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[PvE] Heal revenant variants explained


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**Basics - energy system**

Revenants profession mechanic revolves around its energy system. MMO veterans wont have much trouble with this, since its just like any other classic mana or endurance or whatever system.

Max. energy pool size is 100, though after swapping a legend, revenant gets 50 (75 with invocation trait charged mists) energy.

While in combat, revenant recharges +5 energy (indicated by the 5 small arrows to the right) per second.

Each skill, except autoattacks, has either a fixed energy cost, or upkeep cost.

Energy costs are deducted directly from your energy pool, without affecting your regeneration rate.

Upkeep costs lower your regeneration. The amount of upkeep skills is limited by upkeep costs, you can have at the most 10 upkeep cost at the same time. So you go from +5 energy regeneration (arrows to the right) to -5 energy degeneration (arrows to the left).



**Ventari - the misunderstood revenant legend**

As you can pick 2 legends to bring to a fight, nearly always you are going to bring Centaur Stance (ventari) on a healing build. Theres some small exception, such as if boon remove is desparately needed you can bring Demon Stance (mallyx) instead, but ventari definitely is your go to legend. At the same time, ventari usually isnt the legend you are more than 9 seconds on (1 weapon swap duration). Camping it really isnt worth it (only exception see below), since it doesnt offer more sustained healing than kalla or glint and the energy costs of the burst heal are just plainly put too high to spam that.


- *Ventaris Will* (healskill): Your healskill is a tablet on ventari, which you can either re-summon if you dismissed it (by moving out of range or using elite skill) or move around. Moving your tablet around heals everyone in a small radius around it for roughly 2-3k healing. If your grp stays stacked up, just move the tablet on the same spot to heal everyone, if your grp is moving somewhere, move your tablet as soon as you all moved past it to a spot ahead. This is your main heal on ventari. It has a low cooldown (3 seconds) and low energy costs (5), so make sure to permanently use this skill.

- *Projective Solace - aka bubble*: This is a low upkeep cost (6, so you go to -1 degeneration of your energy pool) projectile destroying barrier around your tablet. You can still move your tablet around and heal with it while this is active. Since this destroys projectiles and does not reflect, it doesnt work on mechanics you need to reflect like removing matthias' own bubble. The most use you get out of this skill is on Molten Furnace fractal, with around 60 energy you can upkeep this skill for the full duration of a certain weapon test phase. Its quite useful on other encounters as well, though you shouldnt neglect your healing over it.

- *Purifying Essence*: Pretty straightforward a condition remove (3) on 5 targets. Heals for each removed condition for below 1k, which is not really worth it. With 25 energy cost, this skill is quite costly, so use it only if your staff4 isnt up yet or you cant swap to staff.

- *Natural Harmony*: This skill gets mistaken quite often for your main or even sole source of healing on ventari. It is a very big burst heal, but its also very costly. Make sure to only use it when someone drops below around 40% health. Above that, the majority of the healing is wasted. It has a one second delay, which feels a bit weird in the beginning, but is quite useful as you can cast this skill and move your tablet through the person you want to heal and is - most likely - running away from the tablet at that moment.

- *Energy Expulsion* (elite skill): This skill depletes all your remaining energy. Its an aoe knockback, quite useful against pulled in seekers or to keep rigom from running out again. Its not that easy to direct the knockback properly, so be careful with this. Additionally, it removes conditions depending on the amount of energy you had left, between 1 and 10 conditions. And it leaves behind small energy swirlees that allies can run into for a nice 2-3k heal. Id suggest using this skill always before swapping of ventari - if possible - so you dont waste any energy.



**Glint - the herald legend**

A heal herald is played with glint as your main legend. Glint brings a new mini-mechanic to revenant with its facets.

Facets have two parts each, first activation of a facet skill starts an upkeep skill that pulses a boon in a 600 radius every 3 seconds. Then you can consume this upkeep skill by pressing the skill a second time, causing another skill effect for example blinding nearby enemies on the facet that pulses fury.

