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[NA][PvX] Overlords of the Dragons Aether[ODrA]

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**Who are we?**


[ODrA] is a small but growing OCE based guild. We welcome any players;


* New players who are looking for help/advice

* Veterans who are looking for consistent groups to run with

* Veterans who are returning to the game and want to ease themselves back into the community

* Looking for a fun, chill community to hang with? (especially as Path of Fire releases soon)


We welcome you all!


**What do we have?**


* 45+ Players

* Lvl 15 Guild Hall

* Discord Channel (**NOT** a Requirement)


**What do we do?**


Whilst we are [PvX], we focus on [PvE] and [sPvP] but still play a small amount of [WvW].


**What do we offer?**


_Experience in T4 Fractals:_

* We usually run Resets (Daily T4s and Daily Rec), but we can also replay the Daily Fractals with any guildies who are requesting help. We would also be willing to run through other Fractals for Achievements or for Legendary Collection Items.


_Experience in Dungeons:_

* Some people have deemed dungeons as dead and this seems to throw off many new players. Our guild continues to run dungeons, both Story lines and Explorable Paths. Inexperienced and looking for help with dungeons? Perhaps you are returning to the game and want to have a shot at dungeons again? Maybe you are experienced but PUGs aren't as easily picked up now. Anyone out there who want to touch dungeons, [ODrA] is willing to take you in.


_Experience in 40 Farms:_

* 40 Farm is a Fractal farm in which we run through the Tier 2 Fractal Scale 40 (Molten Boss). Generally our desirable team comp is a Chrono, a PS War, and 3 DPS (Usually Tempests). However, we are willing to teach and guide newer players of any profession.


_Experience in Majority of World Bosses:_

* Trying to vanquish Tequatl? Looking to crush the Karka Queen? Ready to quench the Fire Elemental? We occasionally run World Bosses and you can be 100% new, with no clue what to do, or you could be a veteran coming back to have some fun. Either way, we welcome you all to join us.


_Players looking for sPvP queues (Ranked or Unranked):_

* We have played sPvP pre-HoT and have stacked over 3000 games on individual accounts. We have players of (old) Diamond Rank and (current) Platinum Rank. We have casual sPvPers, as well as those who try hard to rank up. If you are looking for a casual PvP group to play with, or perhaps a reliable Duo Queue, we are willing to send help.


_Automated Tournament Teams:_

* On most days, we play at least one Daily Automated Tournament with pre-made guild teams. Whilst we haven't won any yet, we have made it to the finals multiple times and consistently enter semi/quarter finals. If you are new to sPvP, we can teach you class mechanics, map mechanics and rotational knowledge if you put in effort to learn. If you are a more experienced sPvPer, we still welcome you to join us if you have trouble looking for Tournament Teams. All in all, anyone is welcome to join us.


_Guild Missions:_

* We run Guild Missions from time to time, and encourage members to participate (but participation is not mandatory). We take these events as a time of relaxation, connection in our community, and a way of enjoying the game at its core potential. As such, we offer open arms to anyone who wants to join us.




Our Rep Requirement is **MINIMAL** . Only Rep needed during guild run events/guild missions.

Try to keep Guild Chat PG, we want positivity and powerful vibes in our community. Arguments, Rants and Non-Guild related Complaints should be kept out of Guild Chat.

Avoid active discrimination - sexism, racism, hate speech to minority groups.


**Contact Us**

Ingame Names:

* Sir Lambchops.4057

* HadjiBane.5341

* CuddleBunny.6852

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