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This build as Support in Fractal t4 (maybe raids)


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It's really similar to the [current snowcrows support scourge](https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/necromancer/scourge/support/). You've got monk runes instead of flock (or Mercy, as in the [Teapot variation](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9exx8g/pbt_how_healer_scourge_helped_an_average_group_no/)). You've got plaguedoc + marshall, versus SC's marshall + shaman. Traits, weapons, skills are identical to SC, similar to Teapot.


> How well will this do?

I think you have to try it out to see. In a highly-efficient group, the SC build will end up being superior, but if you're in a casual static or mostly running with PUGs, then it's more a matter of: how easy/hard is it for you to remain standing at the bosses (mostly anyhow) while keeping everyone else from dropping low in health. (Some skill/trait swapping is appropriate for fractals, too, depending on the situation, which you presumably already know.)


Plus it also depends on your personal skill, how quick you are to adapt.


Generally speaking, though: I'd tend to recommend starting with an SC build and then adjusting it to suit your needs or situation. Or put another way, _why aren't you running their build_? There are lots of good reasons not to, so I don't need to read your specific response... as long as you have an answer that makes sense to you.


tl;dr looks fine; let us know how it performs _for you_.

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T4 fractals are a completely different beast then raids. So "raid meta" scourge is quite likely to get his ass handed to him in T4 fractals, or at the very least not half as useful as he should be.


So rather then sheeping your way into failure, here's a few hints how to kick ass in Fractals:


a) Boon corruption is very often needed, especially in "no pain, no gain" instability fractals. Corrupt boon really works great there, especially since it's a utility, and gives you freedom with weapon selection (else happy camping axe and losing dps, because you expect boons to pop up and gs can't shut them down fast).


b) Rune of Antitoxin. Combine this with Abrasive gift and Desert Empowerment, and you're no longer butt of jokes when it comes to party condi cleansing. Any barriers you apply will cleanse two condies. Well of Power, if that's still not enough, will trash 10 condies with it. Now that's how you support!


c) CC is also necro's forte. You're already running blood as support anyway. Instead of Vampiric presence, consider Banshees Veil. That 3s daze is really solid for breakbars.


d) Fear of Death. Everyone is going crazy about Vital Persistance, but how about this trait? Your fears become twice as potent (hello Garish Pillar), but most importantly you get a nice chunk of life force each time you fear something. And being the life force hog scourge is, that's a pretty nice bonus!


e) Corrosive Poison Cloud - projectile hate on a necro does exist...


f) Spectral ring - great way to keep adds away from boss or yourself. I take it for Subject 6 fight in reactor - if small oozes start getting near during burst phase, a well placed ring will buy your team few extra seconds of alone time...


Cool alternative runes for support scourge:


1. Rune of Antitoxin - well i already elaborated on this one. Rocks.

2. Rune of Aristocracy (if condi) - if you want to focus on might share, this rune is awesome with it's insane might duration boost.

3. Rune of the Sunless - if you're running fear of Death - an extra source of fear for those important breakbar moments.

4. Rune of the Grove - tricky with the trigger (you getting hit), but pulses a lot of nice boons (protection, vigor, regeneration). If you've gone down the boon duration path, worth considering.

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