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meta vs anti meta


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Next expansion they need to bring back dual classes like in gw1. We need more play options then just the standard single class. If we had more build options like in the past and a better game mode. Maybe just maybe things wouldn't be a joke in pvp. Tho duo que and circlequest are the main issue. Lack of build viability is another big issue.

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I've taken my guild team through a non-meta match where we destroyed the enemy team. We built our toons to counter the meta builds as much as possible. The enemy team was all meta, but they didn't know how to deal with us, as our builds were unfamiliar.


It is possible, but I would not recommend it since meta literally means Most Effective Tactic Available. If you play to win, then you will do whatever it takes to get there.

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you can still do Off meta however the issue is very cut and dry. The lack of skilled players is declining and the lack of wanting to improve as a team or as a player is also very low now days.


Do you know how hard it is just to find 4-5 players who want to actually try to get better/improve in this game lol? It's A LOT of work for a game that offers 0 team rewards or purpose overall.

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Anti-meta is a thing in games where meta builds are not perfect (aka, they have very clear weaknesses that can be exploited) and counters for those weaknesses exist and are strong.


In GW2, meta builds are jack-of-all-trades, master-of-nearly-everything, I-can-one-shot-while-spamming-CC-and-invulnerability-frames builds, so the only to beat them is to overpower them with whatever else is equally broken.

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GW2 had in past anti-Meta builds.

It was where personal skill factor and game knowledge mattered.


But that's in the past.


Currently META builds are bunkers and top dpsers.

Anti-meta doesn't exist sadly.

Custom builds often underperfom too greatly compared to META builds, and make you choke while playing most of the time than have fun.


Unfortunately PoF specs became enormous cancer in PvP mode.

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The anti meta is mostly the meta.


There are two conventions, organized teams and solo. Organized team allows for various comps with various strategies as long as everyone on the team is committed to it. Example from a previous post, running strong roamer builds against FB/scourge combo.


For solo que there is no anti meta. The purpose of the meta, to begin with, is to play builds capable to deal with as many situations as possible. In this scenario, the best anti meta is the meta. That does not mean you cannot make none meta builds work. You can. Problem is there will be more builds that counter you, compared to running a meta build.

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Meta means you found some copy / paste build from a website that says its good. or a youtuber that he thinks is good.. these people are just players like you. so you are calling somebodys opinion which is worth just as much as your opinion "meta"... If you rely on builds that work for other people. you are going to fail. you need to learn a class.. learn all its strong points and weaknesses. and make a build that you are comfortable with. people use these copy paste "meta" builds thinking this is the correct way to play... and lets say they are horrible with that build. wouldn't be meta right?

bottom line is.. don't be a brainless sheep. and don't be lazy :) learn the classes. and if you are weak against another class. play that class and find out what its weak to and adapt to it.

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