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A thought about thumbs down option


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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > In some ways, yes, but context matters. Would you argue that being rude to people who were expressing ideas in person is not toxic behavior?

> >

> > It's a statement on the community because of how it creates a hivemind, which reddit is universally known for. You see something similar happen in the US political system - people care less and less about actual ideas, and more and more about a largely mindless allegiance to a certain way of thinking.


> I agree that being rude in response to disagreeing with someone's statement is negative behavior, but I would also agree that calling people stupid, terrible, and toxic in response to them disagreeing with you (and not in a rude manner) is also negative behavior, which you have done multiple times in this thread alone.


> It's fine if you want to remove negativity from the community, but removing the voting system wouldn't achieve that goal; nothing would. People will be negative regardless, and that's blatantly obvious by your behavior. You're on a crusade to "purge the negativity" by insulting anyone that doesn't agree with you and raging when you're getting 'Thumbs Downed' for it. Do you not see how hypocritical that is?


I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are dumb, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down, simply because that's what I think. Nor will I apologize for believing, with good evidence, that it does more harm than good for online communities. I've thought it in every forum I've ever been on that had it as an option. What I will always apologize for is any instance where I was being rude to someone who was not being rude to me, which virtually never happens, and I'd love for someone to point it out if it did.


But, this wouldn't even be a topic of discussion if we didn't have it. We would instead be discussing something useful as it pertains to the game systems of Guild Wars 2.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > If you really wanted I could pretend I have an in-depth knowledge of the human psyche and claim that by allowing people to vote on comments it **removes substantial content from the forums** as the only people using the voting system are those that have no understanding of the posts they are voting on... Oh wait.

> >

> > I know you're in the middle of being snarky about it, but you might have stumbled on another benefit of keeping the rating system as is:

> >

> > Brevity. Cleaner forums.

> >

> > In the old forums, if you wanted your agreement/disagreement known, you would put up a short post ("No. /15char lol"), but it would just be useless screen clutter. And mildly against the forum's spam/bumping policy. And the prior +1 system didn't do much unless someone got a particularly popular post enough to show a thumbs-up symbol next to it.

> >

> > With the new forums, it's possible to give Yea/Nay votes to agree/disagree with something without cluttering the threads.


> And only stupid/toxic people behave in this way, so let's enable them with a thumbs down button so they only have to click something once to spread their negativity throughout the forum!


> Look, the simple truth is that thumbs down is a bad idea, and many forums that launched with one eventually removed it because they realized it failed to contribute meaningfully and only spread toxicity, undermining the quality of discussion and basically turning forums into a popularity contest, which is the last thing they should be.


Thumbs down.


See? Removing the thumbs down button will not stop people from being negative. Plus if you want the agreement then you HAVE to include disagreement to be consistent.

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > If you really wanted I could pretend I have an in-depth knowledge of the human psyche and claim that by allowing people to vote on comments it **removes substantial content from the forums** as the only people using the voting system are those that have no understanding of the posts they are voting on... Oh wait.

> > >

> > > I know you're in the middle of being snarky about it, but you might have stumbled on another benefit of keeping the rating system as is:

> > >

> > > Brevity. Cleaner forums.

> > >

> > > In the old forums, if you wanted your agreement/disagreement known, you would put up a short post ("No. /15char lol"), but it would just be useless screen clutter. And mildly against the forum's spam/bumping policy. And the prior +1 system didn't do much unless someone got a particularly popular post enough to show a thumbs-up symbol next to it.

> > >

> > > With the new forums, it's possible to give Yea/Nay votes to agree/disagree with something without cluttering the threads.

> >

> > And only stupid/toxic people behave in this way, so let's enable them with a thumbs down button so they only have to click something once to spread their negativity throughout the forum!

> >

> > Look, the simple truth is that thumbs down is a bad idea, and many forums that launched with one eventually removed it because they realized it failed to contribute meaningfully and only spread toxicity, undermining the quality of discussion and basically turning forums into a popularity contest, which is the last thing they should be.


> Thumbs down.


> See? Removing the thumbs down button will not stop people from being negative. Plus if you want the agreement then you HAVE to include disagreement to be consistent.


Oh, come on. Like you would have actually created that post if you weren't trying to make that specific point.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > Thumbs down to me is similar to peer pressure to conform people to specific social norm. If someone is to say something not of the majority's interest, people can easily abuse the thumb down, not because it is a verbally offensive post but because "i don't like it". It is like public way of silencing free speech.

