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Everything posted by Dangus.6572

  1. Yeah, Seen Nebzie some month ago while roaming UW :). Nice memories. > @"Frenjo.9587" said: > My earliest memory is sometime within the year after release while I was on Underworld (EU), running around in EBG outside of the green keep as a greatsword/staff Mesmer. Brilliant commander called Nebsie or something along those lines gave me a full set of 18 slot bags since I kept having to derail the zerg to empty my inventory. Took a little break and by the time I came back UW had collapsed, so a friend paid for my transfer and I moved to Eredon Terrace - been there ever since. > Always miss Nebs, I wonder if he still plays? > > EDIT: Forgot to answer - I first realised I was a WvW main when it was the only gamemode that really got my attention, and it's sort of... All I've ever done, really. Nothing else has really ever captured my enjoyment. The sheer hilarity back in the first years of us all running around like headless chickens with no idea what was really going on will live in my mind forever.
  2. My pain is fighting in Towers/keeps with open wall and not being able to use Steal/Shadowstep/IA through a wall hole. 8 ini for IA is painful but still can live with it.
  3. I play thief for like... 8years in WvW. The only thing that needs to be removed from thief is teleport. Then DE or DrD or whoever can hide in keeps as much as they want.
  4. In wvw you hire thief to kill thief while you killing innocent Sentry. You can also try to play thief to understand mechanics. Thief has active gamestyle. Knowing it's mechanics will help you understand rhythm of thief. Knowing rhythm, you will know when to evade, when to heal or use other skills to pin thief down. Still it won't be easy to kill good player. Both due to skill and build combo. > @"Junkpile.7439" said: > Thief hit you from stealth and you lose lets say 7k, you use heal and thief hit you again 7k from stealth and this continue until you die.
  5. Thank you. It helped me to understand what Obi Wan Kenobi meant about "The high ground".
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