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so why no player to player trading?

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> @"Rajani Isa.6294" said:

> Only real improvement I could see at this moment would be to allow us (even if not reimbursed) to lower the sell prices on items after we post, in case the price takes a sudden dive.


You can cancel the listing and relist. The original 5% fee is lost; you have to pay again for the new listing.

(The reason for the fee is to prevent people from starting high and only waiting to see how the market plays before changing the price.)

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> curious as to why anet went this route. whats wrong with having both?


I am sure you mean PtP brokered by Arenanet acting as middlemen holding and verifying trade items to prevent fraud.


My answer is the BLTP does this, minus a commission to add a small resistance to trading so that feedback loops caused by market manipulation and speculation are dampened.


I think you really mean to ask about lowering the commission costs.

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> @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > While it's true we're talking about a video game with fake money that fake money can kill a video game. I've played MMOs with runaway inflation where new people just leave because they can't ever earn enough to even gear their characters. Don't make any mistake about it, MMOs run on their economies. You want to see a game die, kill it's economy. The game will soon follow.


> Me too, for example FFXI over the infamous 2005 Christmas holiday period (for those who also suffered) .. and I disagree with you that new players are incapable of making currency, mine was able to to just fine .. a broken economy is broken from both 'sides' in the transaction, high prices per se are irrelevant particularly as 'new players' need very little from the trading system as they'll get all the gear they need simply be leveling up however any particular game implements it.



If only this game was about "getting gear". But it's not. This game's end game is fashion wars. It's been said here often enough that people should know it by now. Experienced players can farm gold easily make gold easily and can get away without even spending gold in the cash shop for stuff. For some people that's their end game. But when you start looking at the cost of stuff that you don't NEED, but you will WANT, or at least a lot of players will, the cost becomes prohibitive.


Now in this game, it's true, the gear is easy to get and thus you don't have the problem of gearing. You do have the problem of looking good. After years in the game I'm not playing for gear anymore. I'm already geared. I'm playing for fashion. For another skin. And there are many many people that are here playing for the same thing. It's what our rewards are.


Same can be said for anything else...infusions, minis, tonics. These games are for many people about collecting, which requires currencies. But this game doesn't have that problem other games do, because it doesn't have that inflation. If this game DID have that inflation, believe me, it would affect people starting to play and particularly how long they continued to play.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Nasbit.3240" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > > > Scam? What Scam?

> > > >

> > > > Player A opens a trade window with player B

> > > > Player A drops the item / Money he is going to trade, from inventory to trade window

> > > > Player B drops the item / money he is going to trade, from inventory to trade window

> > > > Player A and B , after inspection of both items, click "confirm trade" or "cancel trade"

> > > >

> > > > Only if 2 confirm trade are clicked, the pending trade is released. Otherwise, it's canceled.

> > > It's exactly like it worked in GW1. Somehow, the scams still were an everyday occurence.

> > >

> > > > @"Nasbit.3240" said:

> > > > Used / modified items are autom. soulbound by the game. There are almost no items that are worth trading that looks like scap. And gw2 has much better tooltips/naming - so its not like it was in gw1.

> > > > In Gw2 you instant see if someone give you 10g or 10s - so what possible scam from gw1 could happen samewise in gw2?

> > > Very simple one - the one where the seller/buyer takes advantage of the other party not knowing the price of the item. Which is actually the most common type, far more common than the examples mentioned in the thread before. And it's more insidious, because the people that profit off it usually don't even consider it to be a scam.

> >

> > So everyone who is selling chak or confetti for 10k to TP is scammed by anet, cause of not knowing its true value of almost 20k?

> Are they selling it to anet? No? Then you have your answer.

> (also, chak and confetti do not have big enough droprate for a stable price, so they do suffer from huge price differences and easy price manipulation by a small number of people, making them a really bad example)


No, they not sell it to anet. But anet force them to sell it for just 10k, instead of getting its true value it has on the open-market.

Where is the difference if a scammer gives a qlueless person 10k gold for an item thats worth 20k. Or anet scams a qlueless person by saying you cannot list it for more than 10k in the trading-post.

In both cases the seller get scammed on the same way.

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