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Warrior traits and skills that need BUFFING and/or change.


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Core Traits:

* [brave Stride](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Brave_Stride), this traits need to grant 2 stacks of stability every 15 seconds while in combat. Reduce the stability duration from 8 sec to 4 sec.

* [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot), this traits needs to grant 2 adrenaline on any rifle skill usage. Its current state is pitiful and miserable. Axe mastery grants 2 adrenaline on all axe skills, so make it like Axe mastery.

* [Warrior's Sprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warrior%27s_Sprint) This traits should have a base 25% speed for all weapons, not just when you have melee weapons.

* [Vengeful return](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vengeful_Return) Remove this trait is completely useless and replace it with something else. For example: gain 3 adrenaline every second. The adrenaline bar should be filled in 10 sec.


Spell breaker traits:

* [Pure Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pure_Strike_(trait)) Due to the boon spam, this trait is completely useless. Give 14% critical damage if the target has 4 or less boons.

* [No escape](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/No_Escape), this trait is another useless trait that gives only 1 sec of immobilize on stunts daze, etc... Make it 2 seconds of immobilize.

* [slow Counter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slow_Counter) Add 3 sec of chill.

* [sun and moon style](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun_and_Moon_Style) This trait should be the dagger mastery. Add a 25% cool down reduction to dagger. Every warrior weapon has a corresponding weapon mastery trait except dagger.

* [Enchantment Collapse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchantment_Collapse) If warrior is ought to be a boon removal class, you need to change this trait to remove 2 boons per target. The boon spam is out of control!




* [fear me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22) The 60 ICD is too high for what this utility does.

* [Throw Bolas](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bolas) increase projectile speed, the current speed is too slow and misses all the time.



* [blaidtrail](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bladetrail) Increase speed of thrown sword.



* Rework mace completely. You killed it with HoT and PoF expansions due to excessive stun breaks and stability.



Tactics traits (WvW and competitive modes)

Tactics is for group fights. So:

* [Leg specialist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leg_Specialist) Make this 3 sec of immobilize and increase the ICD to 10 sec. The current 1 sec of immobilize is a joke and a waste of a trait, make this 5 targets instead of 1 target.


Merge some arms and tactics traits:

* Every core trait has 2 weapon mastery per trait except arms and tactics. For example, Defense has mace and shield mastery. Discipline has rifle and axe mastery, strength has great sword and hammer mastery. However, Arms has sword mastery and tactics has longbow mastery. Combine [burning arrows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows) and [blade master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blademaster) traits into Arm trait. Burning arrows has no place in tactics since tactics is for group combat and burning arrows do not bring anything useful for group combat.

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I don't necessarily disagree with you, I just recently picked warrior back up after not playing it for awhile, and didn't realize how hard the class has gotten nerfed recently. The class currently, is definitely underwhelming compared to what it used to be. Full counter punished skill spammers, and now it hits like a wet noodle.

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I miss playing mace, but I don't know if they give it a legitimate identity. ANET should just flat out give out baseline fast hands, trait lines without discipline will have to use movespeed runes in conquest spvp anyways, and seriously people actually care about PvE balance?


I think people will happy just with baseline fast hands, it's kinda hard to play some Warrior builds without it basically, like you can't make a non-fast hands build with mace and hammer for example.

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Good suggestions hitman. I agree with most of them. I would also say that Crack Shot needs an additional buff besides the adrenaline and recharge reduction. Since "Crack Shot" implies a fast trigger finger, I think something applying quickness would be nice. Maybe Quickness for 3 seconds on crit with a rifle, with 20 sec ICD? It sounds strong sure but it's gonna have to be good to compete with Warrior's Sprint.


As for Vengeful Return... this could be buffed instead of scrapped, maybe giving you 30% damage increase while under the effects of vengeance.

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> @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> All of the spellbreaker utilities need a looking at, but some more than others.


> If you are going to look at the enchantment collapse trait, i'd like to see some kind of boon steal as opposed to just boon removal. Imagine stealing all the boons from a boon beast :)


Yeah it will be nice if warrior could steal some boons. If warrior could steal boons instead of removing them, then warrior could steal about 7 boons with dagger + shield and hammer (assuming that all CC connected).


> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> I miss playing mace, but I don't know if they give it a legitimate identity. ANET should just flat out give out baseline fast hands, trait lines without discipline will have to use movespeed runes in conquest spvp anyways, and seriously people actually care about PvE balance?


> I think people will happy just with baseline fast hands, it's kinda hard to play some Warrior builds without it basically, like you can't make a non-fast hands build with mace and hammer for example.


Yes indeed, most people will be just happy with base line fast hands. Without fast hands warrior feels so slow and that is mainly because warrior has very few skills in comparison to the other classes that have f1,f2,f3,f4 and utilities that grant more skills.


