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Are the Ranged classes to powerful ? -Main Rang


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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Or a ranged class killing themselves on a mesmer?


> Honestly, it's been very long since I last saw a Ranger kill himself while attacking a mesmer because, you know, unblockables are a very common thing for Soulbeast.


Had it happen last weekend as a firebrand.

Literally 100-0 on reflect domes, it didn't even rapid fire just 1's.. Took 4 domes before it downed but yeah, I just stood there amazed.

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> Hey guys im a Main Ranger and have been for a while but I can say 1 thing I try to switch to another class and then EVERY group I run into happens to have 1 sic em sniper and then my entire potential fight is turned into a Longbow 2 death ORRRRRRRRRRRR a Dead eye will snipe me from range for like 15k


> my question is WHYYY D:


> if we could potentially regulate ranged classes a bit how could this be done ?

> Ranger is supposed to be a class that outsmarts people and is nimble and kites a whole bunch, while playing Defensive and offensive at the same time but ranger just doesn't really get punished it seems because of things like epic condi cleanse - there Heal, quickening Zeph, Lightning Reflex, insane boon uptime, Beast mode- for MORE dmg or sustain Ranger seems to be a low risk high reward class and don't even get me started on Dead eye XD


> But I am just curious What is everyone elses opinions on Ranged classes opposed to Melee classes ? did the power creep put almost any Melee class at a disadvantage? Ive seen a lot of mixed opinions on this :)


> im sure ill get a comment "well your just bad at guard" your probably right xD so ANY TIPS ARE ACCEPTED hahahaa :) Thanks all


Try and tell a ranged class they are OP when they completely unload into a tanky target with full berserker and barely break 2K damage. Then that same tanky target will down them in 2 hits. Ranged is anything but op. If you are getting killed by ranged quickly, it means you are running glassy like they are, so to be quickly killed is expected.

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eh idk about that, I run a mix of Cav/valk on my guard I know guard isn't always the tankiest because we have blocks but the only really tanky calss is a Warr, which is supposed to do that but you have full kiting ability and just walk around with swiftness, just don't hit full counters and war can be pretty easy . besides, even on tanky targets in full marauders im hitting 1.5 to 2k a basic. but I see what your saying :) thank you for the comment! :D



> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> > Hey guys im a Main Ranger and have been for a while but I can say 1 thing I try to switch to another class and then EVERY group I run into happens to have 1 sic em sniper and then my entire potential fight is turned into a Longbow 2 death ORRRRRRRRRRRR a Dead eye will snipe me from range for like 15k

> >

> > my question is WHYYY D:

> >

> > if we could potentially regulate ranged classes a bit how could this be done ?

> > Ranger is supposed to be a class that outsmarts people and is nimble and kites a whole bunch, while playing Defensive and offensive at the same time but ranger just doesn't really get punished it seems because of things like epic condi cleanse - there Heal, quickening Zeph, Lightning Reflex, insane boon uptime, Beast mode- for MORE dmg or sustain Ranger seems to be a low risk high reward class and don't even get me started on Dead eye XD

> >

> > But I am just curious What is everyone elses opinions on Ranged classes opposed to Melee classes ? did the power creep put almost any Melee class at a disadvantage? Ive seen a lot of mixed opinions on this :)

> >

> > im sure ill get a comment "well your just bad at guard" your probably right xD so ANY TIPS ARE ACCEPTED hahahaa :) Thanks all


> Try and tell a ranged class they are OP when they completely unload into a tanky target with full berserker and barely break 2K damage. Then that same tanky target will down them in 2 hits. Ranged is anything but op. If you are getting killed by ranged quickly, it means you are running glassy like they are, so to be quickly killed is expected.



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> @"Aldoisnoob.4170" said:

> idk if this is happening to anyone else, but lately what is getting me dislike the ranger/soulbeast, is that whenever i play a class that can stealth, they only use longbow 2 , and if i trigger stealth at the same time they trigger longbow2 , that ability still hits me...


When a player goes stealth all attacks should be target broken, so they either don't cast, or fly at nothing. Tracking is the 1 thing rangers have exploited to fight thieves since launch. Or just make all attacks that do land glancing blows as if they were weakened. I don't mind taking a hit from a channeled skill. I mind being 1 shot by it.

