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What features would you like to see in the next expansion?


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> @"Klakax.2596" said:

> Listen, people beg for old class design in WoW - they felt better few years ago with more abilities than they do today with less.


Okay maybe I should have clarified: I don't know how WoW evolved after Cataclysm. Stopped playing at the end of it. That being said, folding excessive cruft and deadweight abilities and talents was a thing *in TBC, WotLK and Cataclyms already*, and worked very well.

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The option for more build complexity. They oversimplified the system when they switched to the trait system we have now. We should have more ability to really specialize in something. For example I used to be a very useful close combat healer(engineer). It was a spec few used, but was still very effective. Now it feels like there are maybe five useable cookie cutter builds per class with no real customization options. I feel like I have to build like everyone else, or be a fail player. Not to mention its boring.


I'd like to see more personal story development. Along with more central Tyria integration. These could be done together. For example a new central Tyria personal story(maybe following the cleansing of orr that actually changes those maps). New maps would be added to central Tyria, as well as the expansion maps(which could be treated as a very full side story with LS5 which would involve both central Tyria and the expansion zone.


The Central Tyria integration would include new masteries added to the core game that unlock basic expansion functions for core users, and augment and enhance them for expansion users. These masteries could only be made available by completing parts of the new personal story. For example a half speed glider could be the first unlock. For non-HoT users it gives you access to a slow(half speed) glider. For HoT owners, unlocking it adds 50% to both your accelerated and cruising speeds, and gives you a 20 Ft height boost from using air currents. New map area in the way of floating islands(worked into the story) and air currents would be added to the existing Central Tyrian Orr maps to provide additional verticality.


A new mount could be added that is a new central tyrian mastery. I vote a frog, or other amphibian. This would provide underwater mounted combat. As well as some limited land use, such as small vertical jumps and horizontal jumps. Faster in water than on land like the skimmer but still faster than running. Unlocking the masteries for would increase the PoF mounts abilities for PoF owners. The initial unlock would give them frog, but also teach the skimmer dive, and underwater breathing. The horizontal hop mastery would lengthen the raptors leap and add an extra energy bar for the Jackal to provide an extra teleport. The vertical jump mastery would increase the bunny's vertical jump and the griffins height boost post dive. Learning the frogs combat dismount would give an aoe poison effect to all mounts on dismount. Etc I'm sure someone could come up with something for the beetle.


Underwater combat needs revamped. The central Tyria Orr maps are perfect for this because they are pretty water heavy. For the expansion I'd like to see at least one completely underwater map, and one that is scattered islands and underwater caves requiring underwater travel to reach different places. Part of this of this would be the addition of actual flora and fauna to the underwater world. Right now it's empty water with a few monsters and some stuff on the bottom. To make it a real map it can't be mostly empty space. Land maps work because they are divided up by mountains and cliffs and pathways and levels. Any underwater map will have to follow a similar structure to be entertaining and playable, and will need various biomes. Warm water, cold water. Water with currents. Murky water, tropical water. Large river ways. Salt water vs fresh water. Underwater volcanoes letting off toxic gas. There are soooooo many options. These changes should occur on the new maps and at the very least the Central Tyrian Orr maps if not EVERY map, including old expansions.


Right now the expansions don't really feel like the same game. There is no unity between any of them or the core game. Underwater combat and a new personal storyline in addition to some new expansion only maps allow them to blend the experiences together better. By adding basic versions of the existing expansion masteries to the core game, it would also allow them build on those in future expansions. This would mean that things like verticality, which made HoT so enjoyable could be carried into new content, not left by the wayside. New masteries could be used to enhance gliding in new ways would enhance the experience for both core and HoT owners. Or new mounts could be added while enhancing old ones for PoF owners. This means that multiple expansion owners would see more QoL changes, making their lives easier in all zones, while providing fun new content for all players, and exclusive content for owners of the new expansion. Such as things like "underwater fire mastery" to provide light in dark underwater areas and caves. And Largos language skills, that not only let you talk to the new largos vendors in expansion maps, but let you translate largos writings in underwater caves all over Tyria that help you unlock Easter eggs and expansion exclusive skins for everything from weapons to mounts and a set of largos glider wings. (hint hint Arenanet).


And yeah, they could throw in player housing if they want. This could also be done via the personal story. Although I would vote that when you unlock customizable housing you get to choose what "theme" you want, and can just enter it from the home entrance in cities and unlocked entrances in other maps. Additional "themes" could be unlocked by completing achievements in the cities you didnt choose, and anywhere else. Some themes could even be purchasable. Achievement themes could be available for every map even, which would use the housing options and biome from that map. The exact models could be ripped directly from it, massively decreasing the work required.

Decorations would be craftable, earnable via achievements and even purchasable from various vendors, related to that map or vendor ofc. All models could already be in game, or be made for the Gem store. You could decorate and move things around your home instance as you pleased. Changing the theme would set nodes and such to default location and return added decor back to your decoration vault. You might even gain certain default decor when you earn or purchase a theme. (like the stuff included in the map version of that theme). You could visit friends housing via the friend list or guild roster unless they "locked" their home. In which case you get a "sorry this home is locked" error message. And a person can right click any name and send an "invite to home" which would pop up much like a timed "would you like to enter this instance" message. This would allow people to enter locked homes. Just add a "automatically deny house visit invitations" option to settings for those who dont want them. Also limit players to farming say 5 instances a day or lock farming in other homes to once a week per home to prevent overfarming.


For me expansion and core integration is the most important thing. I want to be able to take a mission in Lions arch, and follow it through ALL the maps and have it feel like a cohesive experience! I'd also want to get something epic and exclusive from it. It'd be fun, and make me feel rewarded for buying every expansion. It would also make it easier to build content that caters to everyone and still uses expansion mechanics. Fractals that need a glider? Why not as long as it only requires the half speed one? An instance that needs both a glider and a horizontal or vertical jumping mount? Sure! Whip out the frog, or the raptor and bunny. Even expansion exclusive content like a raid could use all the mechanics from previous expacs because alternate versions are available in the core game.


Housing and such come second to me. Oh and PvP and WvW could be enhanced the same way as far as integration goes. Oh but more in depth playstyle options are very important. No more cookie cutters plz.


Edit: Underwater revival needs to follow the same format as land revival. It's too weak right now. Swimming to the surface can be an option, but fighting back should be the optimal and most effective choice in most situations. This is especially important in underwater caves and such, which are necessary to add some biome options and map depth.

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