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Soulbeast: visual effect out of place


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  • 1 month later...

> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Is this ever going to be taken care of? The flowery "morph effect" still looks ridiculous. My Soulbeast ranger is no hippy. :angry: Where is the actual **beast** part?


They have a congruent design choice with soulbeast, it fits the dagger, stance and beast skill visuals.

I have no problem with the leafy animation, but this is probably due to running arround with a stick.

I could agree on toning down the flashy animation but i wouldnt change it.

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> @serialkicker.5274 said:

> It happens to fit my Sylvari. :) But I see your point.


Yes, it's ideal for a _Sylvari_. ;) They could have made different ones for each race then or truly make it look "beastly", symbolizing the connection to your pet. Leaves and tendrils display zero connection to this elite spec.

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> @leasm.1279 said:

> This visual is not even necessary. I know when I'm merged, and party members don't need to know when I'm merged. So, no need for the visual cue.


I agree. The merge effect in pvp just indicates when the burst can be expected. On the other hand, it goes in line with the clearly telegraphed great sword burst and the f3 skill.

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I wouldn't mind it so much if we could DYE the fartshroud so its at least complimentary.... the darned toxic yellow-green completely clashes! It may sound funny but... the darned thing tints celestial dye with that ghoulish hue and it interrupts my Fashion Wars. :D


(only slightly tongue in cheek.)

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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > Is this ever going to be taken care of? The flowery "morph effect" still looks ridiculous. My Soulbeast ranger is no hippy. :angry: Where is the actual **beast** part?


> They have a congruent design choice with soulbeast, it fits the dagger, stance and beast skill visuals.

> I have no problem with the leafy animation, but this is probably due to running arround with a stick.

> I could agree on toning down the flashy animation but i wouldnt change it.


Rangers are, in fact, hippies, and druids are literally Melandru worshippers originally.

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> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> Rangers are, in fact, hippies, and druids are literally Melandru worshippers originally.


Nonsense. I have been playing RPGs since the 1980s, and Rangers are _not_ druids, nor hippies.


Apparently, you also never read the LotR novels or watched the movies, because since when is Strider/Aragon a hippy? :angry:

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > Rangers are, in fact, hippies, and druids are literally Melandru worshippers originally.


> Nonsense. I have been playing RPGs since the 1980s, and Rangers are _not_ druids, nor hippies.


> Apparently, you also never read the LotR novels or watched the movies, because since when is Strider/Aragon a hippy? :angry:


Sorry to disappoint you but rangers are hippies in gw2. Awesomely strong hippies but hippies.


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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > Apparently, you also never read the LotR novels or watched the movies, because since when is Strider/Aragon a hippy? :angry:

> Sorry to disappoint you but rangers are hippies in gw2. Awesomely strong hippies but hippies.


Where did you get that idea from? Merely from the Druid elite spec, where they perverted the Ranger profession? Show me one armor set, one original skill or any kind of proof for your ridiculous claim. Hippies are peaceful, they don't fight. (facepalm) Maybe you need to brush up on common knowledge and what "hippy" means.


Check this out: "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. **Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.**" (Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ranger)


And this:

(Yes, that's _very_ hippy-like.)


> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> Also Strider is definitely a hippie.


Yes, because hippies are deadly fighters with stealth abilities and unmatched weapon skills. Oh boy, please learn a bit about Earth's recent history if nothing else.


Rangers are warriors of the wild, with a strong connection to their environment and survival skills. A hippy is someone promoting love and peace. (double-facepalm)


Also, D&D isn't the only RPG out there, and I was referencing LotR, which isn't D&D. Seriously, you people. Every fantasy RPG has had roughly the same concept for the Ranger class, and none ever said, "Likes to adorn themselves with flowers and promotes love and a peaceful living together (and the smoking of funny substances)."

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > > Apparently, you also never read the LotR novels or watched the movies, because since when is Strider/Aragon a hippy? :angry:

> > Sorry to disappoint you but rangers are hippies in gw2. Awesomely strong hippies but hippies.


> Where did you get that idea from? Merely from the Druid elite spec, where they perverted the Ranger profession? Show me one armor set, one original skill or any kind of proof for your ridiculous claim. Hippies are peaceful, they don't fight. (facepalm) Maybe you need to brush up on common knowledge and what "hippy" means.


> Check this out: "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. **Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.**" (Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ranger)


> And this:

(Yes, that's _very_ hippy-like.)


> > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > Also Strider is definitely a hippie.


> Yes, because hippies are deadly fighters with stealth abilities and unmatched weapon skills. Oh boy, please learn a bit about Earth's recent history if nothing else.


