because its my fav weapon,


That being said im looking for more about what people are doing to still make it work because you do see them roaming every so often its just not in the masses :) I have a basic knowledge on what to do and have been doing okay with it its only when I get into a 3v1 situation where im totally boned but I can at least hold my ground in a 1v1 situation with most classes except sicem sniper :) Thank you for the comment I did notice a lot of people focusing on LB being exceptionally week compared to other things so this does help me out :)



> @"Revan.2015" said:

> DH Longbow is in an "interesting" spot atm.


> I suggest reading up on the open threads about it like:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40944/longbow-dh-trash-tier#latest



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Often times those that you see running DH Longbow are doing it just because they want to. Especially if your secondary is Sword/Shield.


In PvP DH Longbow isn't a good matchup against more than one target because there aren't enough synergistic utility skills as most Guardian Utility skills don't contribute to the long range play. That and for a Longbow its not mobility friendly. Longbow also relies on a power build and squeezing as much dmg out as possible is mandatory for DH because its not able to sustain high enough dmg on its own in drawn out fights unless you drop the LB and and go (GS, Sword/X) or (GS, Scepter/x) and engage on traps.


Personally I played a DH With a Longbow as well, but found that running a Power LB/GS build was striking a good balance for me in regards to survivability and damage while running Shelter/Purging flames/Procession of Blades/"Stand Your Ground" and either Renewed Focus or "Feel my Wrath" depending on what I felt I needed more. I would open up with LB then switch to GS. When GS skills are on CD id switch to LB and repeat. (Given this was during HoTs when conditions were running rampant)

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> man that kinds stinks why Anet gotta ruin everything lol


Ranger is the better Roamer but guards better for group play. Guard can be a great 1v1 using core/dh or fb,roaming is more comfortable on dh cuz it’s got a bit of mobility. Dh or core can be a good +1 with the JI burst,does a tone of damage if opponent is caught of guard. If u wanna do zergs and some roaming either ranger or guard works but ones better than the other for zergs or roaming. I was stuck on those two as well but went dh cuz I liked it better in pve,it’s not better I just found it more fun

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