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Looking for a Guild that wants to just enjoy the game.


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My wife and I are looking for a guild that just wants to enjoy doing things whether it's inside the game or outside the game. We've both been playing for years and enjoy the game though finding a guild that isn't just selectively exclusive or demanding you play a certain class/build/rotation has gotten a bit boring for us. We want a guild that just wants to enjoy the game for what it is, rather than make it an Olympic sport. We're both tired of excessively negative guilds that just complain about members for wanting to enjoy what they're doing.


Ultimately we're looking for a guild that just wants to laugh and have fun.

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Check us out! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63583/eu-last-heirs-of-the-sun#latest

We are chill guild where everyone plays how they want. Of course, that means, there are few of those who like to maximize their dps by slapping the golem until satisified :D But they won't tell you how to play your game. There are plenty of members who join activities for fun. Please read our recruitment topic and you'll get the idea :)

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Shattered Darkness [DARK] [NA] [PvX] - No iron-fisted, heavy-handed management here. Our friendly, helpful, laid-back and active community is recruiting players of all skill and experience levels with an interest in sharing and learning every aspect of the game to join our ranks.


We believe that a community is only as strong as YOU make it and expect our members to be the core of our community and our guild’s very best assets. We require only that our members should contribute and give to our community what they expect to get out of our community.


If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, please see our in-game contacts below or, comment here with your account/character name, your primary focus in-game and what you are seeking in a guild and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can!



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I'm looking for something similar - just want to play and have somewhere to ask for help or chat, or when I'm finally leveled, a place to connect with others to do the bigger endgame content. Nothing that will condemn me for having RL responsibilities. - Aimee Zeeva -

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