In addition to your utility skills, you get another facet on your F2 skill.

The upkeep part changes with whatever legend you have active. On ventari it pulses a heal for around 2k every 3 seconds, while on glint legend it adds 20% boon duration to each boon being applied, no matter the boon duration of the caster of that boon. As an example, if you get 12 seconds alacrity from a chrono with 100% boon duration, that alacrity boon gets extended to 14.4 seconds.

The consum effect of your F2 facet also changes according to whichever legend you have active. On ventari it removes 2 conditions from 5 allies, on glint it extends all active boons by 2 seconds - pretty much the same as chrono Signet of Inspiration.


- *Facet of Light* (healskill): Pulses regeneration, on consume it heals you for the damage you would otherwise receive for the next 3 seconds. The cooldown on this is rather long with 30seconds, so you should always avoid consuming your healskill for as long as possible. Switching legend or running out of energy deactivates your facets without consuming them, so you dont have to use it.

- *Facet of Darkness*: Pulses fury, the consume part is an aoe reveal of stealthed enemies which can be quite handy in openworld or pvp.

- *Facet of Elements*: Pulses swiftness and on consume it casts a pulsing aoe effect that burns, chills and causes weakness.

- *Facet of Strength*: Pulses 1 might stack for 12 seconds base duration. Since facets pulse with an interval of 3 seconds, you can stack up 4-8 might stacks with this facet alone. The consume skill is more interesting for power heralds, since it causes a buff that increases power dmg by 15% for 5 seconds.

- *Facet of Chaos* (elite skill): Pulses protection. The consume skill is an aoe knockback that grants superspeed. The superspeed can actually be quite annoying in jumping puzzle parts of fractals, but very useful in raids and such. The knockback always gets targeted towards your target, so make sure to face away to keep from knocking back stacked mobs.


**Heal herald:**

The trait Draconic Echo causes your facet skills to pulse to 10 allies and keep on pulsing for 6 seconds after you consume the facet. If you activate and immediately consume a facet it pulses 3 times with draconic echo, and once on activation, so 4 times. Except might, all boons have a base duration of 3 seconds. Protection facet has the longest cooldown with 16 seconds (with alacrity). Now, Im rather in favor of upkeeping your F2 facet, since its additional healing on ventari isnt bad. But from a pure buffer perspective, if you activated and consumed all your facets every 16 seconds, you'd only need 15% boon duration for 100% protection, swiftness, regeneration and fury uptime, as well as 12-13 might stacks.

The more boon duration you bring, the longer is the time until you have to get back to glint to activate+consume your facets again.

By simply activating and consuming your swiftness, fury and might facets as soon as might/fury facets are off cooldown again, you get maintained might up to around 17, without any extra shenanigans like picking up your staff3 autoattack orbs or bringing sigil of might or using retribution traitline.

So if you are needed as a might stacker, then you really have to be on glint everytime your F2 facet comes off cooldown, otherwise might will drop. If you have others supplying might, you can stay on ventari until you see your swiftness, fury, protection and regeneration blinking out.

*In a nutshell*: Bring something between 15-70% boon duration and as much healing power as possible. On glint activate but DONT consume your healskill, activate+consume your swiftness, fury, might facets as soon as fury/might facet come of cooldown, same with F2+protection facet. Switch to ventari only if you just consumed your F2 facet if you are responsible for might, otherwise whenever and until your boons start blinking or your energy on ventari runs low. On ventari, see above.


Traits and legends: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmn3gmNSuQzJRboNlsP0oS4I6UJ4ENskFNFyOgH8htCg1m8kqA-e

Boon duration: 15-70% (more is better)



**Kalla - the renegade healer:**

Renegade special mechanic are charr spirit summons, and new F2-F4 skills, though for healer renegades, only F2 and F4 are interesting.

F2 converts your kalla stacks (which you gain for each attack, up to 5 stacks) into might for 5 allies.

F4 pulses alacrity to 10 allies in a 300 radius around you.