> >

> > Silencing free speech? Yeesh.

> >

> > Say there were no thumbs up or thumbs down options. Would a thousand posts that basically said 'I agree' or 'I disagree' be better or worse? Why?

> >

> > I would vote worse. You are conveying the same information but in more space. All that really matters is how many people agreed/disagreed, right? To bring it a step further, I would prefer to see the list of names of who agreed/disagreed return as some names on a forum carry more weight than others. Either in general or on a specific topic (say there was a medical question, I would be more inclined to listen to a practicing physician in that field than someone spouting a general opinion).

> >


> The majority of people that click disagree would not take the time to post "I disagree" if clicking a thumbs down button wasn't available, only a small percentage of them would, so this is a flawed argument.


> This is exactly an illustration why downvoting is a terrible system. It favors conformity over innovation of ideas. Regular forums do that to an extent, but downvoting (and to a lesser degree upvoting) really exacerbates it.


I disagree. See? I just reacted and proved you wrong in just two words.


As I have said before I am on another forum with agree, disagree, and half a dozen more reactions. I have yet to see an abuse of the system that did not come from someone currently trolling us. Which is also why having names with reactions is important: if we see 'disagree' from a troll we just ignore it but if it comes from a long-time poster people will read that as a post saying 'I disagree'. Usually you can figure out why they disagree based on other stuff they are saying in the thread, it is not like it came out of nowhere.

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The Guild Wars 2 community is very bandwagon-y. If a post gets several down votes and no up votes, when others look at the thread and see those down votes they'll also down vote it too. Also another way it will be abused if a person disagrees with someone else's opinion they'll not only down vote that comment but any other of their comments in that thread.

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > > > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > > Thumbs down to me is similar to peer pressure to conform people to specific social norm. If someone is to say something not of the majority's interest, people can easily abuse the thumb down, not because it is a verbally offensive post but because "i don't like it". It is like public way of silencing free speech.

> > >

> > > Silencing free speech? Yeesh.

> > >

> > > Say there were no thumbs up or thumbs down options. Would a thousand posts that basically said 'I agree' or 'I disagree' be better or worse? Why?

> > >

> > > I would vote worse. You are conveying the same information but in more space. All that really matters is how many people agreed/disagreed, right? To bring it a step further, I would prefer to see the list of names of who agreed/disagreed return as some names on a forum carry more weight than others. Either in general or on a specific topic (say there was a medical question, I would be more inclined to listen to a practicing physician in that field than someone spouting a general opinion).

> > >

> >

> > The majority of people that click disagree would not take the time to post "I disagree" if clicking a thumbs down button wasn't available, only a small percentage of them would, so this is a flawed argument.

> >

> > This is exactly an illustration why downvoting is a terrible system. It favors conformity over innovation of ideas. Regular forums do that to an extent, but downvoting (and to a lesser degree upvoting) really exacerbates it.


> I disagree. See? I just reacted and proved you wrong in just two words.


> As I have said before I am on another forum with agree, disagree, and half a dozen more reactions. I have yet to see an abuse of the system that did not come from someone currently trolling us. Which is also why having names with reactions is important: if we see 'disagree' from a troll we just ignore it but if it comes from a long-time poster people will read that as a post saying 'I disagree'. Usually you can figure out why they disagree based on other stuff they are saying in the thread, it is not like it came out of nowhere.


Lol, you didn't even come close to proving me wrong. For one, it's absurd to expect me to believe that you would have created that post if you weren't trying to make a specific point about how you would write a post to disagree. For two, even if you would have, you still would have been a statistical minority.


And the fact that you will have people upvoting your comment and downvoting mine here is perfect evidence of why the system if hugely flawed. In a different context, it would be obvious to people that my response here makes more sense than your response above, but that's not how people will read it with the voting blitz that's happened in this thread. I'm now the pariah and everyone arguing with me is the good guy.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > > > I am a simple man. I see posts about removing Thumbs Down, I Thumbs Down.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for taking a brief moment to confirm my observation of how people use thumb down and why it's a net negative for forums.

> > > >

> > > > If you really wanted I could pretend I have an in-depth knowledge of the human psyche and claim that by allowing people to vote on comments it removes substantial content from the forums as the only people using the voting system are those that have no understanding of the posts they are voting on... Oh wait.

> > >

> > > And you'd basically be right! Except voting up is less of an issue because it doesn't result in spreading negativity and is a simple way to draw attention to popular ideas.

