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What's the story on the Glyph of Volatility?

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I've noticed the the new tools on the BLTP don't have the glyphs in them anymore and when I go to find them I see comments like "...removed from..." and "(unused)". I know they haven't removed them from the game because the ones on my characters are still there, but are they no longer available on new tools? Are they now craftable? If so, where is the recipe? I haven't been able to find it.

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Pretty sure you can't purchase Unlimited Gathering Tools on the Trading Post; you can, however, purchase Glyphs there.

Unlimited Gathering Tools are Gem Store items only.

You can read more about Unlimited Gathering Tools and Glyphs in the Wiki:




Good luck.

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> The new tools on the ~~BLTP~~ gem store don't have the glyphs in them any more

As @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" wrote, the only tools that include the glyph of volatility are the volatile tools. The glyph is bound on acquisition and not sold separately.


So you might have moved the glyphs from the volatile tools themselves to a set of perma tools with a different skin (you might even have reskinned yours).


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I got an unised one in a BL chest not long ago and sold it since I already had the volatile tools.


Anyway, I noticed it said awards bonus "unbound" magic and that it apparently still says that even though it's a mistake and actually awards VOLATILE magic. I know, seems pretty straight forward and I'm not questioning anyone's common sense, but just wanted to throw that out there in case what you're actually asking about is the Glyph of Unbound. Which BTW is similar to Volatile in that it only comes on the Unlimited Unbound tools and I'm assuming rare BL drops. The UB tools appear every now and then on the gem store, but since theyre last season, don't appear as often as VM tools.



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