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Can we just balance out the crappy stolen skills? =/


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Throw Gunk is good damage and good condi application, but basically never lands. AOE is too small to effectively use as Area Denial, and Ethereal Field isn't really that useful.

If the AOE was increased to 180-200 it'd actually be a decent skill for thieves to use on point, especially in team fights.



Ice Shard Stab is just bad, it's comparable to Mace Head Crack from guard in that it's melee damage + utility effect, except 10s of chill is nowhere on the same level as 3s of daze. In general, I find Ice Shard Stab is not worth what it takes to land it, the opportunity cost in melee is better used to land more damaging attacks.

Swap it out with Use Scepter or something, or at the very least speed up the stab animation to be on par with Spellbreaker's Disrupting Stab.



Healing Seed is imo one of the better designed Stolen Skills, generally works really well with Thief's playstyle. Only thing weird is the 15s CD, why is that there? It's no more powerful than the other stolen skills, and it's the only one with a CD, making it pretty clunky to use in the meta s/d build. Just remove the CD and this skill will be great.

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> @"killy.3278" said:

> Ele:

> Ice Shard Stab is just bad, it's comparable to Mace Head Crack from guard in that it's melee damage + utility effect, except 10s of chill is nowhere on the same level as 3s of daze. In general, I find Ice Shard Stab is not worth what it takes to land it, the opportunity cost in melee is better used to land more damaging attacks.

> Swap it out with Use Scepter or something, or at the very least speed up the stab animation to be on par with Spellbreaker's Disrupting Stab.


If you land the chill it is actually quite punishing for an Ele if he cannot cleanse it.

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> If you land the chill it is actually quite punishing for an Ele if he cannot cleanse it.


It's basically 10s of cripple and +4s for anything that's currently on >10s CD. Both of which are certainly better than nothing, but doesn't compliment either d/p or s/d (or even condi builds). Slowed movement doesn't add much, as core thief already have plenty of other ways to deal with kiting. The CD increase is nice, but not enough of an effect to mount to anything significant imo.

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> > @"killy.3278" said:

> > Ele:

> > Ice Shard Stab is just bad, it's comparable to Mace Head Crack from guard in that it's melee damage + utility effect, except 10s of chill is nowhere on the same level as 3s of daze. In general, I find Ice Shard Stab is not worth what it takes to land it, the opportunity cost in melee is better used to land more damaging attacks.

> > Swap it out with Use Scepter or something, or at the very least speed up the stab animation to be on par with Spellbreaker's Disrupting Stab.


> If you land the chill it is actually quite punishing for an Ele if he cannot cleanse it.


The mostly played ele build is this boring meander stuff that is actually anti condi

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Make it so when you steal from an ele you get a different stolen item depending on which attunement they were on


Air - dmg + 1sec daze - melee

Fire - fire condi + damage - ranged 900

Earth - cripple + bleed - melee

Water - cleanse 1 condi + Regen - 5 allies


Edit: for earth maybe make it a aoe blast finisher 5 targets

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> @"Razi.6031" said:

> Make it so when you steal from an ele you get a different stolen item depending on which attunement they were on


> Air - dmg + 1sec daze - melee

> Fire - fire condi + damage - ranged 900

> Earth - cripple + bleed - melee

> Water - cleanse 1 condi + Regen - 5 allies


> Edit: for earth maybe make it a aoe blast finisher 5 targets


this is interresting idea i like it

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> @"killy.3278" said:

> Ranger:

> Healing Seed is imo one of the better designed Stolen Skills, generally works really well with Thief's playstyle. Only thing weird is the 15s CD, why is that there? It's no more powerful than the other stolen skills, and it's the only one with a CD, making it pretty clunky to use in the meta s/d build. Just remove the CD and this skill will be great.


The radius of this skill is pretty large and it cleanses a condi on you and your allies every second. On top of that, its a water combo field. My guess is that the Devs thought it would be pretty OP to have 10 seconds of a large water field and 1s/pulse condi clear in a team fight. Especially on smaller sized points.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> The radius of this skill is pretty large and it cleanses a condi on you and your allies every second. On top of that, its a water combo field. My guess is that the Devs thought it would be pretty OP to have 10 seconds of a large water field and 1s/pulse condi clear in a team fight. Especially on smaller sized points.


I don't see how that's any worse than back-to-back plasma or AOE fear on point, which they've apparently been okay with all this time. Maybe blasting water field would have been a thing back when the base game first came out, but if you compared to what else is in the game now it's pretty tame.


But let's say your point is valid, even in that case I still think 15s CD is excessive. In most cases there's no time to get any real value out of the 2nd cast before Steal is ready again. A 10s CD would be more reasonable, and give it a 50% uptime while Steal is down.

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> @"killy.3278" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > The radius of this skill is pretty large and it cleanses a condi on you and your allies every second. On top of that, its a water combo field. My guess is that the Devs thought it would be pretty OP to have 10 seconds of a large water field and 1s/pulse condi clear in a team fight. Especially on smaller sized points.


> I don't see how that's any worse than back-to-back plasma or AOE fear on point, which they've apparently been okay with all this time. Maybe blasting water field would have been a thing back when the base game first came out, but if you compared to what else is in the game now it's pretty tame.


> But let's say your point is valid, even in that case I still think 15s CD is excessive. In most cases there's no time to get any real value out of the 2nd cast before Steal is ready again. A 10s CD would be more reasonable, and give it a 50% uptime while Steal is down.


My point already is valid. If you can't see why it would still be an issue in the current state of the game, then that's unfortunate for you.

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> @"killy.3278" said:

> > @"syszery.1592" said:

> > If you land the chill it is actually quite punishing for an Ele if he cannot cleanse it.


> It's basically 10s of cripple and +4s for anything that's currently on >10s CD. Both of which are certainly better than nothing, but doesn't compliment either d/p or s/d (or even condi builds). Slowed movement doesn't add much, as core thief already have plenty of other ways to deal with kiting. The CD increase is nice, but not enough of an effect to mount to anything significant imo.


You might be severely undervaluing someone who's movement speed is massively dropped.


1. You're constantly pressuring them. You can bob out of their attacks, and come back in. But they can't do the same for you.

2. If they try to run, you will catch them very quickly regardless of whats on cool down.

3. When going for a backstab, they can't move around very quickly to throw off your stab and force the 1sec cool down timer.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > First nerf stealth, then we can talk about buffing stolen skills.

> >

> > Are you talking about DE?


> Lol I would hope so but than again that wouldn’t make much sense


Yeah that‘s what I thought aswell...

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > First nerf stealth, then we can talk about buffing stolen skills.

> >

> > Are you talking about DE?


> I'm talking about this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61345/semi-and-perma-stealth-are-junk-mechanics/p1


Well I don‘t see a problem with stealth except on dodge and perma.


For the skills I‘d say they‘re okay except the one from engi which I find useless. I‘m not and expert at engi so I‘m not sure what would be a good idea but maybe we could steal one of the elixiers.

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