As to your summons, it needs to be pointed out, that they can be knocked away by mob mechanics. So make sure to keep an eye on them, especially your elite summons, to re-cast them if they arent on the grp anymore.


- *Breakrazors Bastion* (healskill): Pulsing healing in area and reduces dmg done by conditions in that area by 50%.

- *Razorclaws Rage*: Causes attacks to add bleeding stacks to enemies. As a heal renegade you should never use this skill, especially not with condi renegade in your grp/squad, since only one Razorclaw buff can be active.

- *Icerazors Ire*: This is a fast attacking summons that stacks up vulnerability. Its quite nice for opening to get your 5 kalla stacks fast if you dont have sword 4 or staff5 for that.

- *Darkrazors Daring*: Now this summons can be quite useful. Sadly its energy costs are very high (30) so only use it when absolutely necessary, or when you have energy to spare. Its an aoe daze field which is very useful in fractals to control mob groups (for example on cliffside, or the event in 99cm). As a cc for breakbars, its too slow. You can pre-cast it if you know cc is scarce in your squad, but only then.

- *Soulcleaves Summit* (elite skill): Heres the reason for even playing renegade healer. Soulcleaves Summit aka kalla elite, is an upkeep skill you just want to have active for as long as possible. Its a lifeleech without internal cooldown. Meaning: each hit triggers the extra dmg and healing caused by it. Fast attacking builds/skills like deadeye, tempest, weaver, dragonhunter etc. do a lot more dmg with this skill on them. Last I calculated this, it was about 2-3k per player in your grp/squad from about 20-30% uptime. But its been a while, and new builds have emerged since then... its definitely a substantial dps increase and its more than frostspirit. Yes, I know the tooltip says 5 man, but it behaves a bit weirdly, like it ignores grp affiliation or some such, so its more 10man. Which is really nothing to complain about. I you have to move, just cancel the upkeep and re-cast it a few seconds later at the new position. The healing done by this ability is quite high, though only if people are attacking.


**Heal renegade:**

Other than heal herald, heal renegade is more focused on energy management. And the more boons you want to bring in addition to kalla elite buff and healing, the narrower the whole rotation becomes. With 80% boon duration, you can maintain 100% alacrity on 10man around you. 100% boon duration only gives you 2 seconds overlap, which is not much. In raids, which mostly consist of bosses with mechanics that force someone to leave the grp, or everyone to spread out, thats not good, since you cant really stack up alacrity without outside help.

In fractals however, that doesnt matter, since you usually stack together. The area is big enough (300) to allow for dodges etc. Together with a power firebrand, heal renegade quickly emerges as the new meta for daily lfg fractals+cms. In addition to 100% alacrity, you can also provide protection with the trait "All for One" by using your heal summons, icerazor and kalla elite each time you are on kalla. Heal renegade could also provide about 14-16 stacks might with F2, though that immediately means less kalla elite uptime. In my experience its better to shift might duty to bannerwarriors and power firebrand in fractals.


*Fractals* -> Heal renegade in fractals isnt difficult, though the energy management and having to trust in players to attack on kalla makes it difficult for players to switch over from druid to renegade. You start out on ventari on each boss that doesnt have a big dialogue before starting in which you are already in combat. 100cm Artsaariv for example, you want to start on kalla, since you can regenerate some additional energy before the real fight begins. Mama on 99cm you'd start on ventari. The reason is quite simple. In fractals you want to start with staff5 cc, alacrity buff and might buff. Thats 45 energy you want to spend in the first few seconds of a fight. Basically your whole energy. If you'd start on kalla, you'd be left with nothing. So start on ventari. Staff5 cc -> F4 -> Shortbow 5 or Sword2 to get your kalla stacks to 5 -> F2 -> Swap to kalla -> healskill -> icerazor -> kalla elite. Thats your opening on pretty much every boss in fractals that starts with a cc bar. Sometimes you can pre-cast your alacrity buff because the boss isnt yet attackable or spawned, if you cant, you should make sure to use it after staff5.