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Good suggestions hitman. I agree with most of them. I would also say that Crack Shot needs an additional buff besides the adrenaline and recharge reduction. Since "Crack Shot" implies a fast trigger finger, I think something applying quickness would be nice. Maybe Quickness for 3 seconds on crit with a rifle, with 20 sec ICD? It sounds strong sure but it's gonna have to be good to compete with Warrior's Sprint.


> As for Vengeful Return... this could be buffed instead of scrapped, maybe giving you 30% damage increase while under the effects of vengeance.


Yeah, I like the idea of quickness on "crack shot" with a 20 sec ICD. Very nice suggestion, but hopefully Anet read these forums and seed the feedback or else all of this will be in vain.



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Mace needs better control with a single burst damage skill like Final Thrust. It remains single target weapon to contrast itself to hammer, which should be used for lower control but more targets. The auto chain will still cleave 3.


Mace Chain 1: Reduce damage by 33%, add Cripple (1s)

Mace Chain 2: Reduce damage by 33%, add Cripple (1s)

Mace Chain 3: Reduce damage by 33%, add Cripple (5s), reduce cast time to .5 (currently .75)

Mace 2: Now a 1 second block. Flips over to a new skill if you block (no longer adrenaline boost nor auto counter).

Mace 2-2: Reworked

* Challenging Blow

* Damage: 1.0

* Taunt (2s)

* Weakness (2s)

* Self Barrier (1000 base)

* 20s cooldown.


Mace 3: Reworked.

* Dust Maker, Pulverize Combo, or a similar theme.

* Bash your opponent up to 5 times. The first hit stuns for 1 second if they are not already CC'd for a longer duration. Inflicts vulnerability if the target is Stunned or Weakened. Damage increases for each hit in the chain (think the MHW big bang combo for hammer).

* Self Rooted during each hit. Moving or using other skills ends the chain completely.

* Stun (1s) if target is not Stunned.

* Vulnerability, 5 Stacks (5s), only if target is Weakened or Stunned.

* Damage: .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 1.5 (Total is 4.0)

* Cast Time: .66 per attack. (Cast time is 3.33 seconds)

* Cooldown: 15 seconds


Mace 4: Renamed Mountain Crusher, Sundering Blow, or a similar theme.

* Protection, Stability, and Resistance, and Barrier are converted to Vulnerability (4 stacks each). Damage reduced by 33%. Vulnerability base reduced to 5 stacks (5s). Barrier is removed before damage is dealt.


Mace 5: Reworked to mobility/isolation.

* Shock Trooper Assault/Charge/Rush or whatever name works.

* 900 range

* Cripple (3s) and Immobolize (1s) the target.

* If the target is already crippled, Immobolize Duration +100%

* If the target is immobolized or hard CC'd, knockback nearby enemies (450 range) that are not the target and gain barrier (1000).

* Evades while charging.

* Cooldown: 25 seconds.


Skull Crack:

* As before, but inflicts new debuff:

* Concussed (2, 4, 6 seconds)

* Cannot use mobility skills. Cleared by stun breaks. Stun Breaks that involve moving or evading are disabled.

* Gains small (450) range leap like skull grinder.


Skull Grinder

* All damaging conditions removed. Soft CC condition duration -50%.

* Inflicts Concussed for 2 seconds.

* Inflicts confusion if it Interrupts.

* The attack echoes again after 3 seconds (like how pulmonary impact does the hit after a delay), doing reduced damage but the same condition effects.



Mace Trait: Delete. This thing just doesnt add anything to warrior builds, much less in the spot it's in.

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^Some of these ideas are actually plausible, the problem is 90% of the population can't handle high casting times so inevitably some of it will be vetoed. Basically people will come up with the most pathetic excuses as to why they don't want "triple weapon swap warrior" or "baseline fast hands" or anything that will make stunlock Mace viable. Like Warriors are the most susceptible class to blinds and random aegis due to having low range and some weapon skills having high casting times but as plausible as some of those ideas maybe, it's hard to hope.


Now that condition and confusion stacking is nerfed, Mace is actually not in a good spot. Berserkers used to be able to stack 8 confusions at a time, but that is so boring and literally the least rewarding feeling ever.



These combos are what I want to see come back.

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Title of this topic should be: "101 ways to powercreep a class that is already powercreeped".

The only thing I could agree on would be "Throw Bolas" buff, everything else you ask for is pure powercreep wish.

I've wrote it many times already, Warrior doesn't need any kind of buffs, never. It does need a bug fixes here and there.

Instead of asking for buffs (that will increase overall powercreep), think how to balance game properly by tuning down everything on every single class to the pre-HoT level of "power".

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Core Traits:

> * [brave Stride](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Brave_Stride), this traits need to grant 2 stacks of stability every 15 seconds while in combat. Reduce the stability duration from 8 sec to 4 sec.

> * [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot), this traits needs to grant 2 adrenaline on any rifle skill usage. Its current state is pitiful and miserable. Axe mastery grants 2 adrenaline on all axe skills, so make it like Axe mastery.