> >

> > Thumbing up only can be just as bad. It's how you have these helplessly sensitive people stuck in their echo chambers unable to take criticism and getting "kitten" at the very notion of opposing opinions.


> Guys, look, this has been actually studied. I'll link it again. The two or three of you I've been arguing with about this for the last couple of hours just not correct.




*psst* That link does not say if there are only upvotes you can divine downvotes, in fact it says downvoters can make good posters. Then again, one of the sources is Breitbart so I would keep away from that study if I were anyone that wants to be taken seriously.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down, simply because that's what I think. Nor will I apologize for believing, with good evidence, that it does more harm than good for online communities. I've thought it in every forum I've ever been on that had it as an option. What I will always apologize for is any instance where I was being rude to someone who was not being rude to me, which virtually never happens, and I'd love for someone to point it out if it did.



You weren't rude to individuals but to all those who disagreed with or 'Thumbs Downed' your posts.


You said, and I quote, "only stupid/toxic people behave in this way" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' as a symbol of disagreement. You also said, and I quote, "I have no patience dealing with terrible people" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' feature at all. Then, after getting 'Thumbs Downed' for making those statements, you then said "Some kitten moron is just coming through and downvoting every post I make," when in reality they weren't 'Thumbs Downing' you because it was _your_ posts, they were 'Thumbs Downing' because of the _content_ of your posts, which was both rude and hypocritical.


You then went on to reinforce your previous negative behavior by stating that "I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down," when no one is 'abusing' anything, they're simply using the voting feature as it was intended.


Again, positivity falls on the mentality of the individual, not on the community. If you truly wanted the community to be more positive, you would be more positive, because you've been nothing but negative thus far.


As Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see ~~in this world~~ on the forums."

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down, simply because that's what I think. Nor will I apologize for believing, with good evidence, that it does more harm than good for online communities. I've thought it in every forum I've ever been on that had it as an option. What I will always apologize for is any instance where I was being rude to someone who was not being rude to me, which virtually never happens, and I'd love for someone to point it out if it did.



> You weren't rude to individuals but to all those who disagreed with or 'Thumbs Downed' your posts.


> You said, and I quote, "only stupid/toxic people behave in this way" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' as a symbol of disagreement. You also said, and I quote, "I have no patience dealing with terrible people" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' feature at all. Then, after getting 'Thumbs Downed' for making those statements, you then said "Some kitten moron is just coming through and downvoting every post I make," when in reality they weren't 'Thumbs Downing' you because it was your[/r] posts, they were 'Thumbs Downing' because of the content of your posts, which were both rude and hypocritical.


> You then went on to reinforce your previous negative behavior by stating that "I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down," when no one is 'abusing' anything, they're simply using the voting feature as it was intended.


> Again, positivity falls on the mentality of the individual, not on the community. If you truly wanted the community to be more positive, you would be more positive, because you've been nothing but negative thus far.


> As Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see ~~in this world~~ on the forums."


You can't separate individuals from communities. This is not just "my" problem, it's a systemic problem. It's like blaming poor people for being poor, which is a massive oversimplification of the reality. If downvoting triggers negative reactions from individuals, it will also extend to the community as a whole. That's the entire point of the study I linked and is the entire reason why a larger number of people than not feel that downvoting is bad in an online community.

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> @Nihevil.8024 said:

> The Guild Wars 2 community is very bandwagon-y. If a post gets several down votes and no up votes, when others look at the thread and see those down votes they'll also down vote it too. Also another way it will be abused if a person disagrees with someone else's opinion they'll not only down vote that comment but any other of their comments in that thread.


Precisely. I am a perfect example of that in this thread. Downvotes galore, even when my post makes way more objective sense than one I'm responding to and isn't rude. It's the worst form of groupthink and emotional voting. It's just not good for the proliferation and discussion of ideas or for the state of the community.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down, simply because that's what I think. Nor will I apologize for believing, with good evidence, that it does more harm than good for online communities. I've thought it in every forum I've ever been on that had it as an option. What I will always apologize for is any instance where I was being rude to someone who was not being rude to me, which virtually never happens, and I'd love for someone to point it out if it did.

> >

> >

> > You weren't rude to individuals but to all those who disagreed with or 'Thumbs Downed' your posts.

> >

> > You said, and I quote, "only stupid/toxic people behave in this way" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' as a symbol of disagreement. You also said, and I quote, "I have no patience dealing with terrible people" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' feature at all. Then, after getting 'Thumbs Downed' for making those statements, you then said "Some kitten moron is just coming through and downvoting every post I make," when in reality they weren't 'Thumbs Downing' you because it was your[/r] posts, they were 'Thumbs Downing' because of the content of your posts, which were both rude and hypocritical.

