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Progress-stopping bug in "Guns, Germs, and Steal" storyline quest. [Merged]

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I was one of the people they unjustly banned in April and got "vindicated "after they realized they messed up. I decide to give them one last little thread of a chance, to at least go through the LS to see if it's worth even bothering coming back. First new map I get this bug and can't progress. It feels like their trying to make my return experience terrible on purpose. lol

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After a week of reporting and player rants. They have already added it on the Known Issue Tracker and is already investigating it *SIGH*


To all people experiencing the same bug, you may track them here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker. Just search for the keyword 'Long Live The Lich'


this is honestly tiring.


> @"Psyches.9487" said:

> It's been like this for over a week, given that the map is generally underpopulated why cant it just be reset to see if it becomes playable at least momentarily. Or some kind of work around so we can skip it


I have tried filing a ticket regarding that. Like skip the specific quest line. Just so I can progress to the story, after all ive finished all 2 other sub quest (Heket Tribe and Corsairs) in Guns, Germs and Steal. It will more or less continue to the next quest if we can have them skip the 3rd in 'kill other loyalists' part


but no, they cant do it and asked if we can just wait for a fix for it, bummer.

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> @"Adrian.6498" said:

> After a week of reporting and player rants. They have already added it on the Known Issue Tracker and is already investigating it *SIGH*

It was being tracked by them long before that. _The Known Issue Tracker_ represents only that fraction of bugs that they are "investigating." Being on the list will not ensure it gets addressed sooner nor does being absent from the list mean it will take longer.


All it means is that we can track the QA's team progress as to whether it's unresolved, close to being resolved, or was already fixed.


It's significant information, but not necessarily indicative of priorities or progress details.

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Same problem here. Map is at 3/8. No story NPC's, just the 3 packs of loyalists that come and go. Killed so many, I stacked 'em up like pulp wood.

Map ip. - Not enough people playing the map (surprise, new content out) to make a new map for people to switch to.



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As other's have mentioned, this is getting increasingly frustrating after several days with no fix. For me personally, it's been going for almost a week now that I cannot continue in the story. We have had a few unsuccessful runs trying to get the map to spawn a new instance as well but I guess we didn't get enough people. Would be really nice if they could just simply reset the map.


Same ip as several others posted -

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> @"Aexo.6491" said:

> Doesn't work on IP .75 still

Can confirm this is still broken. Standing in the circle right now and there's between 5-10 players waiting around.

So from the first post mentioning the issue on, this has been an issue for over a week now. Only way I can see around this is by possibly causing an overflow (if that would even work.)

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> @"Vakeer.9410" said:

> Shall we try organize a map over flow ? At the very least we can then see if re rolling the map instance will work as a temp fix. Then ANet "may" have something to go on.

Excerpt from the wiki states this might actually work



![](https://i.imgur.com/F6lDFAt.png "")



And for everyone



![](https://i.imgur.com/Wgwqnkn.png "")



If you all have a cool guild that would be willing to try and push the limit at a certain time, we could definitely try!

Anyone that posts in the future, make sure to /ip in game so we can understand what versions of the map are broken. It'll make it easier for people on EU or US servers to group together / see what servers are suffering from this.

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> @"Cottommy.5836" said:

> > @"Vakeer.9410" said:

> > Shall we try organize a map over flow ? At the very least we can then see if re rolling the map instance will work as a temp fix. Then ANet "may" have something to go on.

> Excerpt from the wiki states this might actually work


It's moot today, since all the maps are fresh as of the last hour or so. Now would be a good time to try.



If it bugs out again, then yes, players have successfully organized to create a new instance of a map.


Ideally, you want a large guild that can arrange for 50+ people. Set up a couple of commanders in the map, and then advertise in LFG (for Kourna) plus the major cities plus during the end of any concurrent meta. Say that you are working on creating a new map to help people progress "Guns Germs & Steal." Ask them to taxi to the commander. As soon as someone ends up in a different map, they drop squad and start an LFG to taxi anyone who needs a fresh map.


It's not difficult; it just takes coordinating a lot of people. Well, okay, it's no more difficult than herding a bunch of hungry cats.

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The meta event only required you to defeat 5 loyaltys when I could swear it used to be 8 previously, so I guess they made some changes to it there? Even though there's nothing in the path notes about it.


EDIT: Nvm, it seems that it will always spawn a different amount (eg 5, 6 or 8).

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