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Fight toxicity in ranked

xp eke xp.6724

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Hey guys,

To be short:

What can the game do?

- don't call ranked, ranked...


Why is that important?

- cause the players get confused. Most think, ranked *is* a competitive mode, cause they get rated. But the game maximal rate the solo performance in a teamgame with no professional structures like: same played gamenumbers, same realistic chances, as less randomnes as possible (whats imposible if you get rated with 3-4 other players you don't know in a *teamplay mode*).


So ranked is more like a playfield everyone can join everytime, then what the name say it should be.


On this points i would:

- just rank tournaments and the top teams are automatically rated for the grand tournament. Like on other professional sports. Means: off-season you sign for your team (+backups) and onseason we have once per week a tournament at the same time. So the teams can prepare themselves and you have options with patching off-season/ one day after a tournament.

- if wanted/needed create a 1v1/2v2 tournament with the same conditions

- our actual ranked, don't rate anything and get called unranked (we still need a solo/duo mode, cause that's the main part of our community)

- the actual unranked, change it to trainingsarea: you can enter as full team vs full team, or go to a instance (allone or with team) to learn different things


Even if you don't rate tournaments, it's enough to stop rating something that doesn't make sence and confuses a part of your playerbase. I promise, it will take a lot of frustration out B)




Ok know what can we players do?

1) be a good idol

2) take time


1) Why?

- cause you *are* a idol, esp for players that solo on ranked, cause thats the only interaction they have. Most don't know that they learned from you

- all people have different mental skills, cause we have not the same base, even at the same culture... So try your best to get/ teach a high baseskill at mentality skills, you think we need.

- If you ignore them it still will affect your game experience... Later or earlier you will also flame/be toxic. Get the distance is a skill that helps, more then ignoring


2) why?

- you can realize, why you enjoy/ like the game

- giving advices helps people that allerady learned to use them, but others need more support, so take time on explaining/advising


To balance a game we need to balance us first ;)


Oh to make it more spectacular, what do you think gona happen first?

- you do something for the game to fight bad habits

- arenanet fix the problem

- non.. but thanks for trying

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I totally agree with you, it's interesting to have tactics pointed out and i liked back in times drawing on the map, saying timekills, etc.


That being said, i'd pesonnaly get rid of the placement games, so that gold division will finally be representative. Most of the toxicity comes from it, because you have players from every single level and experience. I mean, in silver division, most of the wins/loses are understandable because you notice all other 9 players are roughly on the same level. In gold division, especially around 1400, this is really a mess.








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You have some good ideas here. I hate how they do ranked. It just FEELS bad -- especially in a game mode designed for 5-player teams. I do not play nearly enough to stay in platinum and... yes, gold is the most toxic tier... so I usually just play unranked for some quick lulz.

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At all we have different reasons why we play ranked. one of them is to get rated as high as possible, but some of them try hard in a mode, your rating don't rate the players on a competitive way. Esp if you're playing with/against people that only enjoy being sometimes useful or want to relax after working...


It also makes some of them feel like they are something, they don't. Means someone that wanted to relax, starts thinking he plays well and cause of that he is a professional player, but he still doesn't work every day on being a better player or start training himself on a professional way..


So these types can't enjoy the game if they play on this condition and others also can't enjoy the game as long they play with one of these types. So change ranked modes only to tournaments fix those logical issues automatically. => Less toxic :)


Alternatively we all teach others the problem behind ranking and hope to have that base knowledge. Both reach the same goal xD

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Why you think players leave?

Because they get frustrated, mostly.


And what frustrated them?

Playing too much with toxic players,

Or being themselves toxic


So it's not that a leaver ruin the game for everyone, also the triggers that made the player leave :#


And we are back to our topic, what can we/arenanet do, to make pvp less toxic?

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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> Why you think players leave?

> Because they get frustrated, mostly.


> And what frustrated them?

> Playing too much with toxic players,

> Or being themselves toxic


> So it's not that a leaver ruin the game for everyone, also the triggers that made the player leave :#


> And we are back to our topic, what can we/arenanet do, to make pvp less toxic?



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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> Why you think players leave?

> Because they get frustrated, mostly.


> And what frustrated them?

> Playing too much with toxic players,

> Or being themselves toxic


> So it's not that a leaver ruin the game for everyone, also the triggers that made the player leave :#


> And we are back to our topic, what can we/arenanet do, to make pvp less toxic?


What i told you basically, get rid of placement games, especially for gold division.

Season starts, it's a huge mess, everyone is everywhere between 1150 and 1550. People do not understand that they aren't teamed with similar level player and get toxic. Season ends, matchs seem fair for the majority, everyone reached correct rating. New season restarts, it's again a huge mess and there's a lot of toxicity again.


For players, they should chill. Many are giving up too quickly lately. I think it's good to follow what someone suggests in chat ( even if it's bad sometimes) and to keep trying, even if you're tricapped with 100 pts difference.

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1.) Balance on off season, not mid-season. Players doing placements in what they feel is a broken or stale meta leads to frustration.

2.) Remove unranked, and instead have solo ranked and team ranked. team ranked is for 3+, solo is for up to two. Hot joins are currently mostly empty and useless, but have the potential to fulfill the role unranked plays. It's a team based game; I should be able to climb with a team I can communicate with on Discord rather than leaving my rating up to strangers.

3.) Better communication tools / tutorials to help understand how to use the minimap for pvp.



4?) Explore the potential of adding in-game voice coms. Could reduce toxicity by allowing better communication thus less directed at team rage. Could also increase toxicity for obvious reasons.

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First, believe me unranked has it too. Doesn't help. The problem is the personalities involved, and you can't fix that. The kind of person who's so insecure that he needs to either berate everyone else, blame everyone but themselves for falling behind, or brag endlessly etc. isn't going to suddenly learn self-esteem and respect for others because of a change to the PVP system.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Nothing.


> First, believe me unranked has it too. Doesn't help. The problem is the personalities involved, and you can't fix that. The kind of person who's so insecure that he needs to either berate everyone else, blame everyone but themselves for falling behind, or brag endlessly etc. isn't going to suddenly learn self-esteem and respect for others because of a change to the PVP system.


Unfortunatly i'll have to agree with you.

I was away from sPvP scene for a long time (about 5 ~ 6 months) since i really fell in love for WvW. When i came back to this season (to finish my leg armor) i was so sad and terrified how people can't recognize when they are underperforming or give advice to people who are underperforming (instead of just bashing people mid-match).

It's always a teammate fault.

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> @"Boggs.6482" said:

> 1.) Balance on off season, not mid-season. Players doing placements in what they feel is a broken or stale meta leads to frustration.

> 2.) Remove unranked, and instead have solo ranked and team ranked. team ranked is for 3+, solo is for up to two. Hot joins are currently mostly empty and useless, but have the potential to fulfill the role unranked plays. It's a team based game; I should be able to climb with a team I can communicate with on Discord rather than leaving my rating up to strangers.

> 3.) Better communication tools / tutorials to help understand how to use the minimap for pvp.



> 4?) Explore the potential of adding in-game voice coms. Could reduce toxicity by allowing better communication thus less directed at team rage. Could also increase toxicity for obvious reasons.


how do you make teams of 5 when people get into queue with 3 , 4 and 5 people? you dont have groups to complete the 3 man or 4 man teams.

what you can do: make the option for 2/3/5 man teams and a seperate solo queue, no 4 man. OR 1 solo queue and one team queue that allows every teamsize from 1 to 5.

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