After that opening, you either autoattack on sword, shortbow or staff until kalla is empty. Then swap to ventari. Make sure to empty your energy there and not overheal by spamming natural harmony (wasting energy) --> see above, and back to kalla again. Thats it. One note: you can outheal quite a lot, so dont focus too much on condition remove.


*Raids* -> In raids, most of the time you arent responsible for any boons except alacrity. This makes it a lot easier, since you can just start each fight by pressing F4, placing down kalla elite, and autoattack. On cc bar heavy bosses like matthias and samarog, you should bring a shortbow as your second weaponset for another 2sec knockdown (skill5). Also, always make sure to have 20 energy to spare when a cc bar comes up. Either by cancelling your kalla channel or staying on ventari a bit longer. For your energy management, you should always try to use your staff5 on a nearly empty legend, not just after swapping. Im not a fan of using Darkrazor summons for cc, since its 100/second only, and you are already providing 800-1000 with your staff5 and another 200 with shortbow 5.


Traits and legends: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPymctJmiqoVAA-e

Boon duration: 80-100%

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I wasnt quite sure where to post this, its mostly aimed towards the fractals and raids crowd, but since its a class guide.... ;)


Hopefully this will help support players new to revenant get a good start on playing heal renegade in fractals.


Heal herald is more of a niche build, with its problems in stacking might fast. But its on a very good way on replacing druid. Hopefully anet doesnt nerf it again accidentally.


Let me know if I got something wrong or forgot something important.

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It really depends on what you want to do.


In fractals you get 15% boon duration from 150 AR + fractal mastery + 5 stacks mobility potion.


If you want to get most healing, you should go for monk runes and enough harrier pieces to reach the minimum boon duration mentioned. On renegade however, you cant keep up the buff for long, so water runes are imo better suited since you get more boon duration out of them. Revenant already brings 75-95% increased healing to allies with rice balls and transference sigil, so monk runes arent that important.


If your focus lies on buffing on herald, you might want to consider a sigil of might instead of sigil of concentration. Its not necessary, but it makes your life way easier and you can bring Invoking Harmony instead of Tranquil Benediction in Salvation.


The rest is business as usual. Cleric or magi gear for high healing power, Sigil of Transference, riceball food, peppermint oil or bountiful maintenance oil.

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Heal renegade is no laughing matter.

I only have played in in fractals yet, but the healing output is actually insane.

Personally I like to run a different rune and trait-variation tho.



is the build I run and so far im getting very good results on it.


Pack Runes guarantee very high Fury uptime without any active contribution.

You really dont need any sort of Healing Runes. This setup already gives more than 100% bonus healing (which is utterly ridiculous), which results in 8k+ heals from Natural Harmony, ~2.5k healing TICKS from the Kalla Heal and almost 600 Regeneration ticks. Even without Monk/Water runes you will be overhealing like crazy.


Invocation makes Energy Management far less bothersome. And as that means more Soulcleave's Summit uptime, the loss of Assassin's Presence isn't really that big a deal.

Another Plus of Invocation is the essentially 100% regen uptime thanks to Spirit Boon.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

>Yes, I know the tooltip says 5 man, but it behaves a bit weirdly, like it ignores grp affiliation or some such, so its more 10man.


It, like all Kalla spirits, affects the 5 closest allied members regardless of their subgroup.


A lot of people (especially those that don't play rev) don't really understand how the spirit mechanics work and you'll often see a Druid spamming ca4 or a Chrono using shield 4 or something right up ontop of a spirit wasting charges. The more you know. :cry:

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> You said ventari does not offer more sustained healing then kalla or glint. Care to elaborate on Glint part? How to I make glint heal on par with ventari?


With all the healing modifiers and Elders Respite on top your regeneration ticks for 700+. In terms of sustain thats about the same as moving your tablet around constantly, which is your sustained healing on ventari.


You can camp on glint until you need more healing than those 700+ from regen ticks, then you swap to ventari heal everyone up, and go back to camping glint.