> Rangers are warriors of the wild, with a strong connection to their environment and survival skills. A hippy is someone promoting love and peace. (double-facepalm)


> Also, D&D isn't the only RPG out there, and I was referencing LotR, which isn't D&D. Seriously, you people. Every fantasy RPG has had roughly the same concept for the Ranger class, and none ever said, "Likes to adorn themselves with flowers and promotes love and a peaceful living together (and the smoking of funny substances)."


Nature spirits, pet bonding, summoning a healing spring, communicating with animals, summoning vines etc.

Nothing you would see from a lotr ranger.

Rangers are bonded with nature and not just animals. This includes plants, leafs, vines and flowers.

Thats why we say rangers are hippies, not because they do not fight.

SB visuals fit the theme.


> @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

> Only part of the visuals I don't like are the vines. If they just remove those and keep the rest (green aura, leaves, sparkles, etc.) it'd still be nice.

> https://i.imgur.com/j8bXmsX.jpg?1


Yeah the vines are kinda annoying because they clip into armor.


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A better compromise (imo) is to change the **Animation visuals with the Low setting** to _NOT_ display the vines, leaving only the green aura and glowing orbs. For those that don't know, one can tone down (or up) the Beastmode visuals depending on the Animation setting (only two, Low and Medium/High) in the **Graphics Option**.


Currently, the **Low** setting displays the vines, green aura, and glowing orbs while the **Medium** and **High** setting displays everything - same visuals as the Low setting plus floating leaves. I think this would be better overall.

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i think what the devs were going for is like a magic aura for the ranger with soulbeast and if you think of it like that it does make sence that it looks the way it does. the only other way i would see them changeing it would be if you looked like a hybrid of what you and your pet look like and that would be a lot of hard work to put in for any team. but this is just the way i see stuff for right now. if im rong feel free to try to tell me why.

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Aura change based on pet type is too much of work, especially there are potentially more pet family will be added on up coming expansion. If the aura have to update whenever new pet family is added, actually create unnecessary workload to the art team.


The leaf aura currently fit GW ranger theme, and natural in gender as well. I think if the color can be tone down a bit.

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  • 8 months later...

It is waay too flashy. It has ~~3~~ 4 different particle effects: a bright green mist, glowing orbs floating up, leafes and those bright green whirling branches.

It breaks all fashion and even when you're playing a Sylvari, not to mention other races. And I agree that it doesn't fit the concept of Soulbeast at all.

I don't think it is too much work to tone it down or at least make one sprite for each type (Ferocious, Deadly, Supportive, etc.). Current one being the healing sprite.

It can disappear altogether for all I care.

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> @"Beckett.9371" said:

> It is waay too flashy. It has 3 different particle effects: a bright green mist, glowing particles floating up and those bright green whirling branches.

> It breaks all fashion and even when you're playing a Sylvari, not to mention other races. And I agree that it doesn't fit the concept of Soulbeast at all.

> I don't think it is too much work to tone it down or at least make one sprite for each type (Ferocious, Deadly, Supportive, etc.). Current one being the healing sprite.

> It can disappear altogether for all I care.




And let's not forget about the strange electric humming sound that comes with the transformation. So, let's recap:

* fart shroud = eww

* leaves for a _beast_ transformation = illogical

* electric humming = are we an Engineer now?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > > Apparently, you also never read the LotR novels or watched the movies, because since when is Strider/Aragon a hippy? :angry:

> > Sorry to disappoint you but rangers are hippies in gw2. Awesomely strong hippies but hippies.


> Where did you get that idea from? Merely from the Druid elite spec, where they perverted the Ranger profession? Show me one armor set, one original skill or any kind of proof for your ridiculous claim. Hippies are peaceful, they don't fight. (facepalm) Maybe you need to brush up on common knowledge and what "hippy" means.


> Check this out: "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. **Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.**" (Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ranger)


> And this:

(Yes, that's _very_ hippy-like.)


> > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > Also Strider is definitely a hippie.


> Yes, because hippies are deadly fighters with stealth abilities and unmatched weapon skills. Oh boy, please learn a bit about Earth's recent history if nothing else.


> Rangers are warriors of the wild, with a strong connection to their environment and survival skills. A hippy is someone promoting love and peace. (double-facepalm)


> Also, D&D isn't the only RPG out there, and I was referencing LotR, which isn't D&D. Seriously, you people. Every fantasy RPG has had roughly the same concept for the Ranger class, and none ever said, "Likes to adorn themselves with flowers and promotes love and a peaceful living together (and the smoking of funny substances)."


Oh my goodness...that video brings back so many good memories. The video for Hunter's Call is what made me want to play a Ranger.

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