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_All_ skills track stealth if they're used _before_ the target stealths. If someone uses a leap skill as a target is stealthing, it'll still connect. (Unless the stealther uses evasion frames, which the two stealthiest professions have lots of access to.)

I wouldn't be against them applying some sort of "concealment" debuff to attacks targeting stealth, but it would need to apply to all attacks and stealth as a mechanic would need to be toned down.


Attacks with long channel times against stealth seems cheesy -- but so does near permanently being _in_ stealth.


~ Kovu

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Is this a 1v1 or small scale fights? Try Sbreaker least it has skill/trait endure pain with passive heal skill signet. Retal boon is also a nice addition when they try to channel longbow #2 on you. Be wary of their unblockable capabilities this is where you should use endure pain / dodge / GS #3 evade instead of shield block since they can pew pew through. Now you can use your shield (trait for reflects) when you know they no longer have unblockables active.


It's almost like a dance. Just don't let them step on your toes, you lead the way. Same thing with situational awareness... don't get too carried away the cunning ones will lure/kite you into stupid things like enemy tower buffs/siege/npcs.


Hope that helps.

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Rangers are among my challenges. As a mirage I find better success in getting close to them and running around them while hitting them from the flanks. The challenging part is their knock down shot, followed by the rapid fire. If I ever fail to evade or block that, it is usually difficult to recover and balance out the engagement. They are not too powerful, but powerful enough to punish you if you screw up your routine.


Rangers suffer most if they lose mobility, so stuns are important. Pistol 5 with domination trait to increase duration helps a lot, and also having mirage jumps and target breaks help. That is for me though. I cannot say about other classes vs ranger.


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > > 15k hammers

> > > So, theres a Guardian, that has to sacrify Vita and mobility, just for one combo, mighty blow + judges intervention, with 36secs CD, great, not.

> > I've been hit by higher dmg by hammer revs :P I think it topped to around 17-18k, this was also not during blust event. Not sure if they meant rev or guard though.

> Hammer Rev is ranged, so I might not get the point. The thread is about ranged classes outperforming melee classes. Examples, how powerfull ranged classes can hit at range or melee just strenghtens the point of the TO as I understand it.


Rev does insane damage ranged or melee so maybe rev is a poor example.


However I do thing ranged damage is far too high, no single ranged ability should be hitting for anything approaching 10k. Base game ranged weapons did a lot less damage and over the years ANet has left this ranged = low risk mantra in favour of MOAR DAMAAAAGÉ mantra.

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Damage is indeed too high. For example, a glass soulbeast can do a quickness unblockable rapid fire that will do 2.5k per hit (x10), plus sigil procs, possibly plus 2k One Wolf Pack hits. That's potentially 40k damage or more over a span of 1.8s. That's lethal on most classes in under 1s.. from **twice** most players' maximum engagement range.


Follow up with 5-7k autoattacks until dead. If that didn't work, run until cooldowns are up. Repeat.


It's not unbeatable, it's just really really extreme. Damage should not be that high.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> Damage is indeed too high. For example, a glass soulbeast can do a quickness unblockable rapid fire that will do 2.5k per hit (x10), plus sigil procs, possibly plus 2k One Wolf Pack hits. That's potentially 40k damage or more over a span of 1.8s. That's lethal on most classes in under 1s.. from **twice** most players' maximum engagement range.


> Follow up with 5-7k autoattacks until dead. If that didn't work, run until cooldowns are up. Repeat.


> It's not unbeatable, it's just really really extreme. Damage should not be that high.


if someone runs S/wh and LB they can hit with 1 wolf pack for quite a lot....... its like 16 hits from WH-4 plus 10 hits from LB 2 - 26 hits x about 300 per tick is 7800 from just those, run unblockable and they may miss 2-3 of the ticks but that's it :p I used to run a super tanky spec and just use those because you can still release a BUNCH of dmg :p

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With 2500 armor and 17k hp I get constant 1 shots from 2k range by soulbeast, it's not normal, and dmg could get nerf by half at least.

Yea yea nub l2p, get reflects. My reflects deals nothing to the source, and if I don't have any stun break I'm just dead. Even if I stun break and get to target he just run away with his Dumbo mobility.

I know zerk rangers are squishy but stone signet, wp.

Ranged dmg is way to fking high and could be nerfed by half easily. Thinking about deadeyes, soulbeast and zerg fights with scourges face rolling over keyboard and heralds pressing 2 and 3.

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