> >

> > You then went on to reinforce your previous negative behavior by stating that "I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down," when no one is 'abusing' anything, they're simply using the voting feature as it was intended.

> >

> > Again, positivity falls on the mentality of the individual, not on the community. If you truly wanted the community to be more positive, you would be more positive, because you've been nothing but negative thus far.

> >

> > As Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see ~~in this world~~ on the forums."


> You can't separate individuals from communities. It's like blaming poor people for being poor, which is a massive oversimplification of the reality. If downvoting triggers negative reactions from individuals, it will also extend to the community as a whole. That's the entire point of the study I linked and is the entire reason why a larger number of people than not feel that downvoting is bad in an online community.


Except you can. You're the one that's being rude and spiteful. The OP of this thread received far more 'Thumbs Down' than your comments, yet you don't see them in here raging at people, calling them stupid, toxic, and terrible. You're the issue here. Not the community.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down, simply because that's what I think. Nor will I apologize for believing, with good evidence, that it does more harm than good for online communities. I've thought it in every forum I've ever been on that had it as an option. What I will always apologize for is any instance where I was being rude to someone who was not being rude to me, which virtually never happens, and I'd love for someone to point it out if it did.

> > >

> > >

> > > You weren't rude to individuals but to all those who disagreed with or 'Thumbs Downed' your posts.

> > >

> > > You said, and I quote, "only stupid/toxic people behave in this way" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' as a symbol of disagreement. You also said, and I quote, "I have no patience dealing with terrible people" in reference to those that used the 'Thumbs Down' feature at all. Then, after getting 'Thumbs Downed' for making those statements, you then said "Some kitten moron is just coming through and downvoting every post I make," when in reality they weren't 'Thumbs Downing' you because it was your[/r] posts, they were 'Thumbs Downing' because of the content of your posts, which were both rude and hypocritical.

> > >

> > > You then went on to reinforce your previous negative behavior by stating that "I'm not going to apologize for thinking that people are kitten, toxic, and/or lazy for abusing thumbs down," when no one is 'abusing' anything, they're simply using the voting feature as it was intended.

> > >

> > > Again, positivity falls on the mentality of the individual, not on the community. If you truly wanted the community to be more positive, you would be more positive, because you've been nothing but negative thus far.

> > >

> > > As Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see ~~in this world~~ on the forums."

> >

> > You can't separate individuals from communities. It's like blaming poor people for being poor, which is a massive oversimplification of the reality. If downvoting triggers negative reactions from individuals, it will also extend to the community as a whole. That's the entire point of the study I linked and is the entire reason why a larger number of people than not feel that downvoting is bad in an online community.


> Except you can. You're the one that's being rude and spiteful. The OP of this thread received far more 'Thumbs Down' than your comments, yet you don't see them in here raging at people, calling them stupid, toxic, and terrible. You're the issue here. Not the community.


Nope. I'm being neither, and it's a systemic problem exacerbated by downvoting systems. Sorry you can't see that, but there's no point in continuing to discuss it with you. And, actually, the OP received more upvotes than downvotes, which is further evidence of the argument I'm presenting. The consensus is that it's a bad feature, but I've been downvoted into oblivion for agreeing with that consensus due to the particulars of this conversation. It's not about the idea, it's about the people.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Nihevil.8024 said:

> > The Guild Wars 2 community is very bandwagon-y. If a post gets several down votes and no up votes, when others look at the thread and see those down votes they'll also down vote it too. Also another way it will be abused if a person disagrees with someone else's opinion they'll not only down vote that comment but any other of their comments in that thread.


> Precisely. I am a perfect example of that in this thread. Downvotes galore, even when my post makes way more objective sense than one I'm responding to and isn't rude. It's the worst form of groupthink and emotional voting. It's just not good for the proliferation and discussion of ideas or for the state of the community.


Except they don't. You have a serious attitude problem and refuse to comprehend any opinion that isn't your own and take your own opinions as objective facts. You've created a self-fulfilling prophecy in regards to negativity, and are blaming everyone but yourself for it.

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Totally disagree. Sure, there will be times where people get thumbs down for arbitrary reasons, but there's no real harm done with this. On the flip side, there's a lot of value to be able to see the community response to new ideas. Take a look at any threads with a new suggestion to get an idea of this. Now we can see at a glance if something is popular, unpopular, or controversial.