> * [Warrior's Sprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warrior%27s_Sprint) This traits should have a base 25% speed for all weapons, not just when you have melee weapons.

> * [Vengeful return](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vengeful_Return) Remove this trait is completely useless and replace it with something else. For example: gain 3 adrenaline every second. The adrenaline bar should be filled in 10 sec.


> Spell breaker traits:

> * [Pure Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pure_Strike_(trait)) Due to the boon spam, this trait is completely useless. Give 14% critical damage if the target has 4 or less boons.

> * [No escape](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/No_Escape), this trait is another useless trait that gives only 1 sec of immobilize on stunts daze, etc... Make it 2 seconds of immobilize.

> * [slow Counter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slow_Counter) Add 3 sec of chill.

> * [sun and moon style](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun_and_Moon_Style) This trait should be the dagger mastery. Add a 25% cool down reduction to dagger. Every warrior weapon has a corresponding weapon mastery trait except dagger.

> * [Enchantment Collapse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchantment_Collapse) If warrior is ought to be a boon removal class, you need to change this trait to remove 2 boons per target. The boon spam is out of control!



> Utilities:

> * [fear me](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Fear_Me!%22) The 60 ICD is too high for what this utility does.

> * [Throw Bolas](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Bolas) increase projectile speed, the current speed is too slow and misses all the time.


> Skills:

> * [blaidtrail](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bladetrail) Increase speed of thrown sword.


> Weapons:

> * Rework mace completely. You killed it with HoT and PoF expansions due to excessive stun breaks and stability.



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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> Title of this topic should be: "101 ways to powercreep a class that is already powercreeped".

> The only thing I could agree on would be "Throw Bolas" buff, everything else you ask for is pure powercreep wish.

> I've wrote it many times already, Warrior doesn't need any kind of buffs, never. It does need a bug fixes here and there.

> Instead of asking for buffs (that will increase overall powercreep), think how to balance game properly by tuning down everything on every single class to the pre-HoT level of "power".


Tell us what traits are "power creep" troll.


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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> Title of this topic should be: "101 ways to powercreep a class that is already powercreeped".

> The only thing I could agree on would be "Throw Bolas" buff, everything else you ask for is pure powercreep wish.

> I've wrote it many times already, Warrior doesn't need any kind of buffs, never. It does need a bug fixes here and there.

> Instead of asking for buffs (that will increase overall powercreep), think how to balance game properly by tuning down everything on every single class to the pre-HoT level of "power".


I agree that pre-HoT 2015 is the best era, but those days are not coming back. ANET is not going to release a "classic GW2" expansion nor do they actually listen to people who think pre-HoT should be the best balancing point. Let alone know how to balance around pre-HoT level because history has shown really negative things about ANETs decisions.


A new standard will have to happen, and having core specs being balanced with elite specs doesn't sound too bad right now if ANET will not be bringing back 2015 pre-HoT.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:


> Tell us what traits are "power creep" troll.


No Escape - Does it have icd? No. War have too many cc's currently.

Pure Strike - I'm pretty sure that there are classes that don't generete more than 4 boons at any given time, so you would simply have for free 14%, another No.

Slow Counter - Slow and Cripple AND Chill in the same trait? No. Too much soft-cc for 1 trait.

Sun and Moon Style - Dagger skills cd is already really low, no reason to lower it even furher, argument "BuT EvErY oThEr WeApOn HaVe It!" is meme. Most of elite specs doesn't have it, why Spellbreaker should be different? 4 out of 18 elite specs do have a trait for lower cooldown on weaponskills. Being capable of lowering cd's on SB daggers would allow for more often spammability and that class shouldn't have it.

Enchantment Collapse - What you ask for is "removal of total 10 boons from 5 players", that's too much for trait that have only 1 icd. If we have problem with boon spam, maybe decrease it? Stop adding more powercreep to counter other powercreep, such a bad way of dealing with problems.


> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> I agree that pre-HoT 2015 is the best era, but those days are not coming back. ANET is not going to release a "classic GW2" expansion nor do they actually listen to people who think pre-HoT should be the best balancing point. Let alone know how to balance around pre-HoT level because history has shown really negative things about ANETs decisions.



You're correct that is very unlikely to get pre-HoT state of balance, but I don't think that we should ask for more "buffs" pretty much everywhere, game will be unplayable because of that (even now it's painful).


> A new standard will have to happen, and having core specs being balanced with elite specs doesn't sound too bad right now if ANET will not be bringing back 2015 pre-HoT.


Indeed it doesn't sound bad, but IMO it's easier to balance 1-2 elite trait lines with core ones in mind and weapon skills instead of touching 4 core specs all the time just to make sure they're on the same level of powercreep as elite specs.

It is doable to balance this game, but we need to nerf pretty much everything and then slowly "buff it up" to some degree.


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