Think of it as a druid, but with might on staff instead of avatar abilities. You'd not go into avatar until you actually needed the healing because of the cooldown on it.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > You said ventari does not offer more sustained healing then kalla or glint. Care to elaborate on Glint part? How to I make glint heal on par with ventari?


> With all the healing modifiers and Elders Respite on top your regeneration ticks for 700+. In terms of sustain thats about the same as moving your tablet around constantly, which is your sustained healing on ventari.


> You can camp on glint until you need more healing than those 700+ from regen ticks, then you swap to ventari heal everyone up, and go back to camping glint.


> Think of it as a druid, but with might on staff instead of avatar abilities. You'd not go into avatar until you actually needed the healing because of the cooldown on it.


This confuses me. How are you generating Alacrity by camping Glint?


And as Druid, how do you expect to keep up Might stacks by not going into Celestial Avatar? For that matter, why are you worried about CA cooldown when it's the same as a weapon swap (10 seconds), and just about gives you enough time for a single Axe/Warhorn rotation?

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If you read carefully the last sentence, it will come to you.


And you dont generate alacrity as a herald, thats a renegade thing. Tablet alacrity on ventari is at best a gimmick and not worth it at all. Forget it exists. Radius is too small, energy cost too high, duration too low. I wish Anet would just remove it so players arent getting tricked into thinking thats worth using.

Its on par with engineer getting random quickness that doesnt even cover 60% uptime on 5 players a few patches ago, just for anet to remove it again last balance patch. Totally worthless in PvE anyway.


Here's a tip that will make you a really good herald/renegade healer: Ventari is for burst healing/condi removal. Its not for camping on it or generating boons.

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Well, in fractals or with any knowledgeable group in raids the alacrity on ventari IS worthwhile, especially since healing is often superfluous and between righteous rebel and alacrity from your natural harmony (4 seconds each cast) you can stack a pretty good amount of alacrity duration, losing any worry about losing alacrity uptime should you have phase intermissions where people split apart temporarily.


Even better is that the alacrity is more immediate than a chrono well, and righteous rebel makes the radius of application pretty large and you are mobile with it to top it off.


I thought sustained healing was an issue on renegade until I swapped out Tranquil Balance for Nourishing Roots. 500+ heal ticks from regen for 4 seconds when people slightly panicked and moved out provided more buffer than a conditional 20% healing increase which often wasn't present when you most needed it.


I wouldn't disagree with both an increase to the alacrity and regen provided by ventari traits, however.


More importantly, All For One on the renegade traitline should apply to all legendary stance elite skills to improve healer renegade protection uptimes as that's the most glaring deficiency renegade has compared to druid and firebrand in groups that insist on facetanking everything.


And prot uptime is no trivial matter on weeks with frailty+boon overload or frailty+afflicted on high damage bosses like Artsariiv or Skorvald last phase where if you have an incompetent group it's the burst damage intake that will do those allies in instead of high chip damage, so protection uptime is invaluable in those weeks when it can counter that 30%+ increased damage intake from boon overload.


Where rene has high healing throughput it also suffers from being the healer with the most spike damage intake due to that low prot uptime and lack of aegis/stability that a firebrand provides for example.


It also has more opportunity cost on condi removal as it competes directly with its healing skill for the same resource (and staff skills in general are costly as is ventari's condi removal skill...; I'd say Kalla has by far the most cost efficient way to deal with condi damage via the kalla heal which not only provides good condi mitigation but does tons of sustained healing).


Meanwhile a druid plops down a healing spring and forgets about conditions plust all the water healing field blasts and in an emergency a couple of seed spawns and total emergency an elite spirit active to clean the group up without much issue or sacrifice of healing.


Firebrand is even more obscene than druid but I feel it's somewhat fair because firebrand has no unique offensive utility of its own compared to druid/renegade unless you want to stretch it to guardian being the only reliable stability provider which CAN be interpreted as a DPS boost in CC heavy phases like skorvald last phase, art sariv if the adds are not quickly dealt with, and MAMA last phase. But even then with Artsariv if you're smart you'll know you can stunbreak out of the pointblank knockdown balls with hypernova launch before her stomp if you eat one ball knockdown.


