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Should I remain Solo?


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My answer: why not both?


Just because you join a guild doesn't mean you still can't run solo. I'm part of a pretty relaxed guild where I have more options in terms of doing group and higher end content but it's not forced nor am I obligated to fulfill some kind of arbitrary attendance requirement. Sometimes I feel like doing group/higher end content like Dungeons, Fractals, and/or Raids and I'll tag along if other guildmates are doing that content. Sometimes I want to run solo and do map completion on my own and my guildmates understand that.


If you do find the right guild, it can really enhance and enrich the overall experience of the game. Sometimes that does involve a little trial and error as well as persistence in searching. It took me a while to finally find a guild where I felt like I could still retain my autonomy when I do feel like running solo.

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i am exactly like you, just playing solo since the start.

i did tried to get some friends to play GW2 but none of them had any long standing interest, so i am pretty much solo 24/7 with an occasional squad play. (and more for world legendaries)

i tried to make guilds to get ppl to join in but i just can't get myself to search for other players, i can't be more careful, don't want some elitists in my guild telling me the worst things.


you can join my guild if you want, seriously don't care how many times you log in or what your commitment is. (the legendary alterans)

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