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Chasing Tales Issues [Merged]

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I cannot seem to progress in the 2nd and 3rd chasing tales for the axe collection where you have to _"slay four enemies sequentially within 20 seconds of one another"_ and _"while at 10% total health or less, slay five opponents in 5 minutes"_


Is anyone else experiencing this aswell? I tried everything and nothing seems to work.


I'm not sure how I keep getting bugs, with this sort of collections -.- I also happend to be one of those in last LW update with the heavy armor bug...


Hope we won't have to wait 2 weeks for a potentiel fix :)


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~~With #2 worked no problem, #3 seems to be bugged and wont progress. Tried it a bunch of different ways and different maps.


Also having any indication of the progress would be nice for example if you're 1/5 etc. ~~


Edit: It worked in the thunderhead keep area with the weapon equipped.

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I can say that I've killed well over 5 enemies while very much under 10% health, while holding the dragonsblood axe, while in the thunderhead peaks area, and have not gotten the respective achievement. This is either a very specific thing to get, or is bugged and is not registering. Also, I got the achievement for killing 30 enemies on the map after only killing about 6. So, I'm betting bugged achievement. But the kill enemies while under 10% health is not as easy as it looks and would appreciate if it could be looked at and fixed.

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Afflict 30 enemies with vulnerability while wielding a rifle.


Defeat 30 enemies while wielding a rifle in Thunderhead Peaks.


Defeat 10 enemies with a rifle in Thunderhead Peaks without taking damage.


Maybe they have to be done in order? I haven’t started these yet as I’m just saving up the map currency and jewels to do them all at once.



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After hours of running around Thunderhead Peaks I randomly got credit for stage 2, leaving me with stage 3 : kill a bunch of enemies while I have less than 10% hp left. This is insanely frustrating since most level 80 mobs do more than 10% of my hp in one hit and, it seems based on previous achievements and other posts that most of the time the achievement doesn't even register successful kills. Plus it isn't clear if you need to be in Thunderhead Peaks or not, or if you need to use the axe, or an axe or what?

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I'll chip in with the 'I'm having real trouble triggering this, assuming it's not just bugged' crowd. It feels like it's one of the good idea in theory ideas; if you're doing this you need to hope there's no-one nearby to help you, god help you if there's a guardian who decides to help and is all-round extremely punishing.

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I did the 3 separate tasks in the journal; Storms Eye, locus of power and torrent of magic but in the achievement of asaliea the channeler only the first 2 deeds are checked off and then the top one of making the exotic focus is checked. Deed 3 does not have a check mark and I'm not sure how to advance this further as there are no other chasing tales achievements in my journal so I don't know what deed 3 could be especially since I did 3 separate mini achievements for it already. Is there something I am missing here? Has anyone completed this one?

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I've finished the Chasing Tales: Harkon Hakson the Maelstrom today, so they're not bugged.

For the Chasing Tales: Enduring Hatred just do a meta and wield an axe and it should be done.

For Chasing Tales: Like a Wounded Beast, someone posted on reddit an easy way to do it and it works:

* Use a necromancer

* Use corruption skills to lower your health to below 10%

* Activate Shroud and kill stuff fast

South of the heart in the Grotto, there are some rooms with spiders. At the back end of the room there are several spider hatchlings (4 of them I think). Great spot to do it since the spiders don't have any dangerous attack and are easily kited.


Edit: The Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler cannot be completed at the moment. If you look on the wiki you'll notice both Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye and Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic achievements give you the same reward: Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye. And since I imagine the main achievement needs the Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic reward to check the 3rd deed, it can't be done.

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I have been doing the Chasing the Tales: Mouglon the Watchful (mace) and the deed #3 which is Chasing Tales: Man-at-Arms - Defeat 60 enemies while wielding mace and a shield in Thunderhead Peaks. I thought this was bugged because it never showed how many I had killed. I just did one of the metas and it finally popped for me. It would have been nice to see the progression for that one because I was sure I had gotten over 60 when doing the metas several times before.


Also I assume the description "wielding mace and a shield' it means you do not have to have that specific exotic dragonsblood mace to accomplish it. I am pretty sure I got the deeds #1 and #2 using The Moot. Since #3 was giving me no indication if I was progressing I switched to the exotic dragonsblood mace and it finally popped. Does anyone know if you have to actually use that mace/weapon vs any other mace/weapon to get these achieves?

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I tried doing the same thing, and stuck on the same step; no progression for the third deed, even after getting Storm's Eye. I think it might be a universal issue - if you check the wiki, you'll notice a distinct lack of any information about a Heroic Dragonsblood Focus anywhere there.

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Storm's Eye and Torrent of Magic give the same achievement reward. There is no Torrent of Magic reward so it won't unlock deed #3. Seems like an easy copy and paste mistake to fix, but they probably need to figure out a way to cleanup the flags on your char if you've already gotten both. Bug fix hopefully coming soon.

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