Renegade also has wonderful gimmicks like being able to staff 3 arkk's balls if the group stacks on the rene inside arkk, and im pretty sure the same can be done for artsariv's balls if you don't have ventari's table up for the bubble, but then again that reduces kalla uptime significantly because staff skills for some reason have outrageous energy costs.


Rene's biggest challenge however is training your idiot teammates to look out for ventari tablet and staying near charr warband members if they want any healing.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > Rene's biggest challenge however is training your idiot teammates to look out for ventari tablet and staying near charr warband members if they want any healing.


> If people are more than 360 away from the boss, then they are clearly very inexp...


You'd be surprised.


"Oh, I facetanked an attack that took off half my health, time to panic and spread out and make the healer chase each person individually."


My favorite is artsariv intermission phase on afflicted week or Lyssa Amala on afflicted where these people are peppered in conditions and instead of staying grouped on one target or by the healer if they need heals, they expect you to leave the group and chase their ass instead.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> Well, in fractals or with any knowledgeable group in raids the alacrity on ventari IS worthwhile, especially since healing is often superfluous and between righteous rebel and alacrity from your natural harmony (4 seconds each cast) you can stack a pretty good amount of alacrity duration, losing any worry about losing alacrity uptime should you have phase intermissions where people split apart temporarily.


Putting aside that good grps dont bring a healing renegade, and that you can "prestack" quite enough alacrity on nearly every boss with pressing F4 just before taking singularity and starting boss encounter.

Ventari alacrity is 4 seconds alacrity with 20 energy cost and 1.6 sec cooldown. If you swap to ventari in a fight, you get roughly 90-100 energy until legend swap is up again, so you can buff at the most 20 seconds alacrity, but only that and everyone has to be in a 240 radius of the tablet. Thats barely enough for a quick look at glint for buffing other boons. And not realistic at all. For this to even remotely work you have to bring Core Value + Draconic Echo and either use F2 on glint just before you swap to ventari or just after you swapped to glint. But even then its all very very closely calculated, one clutch situation and your boons tick out immediately. Low duration boon stacks are something that all revenant buff builds suffer from.

On renegade ventari alacrity is superflous. Just another low duration stack maybe replacing one of your F4 stacks. Your ventari uptime is lower anyway on renegade if you are doing it right, and then you want to cast F4 over Natural Harmony, so its quite a lot less on renegade than on herald.

You are deluding yourself if you think you can stack up enough alacrity with Natural Harmony to cover split mechanics. Worse, you are significantly lowering your kalla elite uptime by doing stunts like that.


And might trait? What? Sacrificing bigger radius for might PS warrior and fb already provide more than enough off? Having then to regularly switch to ventari for natural harmony, sacrificing kalla elite uptime for that? Sorry, but no. Just no.


Alacrity on Natural Harmony is just a free bonus, not something even remotely useful. I wish they would remove it and instead increase base duration of F4 alacrity to 2 or 3 seconds. That would help so much more. But Im seeing it already, instead anet will make it 10man :(


As to people panic-spreading. Thats something only bad or new players do. In both my statics (fractals and raids) we've been running with an alacrigade healer for quite some time (well before chrono nerf), and it took just a few days until players started to stick close to tablet for healing, with sometimes even players chasing the tablet and not the other way around ;) So Im quite confident that with some getting used to, fractal pugs will stop panic-spreading and instead trust the tablet.