Hell, even this thread shows the value in this. You can see a pretty even number of up and down thumbs for the OP, indicating the controversial nature of this feature.

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> ...The OP of this thread received far more 'Thumbs Down' than your comments...


Thanks for pointing out the votes on the initial post; I hadn't even looked at that. At 27 to 32 for downs and ups (all independent votes), it's safe to say that the opinion is equally divided. I wouldn't want to paint either side with a single brush. I imagine there's a diverse set of backgrounds, personalities, experiences, etc. contributing to how they feel.


I was hoping to get some Dev feedback, specifically regarding why Thumbs Down was opted in and editing was so restricted (to begin with), but it's not critical information. The community is split on this, and I'd recommend that each of us conduct ourselves in the best manner we can. I have a personal goal to chase "Helpfuls". They aren't thrown about as easily as either of the Thumbs, and I truly enjoy helping people.


EDIT: reduced the quoted text and fixed a typo

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > Nope. I'm being neither, and it's a systemic problem exacerbated by downvoting systems. Sorry you can't see that, but there's no point in continuing to discuss it with you. And, actually, the OP received more upvotes than downvotes, which is further evidence of the argument I'm presenting. The consensus is that it's a bad feature, but I've been downvoted into oblivion for agreeing with that consensus due to the particulars of this conversation. It's not about the idea, it's about the people.


> The current 'Thumbs Down' to 'Thumbs Up' ratio is 27 to 32, not nearly enough of a difference for it to be as much of a landslide as you claim it is, especially when you consider the amount of people that didn't use the voting system at all and commented their approval or disapproval instead.


> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > See the exchange between Menadena and myself above for all the evidence that I need.


> It's quite evident that you're delusional in addition being rude, spiteful, and hypocritical, and I sincerely hope that you seek professional help to work out whatever is troubling you.


Thanks for giving me enough cause to report. You resorted to personal attacks before I did, so maybe I'm not the one with the problem.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> You are correct on all counts. However, I would point out that sometimes, the thumbs up or down is an informal poll on an idea.


True. If they want to keep the down vote system maybe they can find some way to make it optional so it can be used for situations like this.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > Nope. I'm being neither, and it's a systemic problem exacerbated by downvoting systems. Sorry you can't see that, but there's no point in continuing to discuss it with you. And, actually, the OP received more upvotes than downvotes, which is further evidence of the argument I'm presenting. The consensus is that it's a bad feature, but I've been downvoted into oblivion for agreeing with that consensus due to the particulars of this conversation. It's not about the idea, it's about the people.

> >

> > The current 'Thumbs Down' to 'Thumbs Up' ratio is 27 to 32, not nearly enough of a difference for it to be as much of a landslide as you claim it is, especially when you consider the amount of people that didn't use the voting system at all and commented their approval or disapproval instead.

> >

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > See the exchange between Menadena and myself above for all the evidence that I need.

> >

> > It's quite evident that you're delusional in addition being rude, spiteful, and hypocritical, and I sincerely hope that you seek professional help to work out whatever is troubling you.


> Thanks for giving me enough cause to report. You resorted to personal attacks before I did, so maybe I'm not the one with the problem.


Half of your posts in this thread are reportable, only I'm not so petty.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > Nope. I'm being neither, and it's a systemic problem exacerbated by downvoting systems. Sorry you can't see that, but there's no point in continuing to discuss it with you. And, actually, the OP received more upvotes than downvotes, which is further evidence of the argument I'm presenting. The consensus is that it's a bad feature, but I've been downvoted into oblivion for agreeing with that consensus due to the particulars of this conversation. It's not about the idea, it's about the people.

> > >

> > > The current 'Thumbs Down' to 'Thumbs Up' ratio is 27 to 32, not nearly enough of a difference for it to be as much of a landslide as you claim it is, especially when you consider the amount of people that didn't use the voting system at all and commented their approval or disapproval instead.

> > >

> > > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > > See the exchange between Menadena and myself above for all the evidence that I need.

> > >

> > > It's quite evident that you're delusional in addition being rude, spiteful, and hypocritical, and I sincerely hope that you seek professional help to work out whatever is troubling you.

> >

> > Thanks for giving me enough cause to report. You resorted to personal attacks before I did, so maybe I'm not the one with the problem.


> Half of your posts in this thread are reportable, only I'm not so petty.


None of my posts are personal attacks. At worst, they are sweeping generalizations. Nice attempt at saving face, though.

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