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Dragonball needs dishonor

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > They could start by implementing a system where people aren't plopped into a 400-20 point match.


> That's kind of unavoidable unless it's changed to queuing for each match like in sPvP. Still, a 400-20 point match won't last much longer and being plopped into one isn't robbing you of any real time and effort (and if you happen to be plopped onto the winning team you get a free win).


> Putting newly joined players on the undermanned team is still worlds better than rebalancing by yanking someone from the leading team in the middle of a match after investing time and effort towards the lead. That's being robbed of an earned win.


Fixing one problem and not the other only forces people to stay in unbalanced matches. If you want the benefits of a balanced system with quitting penalities, then you have to take the consequences with them. Unfortunately that means queuing up.


Although I think treating DB like some actual balanced game mode worthy of disqualification and queues is ridiculous. Making it more than something to pass 30 minutes goes against the casual spirit of the thing.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> This is an issue with the snowball mayhem from wintersday as well (where I know all too well the pain of being booted to the losing team at the last minute). People only want their wins and, the moment things aren't going in their favour, they bail. It drags down the whole experience for others. I generally don't bother with this event because I dislike the feel of playing it, but I would still be happy if anet gave some kind of punishment to leaving a match early.

Snowball Mayhem can be fixed by making the daily "_play_ a match" rather than "_win_ a match", like how the halloween ones are.


Also making volunteering actually credit you with a win, like it's supposed to. It's never worked in activities, for some reason.

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Oh yeah, the system is super broken and garbage. I have a few horror stories from this year that I actually couldn't believe.


Like this one time, my team started losing so everyone on my team leaves until I'm the only one left. But that's not the horrible part. The horrible part was when I saw one of the opposing team yelling at one of their teammates in map chat to switch teams because and I quote, "You're the weakest link, you don't deserve the win. Switch teams before someone worthwhile like me takes the fall for you". So that's when I realized the system encourages toxic behavior as I watched a team basically turn on each other.


Had one match where I was the weakest link and one guy on my team put a target over my head when the volunteer button popped up. When I didn't volunteer, he called me a retard and left the game.


Had one where I was on the winning team, didn't volunteer and the other team somehow got a spike of players and next thing I knew the rest of my team bailed until I was the only one left and I actually ended up losing BECAUSE I didn't volunteer.


And lastly, probably the most disgusting one yet: I was on a losing team that had more members than the other team. Towards the end of the game, I opened up the screen that shows both teams and their score and I noticed because my team had more members, it gave me the option to switch. I thought surely they wouldn't let me do that but sure enough, I clicked the button and I ended up on the other team which was exactly one kill away from winning the match, The team won and I ended up getting credit for the win despite literally switching teams at the last minute. I felt like such a villain. All I had to do to win was switch teams.

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I said it earlier and I'll say it again. All that's needed for these festival mini games is a deterrent to discourage leaving before a match is over. Timeout from requeuing (like Dishonor in sPvP) apparently isn't compatible with the instant matchmaking, so just slap abandoners with a five minute effect with a thematic name (like "Naughty List" for Snowball Mayhem) that's a mild condition like Slowed.


Or a non-punitive solution: a repeatable participation achievement that awards a modest amount of the festival container (e.g. 3 lucky envelopes, Wintersday gifts, trick or treat bags, etc.) for every three matches played (to completion).


Just need an incentive to stick it through matches and/or a disincentive to abandon them. Problem solved.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > This is an issue with the snowball mayhem from wintersday as well (where I know all too well the pain of being booted to the losing team at the last minute). People only want their wins and, the moment things aren't going in their favour, they bail. It drags down the whole experience for others. I generally don't bother with this event because I dislike the feel of playing it, but I would still be happy if anet gave some kind of punishment to leaving a match early.

> Snowball Mayhem can be fixed by making the daily "_play_ a match" rather than "_win_ a match", like how the halloween ones are.


> Also making volunteering actually credit you with a win, like it's supposed to. It's never worked in activities, for some reason.


The daily IS play two matches. There's another daily for winning three matches.


Perhaps a hybrid: if you leave early, you lose credit for one of your previously attained victories. THAT would get people to stay.

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How do you differentiate between players who left a match on purpose and players disconnected by server failure or other complication?


Is a punishment system (and the resources devoted to its implementation) worth it when a massive backlash could brew on the basis of 'I got disconnected and then punished for it during what was supposed to be a fun festival game'?


If anything, the festival _dailies_ should be adjusted, as that's more feasible than any kind of changes being made to dinosaur content.



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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> How do you differentiate between players who left a match on purpose and players disconnected by server failure or other complication?


> Is a punishment system (and the resources devoted to its implementation) worth it when a massive backlash could brew on the basis of 'I got disconnected and then punished for it during what was supposed to be a fun festival game'?


> If anything, the festival _dailies_ should be adjusted, as that's more feasible than any kind of changes being made to dinosaur content.




There is not really a way to differentiate. But nearly every game that punishes people leaving games have this issue and most people just accept it.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> How do you differentiate between players who left a match on purpose and players disconnected by server failure or other complication?


> Is a punishment system (and the resources devoted to its implementation) worth it when a massive backlash could brew on the basis of 'I got disconnected and then punished for it during what was supposed to be a fun festival game'?


> If anything, the festival _dailies_ should be adjusted, as that's more feasible than any kind of changes being made to dinosaur content.




"Massive backlash"? No. I have NEVER been disconnected during a match. And, I don't know anybody else who has, although the pool of players is small.


No, any backlash will pretty much only come from cheaters who don't want their favored way of winning made obsolete. No honorable player will object.

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So because you, personally, have never been disconnected while playing a certain type of content, this means anyone who has been is either a.) dishonorable b.) a cheater or c.) A 'small' pool of players despite the multitude of 'I can't connect' 'constantly d/cing' threads available on this forum?


You are suggesting that the whole class be punished because of a group of people who decide to abuse the system and furthermore suggest that a punishment of up to 24 hours be applied to a limited-time activity with negligible rewards. So I'll ask again, does the benefit outweigh the cost?

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It needs more than dishonor. It's needs a complete overhaul, or it needs to be scrapped. It's just AWFUL.


I just had a game where the other team outnumbered ours the whole game. First 2-1. then 3-1, 3-2, 3-1 again, 3-2, 4-2, and finally the remainder of the game at 4-3.


I had a game before that where there were 3 on each side. Before the match even started, two on my team left, reentered, and were placed on the other team. Two must have left the other team as well, because it was eventually 3-1 for most of the game.


How can this be considered fun?


And the fix is obvious and simple: put all new players on the losing team, and put dishonor on anybody who leaves. Even without dishonor (which might not be simple), just only adding people to the losing team makes it unprofitable to leave with intent to return.

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