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Are there any plans in adding "voice packs" for french, spanish and german languages for the future?

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I'm a native Spanish speaker but I love guild wars because of its versatility in languages. Currently, I'm learning French and I'm kinda disappointed that there are only texts in French. :disappointed: I know it would mean hiring new voice actors and adding a really huge patch to the game (and much other stuff that I may not be aware of) but that would really help me to improve and practice my french. And I think that would actually help the other gamers who are learning another of the 4 languages available so far in the game for the same. That's why I'm asking if there are any plans in adding "voice packs" in any near or far future. :)

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Uh, I play with French voices. Check the settings, there is one for the game text, and a different one for the game audio.


Be warned that the game only downloads the audio of the language you have selected, so if changing to French for the first time, you'll need to run the patcher to fetch all the associated files.

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The interface shows me options for audio in French & German. What happens when you select French?



Regarding voice packs: any time it's come up in the past, ANet has said, "no, no current plans and it's not even on the drawing board" to add more voice languages (or more text ones, for that matter).


It's more expensive than it sounds. Suppose they chose not to voice any past dialogue, just future dialogue starting with Expac #3 or LS#6 (since LS #5's voice actors have likely already recorded their work, given how long the lead time is for such things). Then adding just one language to the game means adding two more voice actors, hiring the infrastructure to handle another voice language (directors, writers who can help in the studio), and make them available for as long as the game goes on (or at least, not have to change multiple times). That adds to the lead time of development, since it requires additional coordination.


All of that is _possible_. But the question for a business isn't "will people enjoy this?" Instead, ANet has to ask, "for the extra effort, how many more copies of the game will this sell?" And the answer is: not enough. Be fun to learn different languages through the game, but GW2 isn't in the learning app business. The costs are just too high for the overall benefit.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Be warned that the game only downloads the audio of the language you have selected, so if changing to French for the first time, you'll need to run the patcher to fetch all the associated files.


I didn't know this :o I'll try it ASAP. :D


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The interface shows me options for audio in French & German. What happens when you select French?


The audio just stopped playing. I thought there were no audio for the other languages hahaha. But Skotlex solved my doubt :D


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> All of that is _possible_. But the question for a business isn't "will people enjoy this?" Instead, ANet has to ask, "for the extra effort, how many more copies of the game will this sell?" And the answer is: not enough. Be fun to learn different languages through the game, but GW2 isn't in the learning app business. The costs are just too high for the overall benefit.


Oh I know GW2 it's not an app, site nor a game for learning a language. Wasn't that my intention. What I meant it was that, at least for me, videogames helped me improve my english in the past as I practiced the language while doing something I liked a lot. I want to give that chance to French now. :) But as I told before, I didn't know the audio in those languages were availible. Hehe.

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