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Why doesn't the minions from Lich skill 4 replenish Lifeforce upon death?


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Lich Skill 4: Summon Madness.

"Minion. Repeatedly summon minions that explode after a period of time if they are not killed."

Unstable Horror:

"Unstable Horrors are Lich minions produced by the Summon Madness skill."

Race: Minion


All the necromancer minions add LF to the necromancer upon death.

Every creature's death adds LF to a necro, even ambient creatures.

Unstable horrors are also minions and should add LF to the necromancer upon death.

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Granted that _lich form_ is a "spectral skill" and that "spectral skills" are supposed to generate life force, I don't see why these minion shouldn't allow the necromancer to build LF. Afterall, the devs said it:


> Spectral Mastery was removed due to how its functionality overlapped with what spectral skills already did


_Spectral mastery_ mainly used to increase LF generation, so since it's what spectral skills are supposed to do, let spectral skills do it! If you can build LF through the fear generated by _ripple of horror_, there is no reason to not be able to build LF through _summon madness_ minion's death.

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