Its just important for you as a heal renegade to identify the "panickers" and not chase them, you are sacrificing good players for bad player if you do that. A friendly reminder to stay stacked at every boss also helps quite a bit, I noticed. Players that still panic-spread after that reminder just have to die. Theres a big part of the gw2 playerbase that cant learn otherwise, so dont worry about it. Just as a swift kick from group for unacceptable behaviour is way more educating than endless discussions, not rewarding bad positioning is the way to hammer stacking into the brains of gw2 players.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > Well, in fractals or with any knowledgeable group in raids the alacrity on ventari IS worthwhile, especially since healing is often superfluous and between righteous rebel and alacrity from your natural harmony (4 seconds each cast) you can stack a pretty good amount of alacrity duration, losing any worry about losing alacrity uptime should you have phase intermissions where people split apart temporarily.


> Putting aside that good grps dont bring a healing renegade, and that you can "prestack" quite enough alacrity on nearly every boss with pressing F4 just before taking singularity and starting boss encounter.

> Ventari alacrity is 4 seconds alacrity with 20 energy cost and 1.6 sec cooldown. If you swap to ventari in a fight, you get roughly 90-100 energy until legend swap is up again, so you can buff at the most 20 seconds alacrity, but only that and everyone has to be in a 240 radius of the tablet. Thats barely enough for a quick look at glint for buffing other boons. And not realistic at all. For this to even remotely work you have to bring Core Value + Draconic Echo and either use F2 on glint just before you swap to ventari or just after you swapped to glint. But even then its all very very closely calculated, one clutch situation and your boons tick out immediately. Low duration boon stacks are something that all revenant buff builds suffer from.

> On renegade ventari alacrity is superflous. Just another low duration stack maybe replacing one of your F4 stacks. Your ventari uptime is lower anyway on renegade if you are doing it right, and then you want to cast F4 over Natural Harmony, so its quite a lot less on renegade than on herald.

> You are deluding yourself if you think you can stack up enough alacrity with Natural Harmony to cover split mechanics. Worse, you are significantly lowering your kalla elite uptime by doing stunts like that.


> And might trait? What? Sacrificing bigger radius for might PS warrior and fb already provide more than enough off? Having then to regularly switch to ventari for natural harmony, sacrificing kalla elite uptime for that? Sorry, but no. Just no.


> Alacrity on Natural Harmony is just a free bonus, not something even remotely useful. I wish they would remove it and instead increase base duration of F4 alacrity to 2 or 3 seconds. That would help so much more. But Im seeing it already, instead anet will make it 10man :(


> As to people panic-spreading. Thats something only bad or new players do. In both my statics (fractals and raids) we've been running with an alacrigade healer for quite some time (well before chrono nerf), and it took just a few days until players started to stick close to tablet for healing, with sometimes even players chasing the tablet and not the other way around ;) So Im quite confident that with some getting used to, fractal pugs will stop panic-spreading and instead trust the tablet.

> Its just important for you as a heal renegade to identify the "panickers" and not chase them, you are sacrificing good players for bad player if you do that. A friendly reminder to stay stacked at every boss also helps quite a bit, I noticed. Players that still panic-spread after that reminder just have to die. Theres a big part of the gw2 playerbase that cant learn otherwise, so dont worry about it. Just as a swift kick from group for unacceptable behaviour is way more educating than endless discussions, not rewarding bad positioning is the way to hammer stacking into the brains of gw2 players.


In my experience these are the players that eat an Artsariv stomp everytime without using the special key to stunbreak out before her stomp or use no CC on time whatsoever on MAMA and then complain that they don't trust rene/fb comps because they died.


I wish I had the schedule to afford statics in GW2 because quite frankly the pug community in GW2 is by far one of the worst if not THE worst and most narrow minded when compared to my experiences in FFXIV/WOW.


P.S. I never said to use a might trait. I use righteous rebel, not lasting legacy.

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  • 2 months later...

@"Yasi.9065" Is this still relevant after the April balancing? I didn't heal Rene before now or Herald really, but I love the class and wanted to give it a try. Just wondering if there is anything you would change based on the changes to Salvation.

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> @"Ndecent.4903" said:

> @"Yasi.9065" Is this still relevant after the April balancing? I didn't heal Rene before now or Herald really, but I love the class and wanted to give it a try. Just wondering if there is anything you would change based on the changes to Salvation.


You try Renegade?

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